[Wittrs] Re: Games with Logic and Bachelor

  • From: "J D" <ubersicht@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 01:02:31 -0000


First, a general remark.  "Family resemblance" is a useful simile.  So too is 
the comparison with tools.  And while it is entirely possible to turn a screw 
with the blade of a knife, you may also damage the knife, damage the screw, or 
cut yourself.

I also note that you haven't addressed or so much as acknowledged my point 
about Wittgenstein's revisions and his laboring over choosing precisely the 
right word or the right phrasing as that point stands in relation to your own 
pretense that it is somehow more "Wittgensteinian" to just talk about "family 
resemblances" to show a causal disregard for standards of correctness.

Note: I am not trying to play "more Wittgensteinian than thou," which I 
consider an utterly asinine form of argument.  But I am asking how you 
reconcile these two things in your claim to be oh-so-Wittgensteinian.

"3. I can't agree with several things you have said about what analytic 
philosophers do with statements like 'If Tiger is married, he is not a 

Are you disagreeing with my contention that they make such arguments as I 
presented?  If so, I can offer citations, but since you then refer to "analytic 
philosophy of this sort", it appears you acknowledge that after all.  But then 
it would appear that you just wish to express your disagreement with such 
arguments.  Well, since I presented conflicting arguments, it should be obvious 
that I disagree with at least some of them as well.

"In fact, this is exactly what the fallacy of analytic philosophy of this sort 
is. It pretends as though the statement is not governed by culture and 
cognition, and that it presents a question that should be resolved mimicking 
science or mathematics."

No doubt that is the case in some cases.  But broad generalizations like that 
aren't very helpful.  In fact, they're quite empty.  "(A)nalytic philosophy of 
this sort..."  What sort?  Well, the sort that does that sort of thing.

And for those who like that sort of thing, that's the sort of thing they like.

One particular argument I presented, the only one I would personally be 
inclined to actually defend, was very much connected to culture.  Namely, the 
role that that concepts like "bachelor", "marriage", "fidelity", "voews", and 
so forth play in people's lives.  How you could say that such an argument as a 
denial of the role culture plays is quite beyond me.

"For the truth of the matter is, that the statement is only governed by sense 
of the expression, and that once the sense is shared, there is no other issue 
other than informational (what Tiger did, what his 'marriage' is like)."

Questions I would include, "Shared by whom?  In what contexts?  On what 

I have not acknowledged the usage, only pointed out that it is a sort of joke.  
Note that Wittgenstein also observes departures from normal usage that make 
sense as jokes.  Metaphor, irony, and various other uses of language are 
parasitic upon literal usage.  That's different from saying that it's all just 
"family resemblance", but it doesn't deny the variety in our usage.

"If we would treat married and bachelors only as predicate-calculators, we 
would have precluded any counter-examples from being shown by virtue of the 
language game being used. We would have shut them out."

If you re-read my remarks, you'll see that I was actually calling you to task 
for that.

"You seem to think that logic has some status over language. I sense this in 
you. You must be a philosophy professor who teaches symbolic logic. Let me help 
you with this: 'I release you.' (You like Lord of the Rings?)"

I've been accused of far worse and on better evidence.  In any case, it would 
depend on what you mean by "logic".  If you mean the subject taught in courses 
in symbolic logic, then certainly not!  In a wider, Wittgensteinian sense of 
"logic" - a concern with those rules that are constitutive of sense - then I 
wouldn't call it a "status over language".  That would be a very misleading way 
of putting it.

I am more of an SF fan but Tolkein is good.  Have you watched Caprica?

"Here's what I think you aren't getting. Definitions don't prescribe the use of 
words, behavior does."

Dictionaries both describe and prescribe.  People regularly treat dictionary 
definitions prescriptively.  In education, in scholarship, in Scrabble 
tournaments... And these activities are of course behaviors.  Marks on paper by 
themselves neither prescribe nor describe but being a dictionary is also about 
being used in various ways and in various activities.  And some of these uses 
are prescriptive.

The fact that language users are also creative and that language evolves shows 
that dictionaries are not always treated as rule books that keep language in a 
"frozen" condition.  But that is not to say that dictionaries are not used 

"What are commonly called definitions in dictionaries are nothing but accounts 
of these uses."

Recall the remark I'd shared about the judge and treating statutes as 
anthropological descriptions or as guides to how he should rule.  You seemed 
enthused about the quote but perhaps you missed the point!

"Sort of like a newspaper for the language game. No one I know of would 
credibly say that if a use was meaningfully understood that it couldn't be made 
because the dictionary didn't yet have it."

Being understood and being correct are not the same thing.  But that was a 
clever seduction on your part.  I depreciated it!

I've already acknowledged non-literal uses.  I also do not deny that language 
evolves.  Nor yet do I deny the existence of slang and idioms shared among 
small communities.  To deny any of those would be exceedingly foolish.  But no 
less foolish would be to ignore the perfectly ordinary distinctions we 
regularly make between correct and incorrect, between standard and nonstandard, 
and between literal and nonliteral usages, and to treat rule as exception and 
exception as rule.

"And so, for the idea of calling Tiger a 'bachelor' to be a joke can only be 

What does that even mean?  What is an example of a true statement that is true 
in some other way than in the particular senses of the words used?

"You are observing a fence again. You use the word 'bachelor' and 'marriage' 
with a fence in both yards. That's fine. You're allowed. Many people do. Your 
point is taken. But what you don't understand is that if people use these words 
without such fences, they too are allowed whatever goals they score"

Your condesension notwithstanding, the idea of what people are "allowed" to do 
is not a concern of mine.  I am concerned with what makes sense and with 
distinctions between different kinds of making sense, not with telling people 
what they are or are not "allowed" to say - as if they would listen to me 

It may be that some of my prior remarks came across as some sort of hysterical 
prediction of sociology-cum-religious-conservatism, viz. "If we allow people to 
call Tiger Woods a bachelor, then the institution of marriage will be 
destroyed, the favric of society will be torn apart, it will be anarchy!"  But 
my remarks were not sociological or anthropological: they were grammatical.  I 
was pointing out connections between the concept of bachelorhood and concepts 
of marriage, fidelity, and so forth, and how treating a non-standard usage as 
standard breaks those connections.

What we mustn't overlook with the Tiger Woods example is that Tiger's marital 
status and infidelity are both common knowledge, thanks to our sensationalistic 
media.  Given this shared background, "Tiger Woods is a bachelor" could not be 
meant to tell us about either: his marriage and his cheating are known to just 
about anyone who would recognize his name.  So the sense of the utterance would 
be an ironic remark on Tiger's behavior: he may be married but he sure doesn't 
act accordingly.  hence, a joke.

But suppose we're talking about someone less famous.  A traveling salesman (to 
reference a vast body of humor) who is married says that he's a bachelor.  Now, 
perhaps he says this to people who know him or who see his wedding band and 
know his profession.  And with further enquiry, he offers something like, "This 
week, I might as well be a bachelor," or "When I am on the road, I live as I 
did when I was a bachelor."  (And this need involve nothing untoward.  Perhaps 
he just means that he eats Chinese take out standing over the kitchen sink in 
his motel room and falls asleep watching TV on the sofa in his underwear.)  
Calling himself a bachelor is then a humorous commentary on his life.  A joke.

But suppose he removes his wedding band and tells people who don't know him 
that he's a bachelor, including women he seeks to bed.  Is he just making a 
joke?  Or is he a damned liar!  Suppose in a court of law, he testifies that 
he's a bachelor.  You're an attorney: tell me how that goes?  Tell me how it 
works out for him if his wife in another state is discovered and he says, "I 
was just using 'bachelor' in a different sense"?  And any married people: tell 
me how it goes over with his wife when she hears about it.

"Aww, Pookie!  I was just using the word in a different sense, y'see.  
Sweet'ums, you're insisting on drawing fences around words, but language 
doesn't really work that way.  It's about 'family resemblances', y'see.  Yeah, 
and dictionaries just describe how people sometimes use words but they don't 
really prescribe anything.  I was just using 'bachelor' in my own personal way. 
 There was no deception, honestly!"

Tell me how things work out for the attorney who is discovered to have advised 
her married client, "Say you're a bachelor.  After all, in a certain sense you 

(I'm not about allowing or disallowing people's choice of words.  But other 
people just might be!)

"E.g., Being married to yourself is a meaningful idea. So is being married to 
work, an expression which is widely in play in the language game. (I myself am 
married to my ideas)."

Yes, there are other uses of the word "marriage". I would not deny that.  
Though I would need some further elaboration to make sense of "married to 
oneself".  However, since you've now acknowledged that calling an isolated word 
(rather than its definition) a tautology makes no sense (would have to be 
understood as some sort of shorthand way of putting it), then the point of my 
remark about marriage to oneself has already been made.

However, note that I took your parenthetical quotation, "Marriage is between a 
man and a woman," as an allusion to controversies over homosexual marriage. In 
that context, the fact that we speak of someone being married to her work is 
quite irrelevant.  It is a question of legal recognition, of changing the legal 
definition.  Saying that Richard is married to his partner Phil just as I am 
married to my work and Joan is married to her political cause would be 
completely missing the point!

"So, the next time you put the Tiger sentence up and call it 'logic,' you may 
want to replace that with sense of expression."

Senses are a concern of logic, in both the technical sense and the wider, 
Wittgensteinian sense.  Do you know who originated the distinction between 
sense and reference (though there were related precursors)?  The logician, 

"Once again, the right analysis is this:"

(I find it exceedingly odd that someone who insists on accusing others of a 
dogmatic reliance on formal logic would so casually speak of "the right 
analysis".  And what follows is not "once again".  You changed what you'd 
written before, without acknowledging the changes and without answering my 
questions about the previous "analysis".  That's fine but to say "once again" 
is simply dishonest.)

"1. If the bearer called TIGER is married (in a sense of that word), he is not 
a bachelor (in a sense of that word). [IT DOESN'T FOLLOW]."

Of course, he could be a Bachelor of Arts.  No one is denying that words have 
different senses.  I am only urging that we keep these senses clear.  I am 
pointing out distinctions.  If it's a different sense, then it's not a 
counter-example to the received definition.

"The Pope example that you exempt..."

I didn't "exempt" it.  But I do consider it a more significant counter-example 
to the standard analysis.  That said, I also think that one could say, "the 
Pope is married... to the Church," or one could say, "Strange as it may sound, 
the Pope is a bachelor."  And I don't insist on either being "correct", though 
for some particular purpose, one might have reasons to favor one or the other.

"...is of the same sort of thing as Tiger."

That rather depends on how one fills in "sort of thing".

"Here is the key to the riddle: the point of 'bachelor' in the language game is 
to denote 'dating eligibility.'"

That is one point.  There are others.

"That's what the idea does in the game, which is all tha matters."

If I were to grant that there were a single point, it would be "eligibility for 
first marriage", not "dating eligibility".  13 year old boys are eligible to 
date, parents permitting, but they aren't bachelors.  Men in cultures where 
marriages are arranged may not be eligible to date, but are bachelors.  
Divorcees are eligible to date but aren't bachelors.

"Question: Did Tiger have a bachelor pad? Answer: he probably did. Does the 
Pope have a bachelor pad? Answer: no. What's the difference? One is eligible to 
date, the other isn't."

One has various means to facilitate dating and the other does not.  And an 
adult man who has never married and lives with room mates or in his parent's 
basement may also lack the facilities but that doesn't make him any less a 

"Asking whether Tiger is a 'bachelor' is a language game every bit the same as 
asking whether a penguin is a bird or a scorpion a bug or a large living-room 
bean bag a chair."

Each of these examples is different.  "Bird" has a zoological definition as 
well as ordinary usage.  "Bug" does not, though "insect" and "arachnid" do.  
"Chair" has no definition in any natural science but large bean bags are 
commonly called "chairs", albeit not prototypical chairs.  These question are 
not "the same".

(Wittgenstein, quoting Kent in Shakespeare's _King_Lear_, considered as a 
motto, "I'll teach you differences.")

"In this language game, the funcion of the idea is present (eligibility to 
date) but the format isn't right (is married). This language game transposes 
form and function. The Pope is the opposite: he is not eligible to date but is 
not married. He has the format of bachelor but not its function. Many family 
resemblance games do this."


"Imagine someone asking inside Tiger's female circle whether Tiger was a 
'bachelor.' What would the inside person say? They'd probably be unsure of what 
to say. They might say, 'he is and he isn't.' Or, he is IN A SENSE. Tiger is a 
family member who you have fenced off with a sharp boundary."

My guess:

First, they would wonder where you had been the past several months not to have 
heard all about it.  Then, if they knew you were informed of the circumstances, 
they would wonder what your point was in asking such a question.  Finally, 
they'd probably think you were attempting to make a joke in very bad taste, 
perhaps at their expense, and might be inclined to slap you.  Or worse.

I do not get the impression that you have anything like the kind of mad skillz 
to talk to women that way.  Your black belt Wittgensteinianism and linguistic 
acumen notwithstanding.

"And by way, calling Tiger a bachelor would not upset anything in the culture 
or the language game. It would overturn nothing. It would simply be another 
case of mix-and-match."

No, it wouldn't upset anything.  But using "bachelor" to mean "anyone who dates 
a lot" and treating that as the standard rather than as some special usage 
would sever a lot of connections to other concepts.  Of course, we would work 
around it, just as we work around "gay" now meaning "homosexual" and "sex" now 
meaning "copulation".  It's a source of muddles but we manage.

One last thing.  I find it odd that after previously insisting that "bachelor" 
was a "tautology" or a "predicate-calculation" or whatever, that you're now 
insisting on complete flexibility in the word's deployment, even to the point 
of apparently denying distinctions one might draw between different usages.  
it's fine if you change your mind, but you may want to acknowledge the change.


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