[zxspectrum] NEWZZZZZZZZ

  • From: "Stefano" <flydream@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <zxspectrum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 13:42:36 +0100

MbIDE: la divIde da collegare alla Mb-02+ (non so se possa interessare a 
qualcuno visto che tale interfaccia si trova solo sui didaktik)

Un interessante fatto a proposito di DivIDE (copio incollo da raww.org)
In the last days somebody at pandora.cz spotted a Polish eBay seller who is 
selling divIDEs for about 60GBP each. Except this quite high (damn high) prize 
there is one more intersting thing on it. These divIDEs with extension by Jarek 
Adamski with more EEPROM and more SRAM (from 128 to 512kB) irritated the 
original author, Zilog. He thinks this extension is not so clean and smart and 
has some suggestions to it:
"i think that this breaks one important compatibility-case, let's
- running software which was snapped while in 128k rom - the firmware
will page the proper rom1 as requested in the snapshot, but due to your
modification, the off-area won't unmap. you must use at least MAPCOND as
well (= never block /M1 when we're already mapped coz we must unmap
yet). personaly i think the 128k BASIC is bad, and the cost of
128k-basic workarounds is higher than the resulting usability.
btw. the usage of unused bits of control port isn't very lucky - the ram
isn't visible equally for each rom page, so there exist "four parallel
sub-divides" instead of one big and powerful divide.
please consider that the combination 11xxxxxx, sent to control port, is
slightly nonsensual.
so, it would be wise to map the extension to this "magic combination"
This could cause incompatibility between further divIDEs made according to the 
original Zilog's concept (and the "right" RAM expansion) and Jarek's project, 
bacause the RAM expansions are planned (and widely discussed) in the Czech 
Speccy community. Time will show how the guys solve the problem, one thing is 
clear - you can't be sure you own the "right one" since now :( 
Alcune informazioni tecnice per la DivIDE:
Sempre di DivIDE e di Z88Dk Sprite pack si parla anche su ZX Magazine
(la prima parte di Z88dk sprite pack si trova qui
http://magazinezx.speccy.org/index.php?revista=13 )

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