[yunqa.de] Monitoring the progress of a DISQLite3UniDirQuery running a transaction?

  • From: H M <docshotmail2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: DISQLite3 mailing list <yunqa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 15:49:45 +0000

I loop round processing a few thousand  rows of a table and for each one do a 
'Update table...'
Because updates are slow in SQLite I begin a transaction before the loop and do 
a commit after it.
Inside the loop a progress bar is updated.
The trouble is the time taken to do the commit is quite a few seconds and, 
being outside the lopp I cannot change the progress bar while it does it.

Is ther a way to monitor progress of a 'commit' so I may continue to move the 
progress bar? 

pseudo code is

Begin transaction (using DISQLite3UniDirQuery )
for each row in table do
   move progress bar
   do calculations
   send calculations to database via update sql  (using DISQLite3UniDirQuery )
Commit transaction  (using DISQLite3UniDirQuery )


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