[yunqa.de] DISQLite3UniDirQuery results don't match same query run in db manager

  • From: H M <docshotmail2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: DISQLite3 mailing list <yunqa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 13:54:07 +0000

I have some sql that, when run through my db management s/w (SQLiteExpert Pro), 
produces 4 columns of numbers (3 integers and 1 float).
However, the same sql, copy/pasted into DISQLite3UniDirQuery, produces two 
columns of integers and two columns of just zeros!

I don't use persistant fields as the query component is general purpose and 
gets loaded with many different sql statements.

I do have an OnInitFieldDefs event that prevents string truncation as shown 
I have DISQLite3UniDirQuery  -->  TdatasetProvider --> TClientDataSet --> 
TdataSource  --> TdbGrid (as usual)
I noticed that in SQLiteExpert Pro all the columns are left aligned, but they 
contain the correct data, unlike DISQLite3UniDirQuery .
I've had no problems with this component for years and the app I am 
working on currently uses it extensively with no problems until this one.

Anyone any suggestions why it converts the numbers to zero in just two of the 

the OnInitFieldDef code
const MaxStringSize = 300; //used to set string size in the DISQLite3UniDirQuery
                    //the line is AFieldDef.Size := MaxStringSize;
                    //4000 is about 1 page of A4 characters size 12
 case AFieldDef.DataType of
    { TClientDataSet in D4 does not support WideStrings. This works around this 
 problem by changing the ftWideString type to ftString. It has also
    problems assigning ftLargeInt (Int64) to a Variant so scale it down to  
ftInteger. }
    ftLargeInt:  begin
            AFieldDef.DataType := ftInteger;
    ftWideString:      begin
                {$IFNDEF COMPILER_5_UP}
                AFieldDef.DataType := ftString;
                {$ENDIF !COMPILER_5_UP}
                { Increase size for string fields to max possible (default is 
20 and will give truncated strings). }
                AFieldDef.Size := MaxStringSize; //was 20 , changed by hsm 
 end;  //case

 (its the columns NumMeetingCriteria and PcntMeetingCriteria that show zero in 
DISQLiteUniDirQuery but not in the manager)
SELECT   HistoricalKS3Levels.classcode,
         (SELECT COUNT(HistoricalKS3Levels.upn)
         FROM    HistoricalKS3Levels
         WHERE   HistoricalKS3Levels.classcode           = t.classcode
         AND     HistoricalKS3Levels.progresschecknumber = 6
         )                              AS NumStudentsInClass ,

         COUNT(HistoricalKS3Levels.upn) AS NumStudentsUsed    ,
                           WHEN HistoricalKS3Levels.[Points] > PointsMin
                           THEN 1
                           ELSE 0
                  END) AS NumMeetingCriteria,

         ROUND((100.0 * SUM(
                           WHEN HistoricalKS3Levels.[Points] > PointsMin
                           THEN 1
                           ELSE 0
                  END) )/SUM(
                           WHEN Points IS NOT NULL
                           THEN 1
                           ELSE 0
                  END),1) AS PcntMeetingCriteria

FROM     HistoricalKS3Levels
         INNER JOIN
                  (SELECT  classcode                        ,
                           upn                              ,
                           MIN(progressCheckNumber) AS PCmin,
                           Points                   AS PointsMin
                  FROM     HistoricalKS3Levels
                  WHERE    HistoricalKS3Levels.Points IS NOT NULL
                  GROUP BY classcode,
                  ) AS T

         ON       HistoricalKS3Levels.[ClassCode] = t.classcode
         AND      HistoricalKS3Levels.upn         = t.upn

WHERE    HistoricalKS3Levels.progresschecknumber  = 6
AND      HistoricalKS3Levels.progresschecknumber <> PCmin
GROUP BY HistoricalKS3Levels.classcode

ORDER BY PcntMeetingCriteria DESC

I don't use any persistant fields as the query component is used for many 
different sql 


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