[yunqa.de] Re: Unique Index failing?

  • From: Delphi Inspiration <delphi@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: yunqa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 15:24:16 +0100

At 13:31 31.10.2009, Jamie wrote:

>I have a problem where I am seeing duplicate values in a table, which
>seem to contradict a unique index I created at the time the table was
>created.  I am seeing non-unique combinations of a real date/time value
>and an integer value which make up the index.

[ snip ]

>I am ending up with apparently identical date/time stamps for a given
>integer value, such as two occurrences of "4, 2455104.1667".  The
>duplicate times all seem to be at 16:00, 17:30, 19:00 or 22:00.
>I assume that either the raw floating point values are fractionally
>different and I am failing to find a way of displaying them with
>sufficient accuracy to display the difference 

You can never count on double types to determine equality. This is true for 
expressions (xDobule = yDouble) as well as for UNIQUE INDEXes. Reason is that 
SQLite uses regular floating point comparisons. Database comparison often 
suffer from the fact that floating point numbers are just an approximate 
representation of their actual value. This results in accuracy problems as 
described here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating_point#Accuracy_problems.

>(is there a way to see the raw value stored?), 

Double type values are stored and retrieved to and from SQLite unchanged. You 
can of access any double's memory by dereferencing a pointer to its variable 
like this: PDouble(d)^.

>or that I am managing to write some data in a way the circumvents the index?

No, this is not possible.

>Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I suggest you add a floating point collation sequence which compares up to a 
certain number of digits precision only. Here is a the function from my 
DISQLite3 test suite which does just that:

function FloatsEqual(const x, y, Delta: Extended): Boolean;
  Result := x = y;
  if not Result then
      if y = 0 then
        Result := Abs(1 - y / x) <= Delta
        Result := Abs(1 - x / y) <= Delta;
      Result := False; // catch real rare overflow e.g.  1.0e3000/1.0e-3000

The above function is inspired by the one below, taken from the Jedi JCL 

function FloatsEqual(const X, Y: Float): Boolean;
    if Y = 0 then
      // catch exact equality
      Result := (X = Y) or (Abs(1 - Y/X ) <= PrecisionTolerance)
      // catch exact equality
      Result := (X = Y) or (Abs(1 - X/Y ) <= PrecisionTolerance);
    Result := False;  // catch real rare overflow e.g.  1.0e3000/1.0e-3000

For your date comparisons, you need to find the proper Delta / 
PrecisionTolerance based on your DateTime precision requirements. Then register 
the collation sequence with sqlite3_create_collation(), where you can also pass 
the Precision Tolerance if your callback function supports it. At last, 
reference the registered collation sequence when you create your table field 
and / or index.


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