<USS Meridian> 12/5 Meridian Chat Log

  • From: "Brad Ruder" <groundzero@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ussmeridian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 20:24:57 -0800


Good sim tonight!

- The Captain
You have just entered room "Celestial Prime."
LieutenantMortok: Nuqneh Captain
AlexKilgarran: Evening Captain....
LieutenantMortok: ::Gets some Gagh and blood wine and sits and enjoys::
LtSG F Wilkinson has entered the room.
CaptKylePierce: Evening all! :-)
LieutenantMortok: Nuqneh Frankie :: Still eating Gagh hopes he doesn't call me for a physical::
Anita Tessasohn has entered the room.
LieutenantMortok: Nuqneh Anita
Anita Tessasohn: evening mortok
Anita Tessasohn: :-)
CaptKylePierce: Anita! ::waves::
has entered the room.
Anita Tessasohn: Hi hi
LyrynCate: Guten tag, says the voyeur
LtSG F Wilkinson: Mortok, I don't do the physicals... that's Sarah's job :-D
Anita Tessasohn: *gulp* Physicals?
LieutenantMortok: Well that makes me feel better :: Hopes she forgets siinve i have not had one in a while::
LieutenantMortok: Since*
AlexKilgarran: I thought it was just Rihannsu vessels that every one feared the physicals.....
LieutenantMortok: Guten tag Lyry
LieutenantMortok: n
Oridian Starfire has entered the room.
Oridian Starfire: howdy ya'all
Anita Tessasohn: hey starfire
Sarah L Mollin: Okay, everyone should have our last minute log in their mail now. :-)
Ame Suisei has entered the room.
CaptKylePierce: Heya Ame! :-)
Oridian Starfire
: Mr. Ame
Oridian Starfire: ::nods::
Sarah L Mollin: Sorry about it being in two pieces, it wouldn't fit in AOL e-mail.
Oridian Starfire: uh oh
Ame Suisei: thats okay aol stinks anyway :-P
LieutenantMortok: Nuqneh Ame :: Walks over to Ame with a Padd that has "The Stop the pie war" on It.::
Ame Suisei: brb
Ame Suisei
: i accept mortok
Ame Suisei
: ::hands mortok a creame pie with peace writen on top::
: ::Gets a piece and offers some to the rest of the crew::
Oridian Starfire: rest of our crew is showing up!
Ame Suisei: hi anita! i was wondering if you were dead or not!
Oridian Starfire
: that was a tad too excited, how was everyone's weeks?
Lt Mirrie Dunton has entered the room.
CaptKylePierce: Mirrie!
Ame Suisei
: survivable
LtSG F Wilkinson
: Mirrie!! ::smooch::
Sarah L Mollin
: ::looks curiously at the pie::
Oridian Starfire: Evening Commander
Ame Suisei: barely
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: Evening all :-)
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::smooches Frankie::
LieutenantMortok: Nuqneh Coomander
AlexKilgarran: Rikka>::::whispers something in Sarah's ear as having seen her looking at the pie:::::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Pie?
Oridian Starfire: ::points to Ame::
CaptKylePierce: All right, Commander, if you would please? ::smiles::
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ::raises a brow at Ame::
Ame Suisei: yes?
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ::nods::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ATTENTION CREW... please.
Oridian Starfire: ::AA::
Anita Tessasohn: ::aa::
AlexKilgarran: ::AA::
LieutenantMortok: ::AA::
Ame Suisei: ::aa with a headache in sim and RL::
Sarah L Mollin
: ::blinks to attention::
CaptKylePierce: Ooh! Oridian takes it back! Hoo-ah! ::tosses him a cookie:: Fast on the draw, Counselor.
: How is everyone this week?
Oridian Starfire
: ::smiles:: Back? I thought I had it last week too?
Oridian Starfire: ::also loves cookies::
Sarah L Mollin: Alex and I are prolific this week... and still have Part 3 to write. :-)
LieutenantMortok: Lousy
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Lousy?
Oridian Starfire: AAAAHHHH FINALS WEEK!!!!!!
AlexKilgarran: Prolific? can you say that in an uncenssored sim?
Lt Mirrie Dunton: No... you can't use the "P" word... shhhh
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ;-)
CaptKylePierce: ::grins::
: Yep Lousy
CaptKylePierce: All right, no matter how you're doing, we're going to make it brighter!
: Last time on the USS Meridian...
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ::nods:: oh yes, the Christmas Tree and what's left of the Menorah are here .... ::fiddling with decorations::
Lt Ffej Harak has entered the room.
CaptKylePierce: The USS Meridian completed most of their upgrades and began to prepare for their war game situation with the USS Shasta. The Akira-class vessel has already switched to wargame mode.
: Time to try out these news weapons.
: Questions?
Lt Ffej Harak
: {{i have to say my cousins comp is fubar'd}}
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ((Evening Ffej))
Oridian Starfire: ((hey... ouch))
Lt Ffej Harak: {{oh and evening}}
Ame Suisei
: (( dork's comp is fubar or another cousin's? ))
: (( Nuqneh FFej ))
Lt Ffej Harak: {{dorks}}
: No questions?
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: No questions here Captain.
CaptKylePierce: All right...
: ::standing on the bridge, staring at the USS Shasta on the viewscreen::
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ::heads for Medical to check on the upgrades personally::
Oridian Starfire: ::sits in his quarters, gathering important belongings.::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::double checking the tactical sensors::
Oridian Starfire
: +Pierce+ Starfire to Capt. Pierce.
Ame Suisei: ::walks into the lift:: sickbay...
: ::finishing all the little touches to the new weapons:::
LieutenantMortok: ::Sitting at helm looking over the evasive patterns making a few corrections here and there. And awaiting permission to add them to the ships computer.::
Anita Tessasohn: ::checks engine status::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::exits the lift and enters Medical:: Good afternoon?
AlexKilgarran: ::::on his way to Engineering to scan for borg shaped anomylies:::::
CaptKylePierce: +Starfire+ Go ahead, Counselor. ::sits down::
Sarah L Mollin
: ::comes out of her cubicle to see if she's needed at the moment::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::rings the chime on Frankie's office, not having been greeted by Penelope::
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::sitting behind his desk, hears the chime:: Come in
Ame Suisei
: ::exits the lift and staggers into sickbay looking something like death warmed over then re-frozen::
Oridian Starfire
: +Pierce+ During our excerise against the Shasta is there anything in particular you would like me to be doing?
Joe Neromiger has entered the room.
CaptKylePierce: {{Joe!}}
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ::enters the office:: Good afternoon Doctor, I came to check on the status of the upgrades and installation
Joe Neromiger: ((Have we started?))
Oridian Starfire: ((ohh, re-frozen? sounds lovely, hey joe))
Anita Tessasohn: ::forgot about the biobed in sickbay and sighs:: sentient biobeds, next thing you know, it's a walking hypospray ::struggles to put all the prestine isolinear chips into small repair kit::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ((evening Jason/Joe))
Sarah L Mollin: ::sees Ame:: What's wrong?
LtSG F Wilkinson: Ah, Commander Wilkinson... upgrades are in place.
Joe Neromiger
: ((Guess we have!))
AlexKilgarran: ::::enters engineering....worried about Rikka::::
LtSG F Wilkinson: We're ready to go down here
Joe Neromiger
: ::is in the turbolift, sweat dripping from his fists like a squeezed, damp rag::
Ame Suisei: i have a splitting headache... got some asprin?
: +Oridian+ You could monitor the crew - without interfering with their duties.
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ::tries to hide a smile:: Glad to hear that all is well... we haven't spent much time together as of late. Are you ready for the simulation?
Sarah L Mollin: Hop up on Biobed Three... let's have a look to see what's causing it.
Anita Tessasohn: ::takes kit and walks to the lift. Mutters to self:: that bed better not give me anymore problems... sickbay::
Joe Neromiger: I hate doing this...
Lt Ffej Harak: ::walks down from tactical to helm:: Mortok, I have a tactical idea I want your opinion on. ::holds out a padd with the data::
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: Biobed 2> ::droops when Sarah picks Biobed 3::
Joe Neromiger: Himself> Nah, just keep your cool. Everything's going to be fine.
Ame Suisei: ((brb going to go get me some asprin... heh.. )) ::looks at sarah and the biobeds:: are you certain?
LtSG F Wilkinson
: Can we just escape, and call it a week? ::smiles::
Oridian Starfire
: +Pierce+ Aye sir. Also, should we be expecting any boardings or no?
Joe Neromiger: Easy for you to say...
CaptKylePierce: +Oridian+ Negative.
Anita Tessasohn
: ::opens repair kit:: Holy hand grenade.. check... emergency exorcist tools... check... isolinear bribing chips, check...
Joe Neromiger: ::doors open, ejects himself out onto the bridge, finds the ready-room door::
Joe Neromiger: Just be cool.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::smiles:: That sounds like a lovely idea to me. I understand the importance of these simulations but would much rather they bring in the StarFleet Jockeys and let the crew disappear ::winks at him::
AlexKilgarran: :::heads for a console where he can scan the area;::::
Oridian Starfire: +Pierce+ Alright then sir, Starfire out. ::rises and exits his quarters.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Alas, this comes with the pips
CaptKylePierce: ::watches Joe walk towards the ready room:: Can I help you, Lieutenant?
Lt Ffej Harak
: ::hearing the negative from the captain, turning with a questioning look::
Sarah L Mollin
: Please. Biobed three is perfectly safe.
Ame Suisei: (( holy hand grenade? anita... you've been watching too much Monty Python!))
Anita Tessasohn
: ((oops))
Anita Tessasohn: ((:-P))
LieutenantMortok: ::Takes the padd and looks it over:: Hmm Good Idea
Ame Suisei: (( oh well your forgiven :-P ))
Joe Neromiger
: ::starts:: Ah...uh...oh, hello, sir, didn't see you there. It's just usually that you're in your...um...ready room.
Ame Suisei: ::sighs and feels sorry for the chaos sarah is about to unleash and gets on biobed 3::
LtSG F Wilkinson
: True it does, Commander. Anything else I can do for you?
: ACTION: The Meridian receives the word from the Shasta that the wargame is ready as soon as Meridian acknowledges.
Joe Neromiger: Himself> ::screaming in his mind:: Idiot!
Oridian Starfire: ::heads over towards turbolift:: sickbay.
Anita Tessasohn: ::walks out of lift and enters sickbay. Sees Ame and Sarah at bed 3. Takes a deeper breath:: here we go...
SamDonnerjack: ::finishes the touches, and goes to engineering:::
CaptKylePierce: ::looks into the armrest display:: What's on your mind, Mr. Neromiger?
Joe Neromiger
: Well, uh, sir, I have that simulation of the Prometheus-Akira fight. You should probably see this.
LieutenantMortok: ::Transfures some data to a padd Detailing Evasive pattern Mortok alpha 1 and hands it to Ffej:: Take a look at this please.
AlexKilgarran: :::runs his scans of the area:::::
Sarah L Mollin: ::gives Biobed 2 a pat as she steps over to Biobed 3::
Anita Tessasohn: ::cautiously places the kit on bed2, opens it and takes out the tricoder and several isolinear chips just in case::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::Ponders the question from her husband:: Professionally, no. As your wife.. well, I'm nervous about this.
Ame Suisei: ::is waiting for biobed 2 to go berserk... again.... ::
: ::Turns to the Captain:: Sir The Shasta has informed us that they are ready as soon as he agnoledge sir.
Lt Ffej Harak: ::accepts padd, scanning content:: Interesting, modified Picard manouver?
: Yes.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Biobed 2> ::eyes Anita and wriggles the kit off the bed, then wheels forward over the kit as if to say no, no no::
CaptKylePierce: ::nods:: Thank you, Mr. Mortok.
Oridian Starfire
: ::exits turbolift and heads towards sickbay
Ame Suisei: (( rofl and so it begins ))
: ::reaches out for the information from Joe::
Anita Tessasohn
: ::raises the chips:: quit it, I can give you new chips
Joe Neromiger: I have a fully interactive replay of the sim in Holodeck One.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::sighs:: I need to be back on the bridge. The games are scheduled to start at any moment. ::Kisses him for just a moment:: Good luck Doctor Wilkinson
LieutenantMortok: I got the Idea when I was looking over the tactical database.
LtSG F Wilkinson: Good Luck, my dear.
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: Biobed 2> ::makes a low humming noise::
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::kisses back::
Anita Tessasohn
: ::attempts to take the kit, but bed wont' move:: unless you move, Im not going to give you anymore chips
Joe Neromiger: ::regresses to about age 16:: It's really cool. I enlarged everything and you can walk around the duelling ships...it's great, sir.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::rushes out of Medical and hurries back up to the bridge, her thoughts focued on the simulation::
CaptKylePierce: ::looks over the information::
Sarah L Mollin
: ::picks up a hand scanner and scans Ame::
Joe Neromiger: You can even see little crew members through the windows if you pause the sim ald look hard enough.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Biobed 2> ::continues to hmmm::
CaptKylePierce: ::smiles:: They have fighters, huh?
Oridian Starfire
: ::walks into sickbay and watches biobed 2
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::re-enters the bridge:: Status, Captain?
AlexKilgarran: ::::scowls at the results of his scans:::::That can't be right....
Joe Neromiger: Yeah, Hawk and Rogue.
Anita Tessasohn: ::sighs::: I'll throw in a new gelpack too if you want, now move.. please
Lt Ffej Harak: I can see both tactics working well togeather. leave the inactives in our wake as they give chase, turn it into your modifications. double hit half the time
Joe Neromiger
: ((be right back, OGs))
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Biobed 2> ::doesn't move::
Ame Suisei: ::is wincing in obvious pain::
Joe Neromiger
: ((yeah, back and stuff))
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::takes her seat on the bridge next to the Captain::
LieutenantMortok: Agreed. They won't see it comeing.
Anita Tessasohn: ::bites lip:: fine, what do you want? what? what? a donut?
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ((BRB all))
CaptKylePierce: Mr. Mortok, call the Shasta and ask if they'll be using their fighters.
Ame Suisei
: ((lol no doughnuts for the biobed.. ;-) ))
Oridian Starfire
: ::walks over behind Anita and wispers:: I think it enjoys its freedom
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ((ok BAK))
LieutenantMortok: Aye Sir. +Shasta+ Meridian to the SHasta...Will you be useing your fighters during the engagement?
Anita Tessasohn: ::turns:: Im only trying to fix it. Im not about to retrict it
Anita Tessasohn: it just wont cooperate
Sarah L Mollin: ::puts the scanner down:: It's simple enough... just the cranial blood vessels contracting and dilating out of proper rhythm...
Oridian Starfire: ::smiles:: try being nice to it.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: BB 2> ::Humms and starts to move, then quickly resumes its previous position::
Anita Tessasohn: ::quickly grabs the kit and opens it, taking out the exorcist tools:: Oridian, you a religious person?
Lt Ffej Harak: ::looks up at the captain:: Sir? Am I to understand that there will not be any boarding from the Shasta?
LtSG F Wilkinson
: ::stands and heads out to main sickbay... guessing he is ready for the simulation::
: ::To fej:: I can prob. hide the torpedoes in our wake by useing the warp engines.
AlexKilgarran: ::::presses a few buttons that will redirect the scanners and reruns the scan:::::
CaptKylePierce: ::nods at Ffej:: That's correct.
Joe Neromiger
: If they don't use their fighters, we may stand a chance. Their maneuvers are impecible.
LieutenantMortok: Shasta>+Meridian+ Negitive Meridian. Shasta out.
Oridian Starfire: ::chuckles:: what do you mean by religious Ms. Tessasohn?
LieutenantMortok: ::Turns to the Captain:: Negitive Sir.
Joe Neromiger: We out-gun them. And we're smaller and more maneuverable.
Anita Tessasohn: I mean ::hold up the cross and holy water:: if you have what it takes to drive the.. thing from the bed
Joe Neromiger: ((But of course, no one likes a good challenge, so of course we'll kick their butts...))
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::sees Anita at Biobed 2 with a cross:: NO! I will not have any exorcisms in my sickbay!
Joe Neromiger
: ((Like always...))
CaptKylePierce: See. We'll be fine. They don't usually use support fighters during wargames anyway. Thank you, however, Lieutenant, for your attention to thoroughness.
Ame Suisei
: (( rofl!!! ))
Sarah L Mollin
: I'll give you an analgesic and if the problem continues after you've slept, just come back and we'll see if there's some underlying cause.
LtSG F Wilkinson: Those can be done in Mr Starfire's office
Sarah L Mollin
: ::goes and gets out a hypo::
CaptKylePierce: Mr. Harak, switch to wargame scenario specifications. All tactical array and the shield grid.
Oridian Starfire
: ::turns to Sarah and Ame:: Evening Mr. Suisei and Dr. Mollin
Anita Tessasohn: ::sighs:: Im at my end with this bed, it wont let me scan it, it wont cooperate. Even when Im trying to be nice.. Doctor, just one exorcism, please!
AlexKilgarran: ((If that biobed spits pea soup I am definitely pushing it out an air lock))
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Captain, I've made scones and crepes in honor of today's simulation.
Lt Ffej Harak: Sir. In all tactical encounters with the "Borg" they attempt to board, we can only assume the Shasta will act in accordance to this knowledge.
Lt Ffej Harak
: I'd like to station two security teams in key locations incase such a situation happen. Engineering and one on patrol.
Ame Suisei
: ::looks over at oridian:: morning.....
Joe Neromiger
: ::in a bated voice:: But, sir, if you watch the simulation... the fighters aren't what did the heavy damage...
CaptKylePierce: ::smiles at Mirrie:: Excellent. Raspberry as usual?
: ::::scans show nothing again:::::Must just have been.....
Sarah L Mollin: ::chuckles:: Hello, counselor.
Ame Suisei: (( i think that you should avoid sickbay alex... ))
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: BB 2> ::continues just hmm::
Oridian Starfire: ::turns and looks over again at the biobed:: Dr. Mollin, may I see the scanner please?
AlexKilgarran: ((Now he tells me.... eh?))
Lt Mirrie Dunton: :: nods:: Yes, raspberry crepes, but in honor of the rest of the crew, I've made chocolate chip scones
CaptKylePierce: This is a tactical simulation, Mr. Harak, not a full out assault.
Joe Neromiger
: Kind of...early to be celebrating with crepes, isn't it? I mean...we haven't even started.
Ame Suisei: (( biobed 2 can be quite a handfull... and you keep threatening it... ))
Sarah L Mollin
: ::loads the hypospray with a good analgesic for headaches and applies it to Ame::
Anita Tessasohn: the last time I kicked it... it zapped me... ::realizes that bed2 might zap her again, Anita drops the exorcist tools and goes back for the tricoder::
AlexKilgarran: *Ame*Kilgarran to Ame
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Captain, I would have to agree with Mr. Mortok. When have we known the Borg to NOT board if they found the technology superior?
LtSG F Wilkinson: The Biobed looks fine to me.
Lt Ffej Harak
: ::moves back to tactical and switches to wargame mode. full shields and array:: Aye, sir. Just wanted to anticipate the possabilites. Wargame mode initiated
LtSG F Wilkinson
: You shouldn't harrass it
Ame Suisei
: ::winces at the touch of the hypo-spray:: +alex+ ame here...
: (( Ffej not Me commander ))
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Biobed 2> ::stops hmming::
Anita Tessasohn: Im not, Doctor. I was given the assignment to find out what's wrong with it
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ((Ooops... sorry EDIT: Mr. Harak))
CaptKylePierce: +All Hands+ Red Alert. All hands to battlestations, wargame commencing.
LtSG F Wilkinson
: ::looks to Oridian:: Anything we can help you with? Or will you be assisting during the simulation?
Lt Ffej Harak
: ::activates red alert::
LtSG F Wilkinson
: ::to Anita:: I think that's your call back to Engineering
Anita Tessasohn
: ::nods::
AlexKilgarran: *Ame* I completed the scan we discussed, Chief. Everything checks out. No further signatures are detected.
Oridian Starfire: ::blinks:: Well, I came to ask if you needed any assistance here.
Anita Tessasohn: ::closes kit and walks out to the lift:: Engineering.
LieutenantMortok: ::Powers the impulse Engines::
AlexKilgarran: *Ame*I think it must have just been the upgrades.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ((have you all considered that there might not be anything wrong with it other than it is lovesick? LOL ))
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::To O:: We just might... doubtful we'll have any crazy's during the simulation, but injured is another matter
Ame Suisei
: ::sighs as the pain starts to fade:: it never seems to end... +alex+ understood... thank you alex, go see if sam needs you to do anything... if not get a repair crew together and stand by
Oridian Starfire
: ((meh))
Anita Tessasohn: ((hahah, I'll hook that bed up with a replicator, that oughta do the job))
Anita Tessasohn: ((end it from zapping me))
Sarah L Mollin: ::puts the hypo away:: That should help the pain for at least the next six hours. But if it comes back, let us know.
Ame Suisei: ::gets up:: thank you doctor... i must be going...:: leaves::
Oridian Starfire
: Well, I will be nearby, if you need my assistance simply contact me via comlink, I am more then willing to assist.
SamDonnerjack: :::begins placing modified security codes on all systems, including, voice, and dna and retinal, and even thermal imaging scans for verifacation of identy of anyone tring to access any systems:::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: BB 2> :;droops as Ame leaves::
Ame Suisei: (( i dont think it will do anything anita... ))
: *Ame*Aye, Sir....
SamDonnerjack: ::incase of boarding that is:::
CaptKylePierce: Charge weapons, Mr. Harak. Mr. Mortok, evasive manuevers.
Sarah L Mollin
: ::gives Biobed 2 a reassuring pat as she passes by it::
Anita Tessasohn: ::starts checking systems::
AlexKilgarran: ::::heads for Sam:.....:::::
LtSG F Wilkinson: Thank you, Mr Starfire
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: BB 2> :: H,,s at Sarah::
Ame Suisei: ::heads for the lift:: main engineering and step on it please...
Joe Neromiger
: ::stands idle, sulking neutrally::
LieutenantMortok: Aye Sir :: Goes to half impulse evasive pattern theta alpha two::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::activates sensors and begins broad sweep:: Aye sir. ::charges weapons. leaving two torpedo bays on standby:: weapons ready.
Oridian Starfire
: ::nods as he exits, walking down the corridor::
AlexKilgarran: Mr. Donnerjack... I have completed my scans for the Chief. Is there anything you need assistance with?
CaptKylePierce: Mr. Neromiger, full scans of their shield grids and power systems. If we get a good shot, I want to know about it.
Anita Tessasohn
: ::mutters to self:: need to talk to starfire about sentient beds
LieutenantMortok: ::Sends a message tro Ffej's console:: Beep me before you perform monuver.
SamDonnerjack: Hmm... Just keep on the up and ready.
Joe Neromiger: ::nods and says quietly:: Yes, sir.
CaptKylePierce: ACTION: The USS Shasta lobs four quantum torpedoes at the Meridian. Two impacting and two missing.
Joe Neromiger: ::looms and heads for the science console::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::braces for impact::
Ame Suisei: ::feels the ship shudder:: oh fun... 2 impacts...
Lt Ffej Harak
: ::begins programing targeting locks for the Shasta's Propultion, shields, and weapons. See's Mortoks message and acknowledges with notice to bay 6 and 8 for the duds::
: :::shudders with the impact::::
Ame Suisei: ::walks out of the lift and into engineering:: status report people!
Anita Tessasohn
: ::hold on to console::
Oridian Starfire: ::catches himself as the ship rocks from impact:: Well then, first volley down. ::heads towards engineering::
Joe Neromiger: Himself> Of course no one listens to you. You're not Jason, you're just his subordinate. You're his replacement, his interim. What you say has no meaning. Of course not.
LieutenantMortok: :: Shakes with the torpedoe impacts and goes to evasive delta 4::
SamDonnerjack: ::relates current status to Ame:::
AlexKilgarran: Rikka>::::tossed about somewhere::::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::lurchs to the side:: Shields down to 80%
Joe Neromiger
: ::pulls up scan of the Shasta's shields, watching for any change::
Sarah L Mollin: ::takes the impact in stride, picking both feet up off the floor momentarily and then putting them back down again::
CaptKylePierce: ::holds onto his armrest as the ship shakes::
: Damn, powerful stuff. Atmosphere, Commander? ::looks to Mirrie::
Ame Suisei
: ::walks over to sam:: so no major damage then?
: ::To FFej:: I am Bringing the starboard side to bare close range,
SamDonnerjack: Shields took most of the damage.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: :: nods :: At the ready...
Sarah L Mollin: ~~Rikka, are you all right?~~
Anita Tessasohn: ::checks on weapons systems::
CaptKylePierce: Mr. Mortok, enter a descent trajectory into Tekaris' atmosphere.
LtSG F Wilkinson
: ::hanging on for the fun::
: Mr. Harak, aft torpedoes, full spread.
: ::::monitors the power systems:::::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::targets Shasta's weapon arrays:: Yes sir. :: fires aft torp.::
Ame Suisei
: good... ::glances around:
: Aye sir. :: Changes trajectory and takes the ship to full impulse and aims for the lower atmosphere::
Anita Tessasohn: ::scans propulsion systems::
Oridian Starfire: ::steps into engineering and watches the crew from the entrance, keeping out of the way::
AlexKilgarran: Rikka>:::::hears the voice in her head but doesn't know how to answer::::
AlexKilgarran: Rikka>::::is a bit scared though::::
Ame Suisei: ::hears the doors open and turns and looks:: Mr. Starfire.. can i help you?
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: :prays that this works::
LieutenantMortok: Captain I belive I can distort our sensor image on the shasta by useing the atmophere and the warp engines to make ghosts sir.
Sarah L Mollin: ::can sense Rikka's fear and goes to find her, in one of the cubicles off the back end of Sickbay where she was doing her schoolwork::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::to mortok:: try and flip ship and stay above them keep them worried about the command deck. ::hands dash across console attempting to reinforce upper shielding::
: :::looks up at the question: then goes back to his readings::::
CaptKylePierce: Mr. Neromiger, modify inertial dampers to compensate for the gravitation increase of the planet. ::looks over his shoulder momentarily::
Oridian Starfire
: ::smiles:: Just watching your people perform their duties, I hope I am disrupting anything?
Lt Ffej Harak: ::checks Shasta's shield status:: Shasta's shield down to 85%
Anita Tessasohn
: ::walks over to the other console and checks internal systems::
LieutenantMortok: ::Raises the ship 20 degrees:: Aye Ffej.
Ame Suisei: ::turns and looks at anita:: keep an eye on sheild status, and shove extra power there as needed..
Anita Tessasohn
: ::nods:: yes sir
Joe Neromiger: ::nods and answers quietly:: Yes, sir.
CaptKylePierce: ACTION: Another barrage, this time of phaser fire, hit the Meridian's aft shields.
CaptKylePierce: ::grips again, less of a shake this time around::
Joe Neromiger
: ::taps away, modifying as best he can::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::grips console:: Aft shields holding.
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: BB 2> :: sends a fruit basket to Anita, it appears on her console::
Joe Neromiger: ::pulls up inertial measure of the pull of gravity, applies it to the modifications::
Ame Suisei: ::looks back at oridian:: your not... yet... and i would hope you didn't intend to... ::shifts slightly to keep his balance::
Ame Suisei
: (( lol ))
Oridian Starfire
: ((hey))
Anita Tessasohn: ::powers down several non combat systems and reroutes power to shields::
Joe Neromiger: Himself> You're doing this all too slow. They're gonna get mad at you.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Nice work!
AlexKilgarran: :::braces with the phaser hit:::::
Oridian Starfire: ((thats uncalled for :-( ))
LieutenantMortok: ::Grabs console then closes on the planet:: Sir were in range of the planet.
Joe Neromiger: I know it.
Anita Tessasohn: ::blinks at fruit basket::
Oridian Starfire: ::smiles:: Of course not, I would not have the slightly idea as to what to do.
Ame Suisei: ::turns and walks over to sam:: keep an eye on the engines... okay sam?
Joe Neromiger
: ::finally gets it all in order:;
Anita Tessasohn: ::watches the commotion around enginering and quietly puts the basket under the console::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::retargets to weapon arrays on the shasta:: ready to fire next volley sir.
Sarah L Mollin
: ::picks her feet up again and goes along a few inches above the floor, hurrying to where Rikka is::
Ame Suisei: (( im just reacting to the way you said it ;-) no bad feelings though ))
: How long until we break the upper troposphere, Lieutenant? ::stands and steps down to helm::
Joe Neromiger
: ::to Pierce:: Modifications complete, sir. ::turns his head back to the console, slowly but surely::
SamDonnerjack: :::monitors the engines:::
LieutenantMortok: In 30 seconds sir.
LieutenantMortok: Maintaining speed and course Sir.
Lt Ffej Harak: ::checks shield comparisons and frowns:: Sir Shasta shields back up to 90% ours are still at 80%
: Hull temperature rising Chief..... still with in tollerences.
Oridian Starfire: ((well, assuming i put the negative clause in there would help wouldnt it))
CaptKylePierce: Continue firing, Lieutenant, aft phaser arrays.
: Good work, Mr. Neromiger? Shield inconsistencies?
Lt Ffej Harak
: ::fires phasers, checking shields:: no effect
: Torpedoes, full spread again.
Sarah L Mollin
: ::gets to Rikka and scoops the child into her arms:: Are you okay, Rik? It's only practice. They won't really damage the ship.
AlexKilgarran: Rikka>:::::holding tight to her study carrol:::::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::launches full spread::
Anita Tessasohn
: +Capt.Pierce+ Captain, I've rerouted power to the aft shield. There should be an increase now.
Sarah L Mollin: (( switch those ))
Joe Neromiger: ::looks at Ffej:; Looks like someone's...::grows morose:: already doing that.
LieutenantMortok: ::Begins to decend into the planets atmosphere:: Hold on...
Anita Tessasohn has left the room.
Anita Tessasohn has entered the room.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ((WB))
Ame Suisei: i see... ::watches the others working together::
Oridian Starfire
: ::exits engineering and heads over to towards the turbolift:: Bridge
AlexKilgarran: Rikka>But some one is shooting at us......::::her face is white with fear:::::
Anita Tessasohn: ((thanks))
CaptKylePierce: ACTION: The port nacelle gets hit with a spread of the Shasta's improved quatnum torpedoes. The concentration of energy surges blows out the port nacelle and it starts venting plasma.
AlexKilgarran: ::::rockes with the blast: and detects a spike in the readings::::
SamDonnerjack has left the room.
Lt Ffej Harak: ::grimaces:: half the spread went wide. their shields down to 80%. ::lurches to the side and quickly returns to station:: Port Nacelle's leaking plasma
: ::Shakes with the impact and notes the plasma leak:: Sir were leacking plasma.
Sarah L Mollin: It's only practice, honey. ::cuddling Rikka to her:: We won't get hurt.
CaptKylePierce: Mr. Neromiger! Inconsistencies? ::head darts around::
Sarah L Mollin
: ::isn't entirely certain they won't get hurt, but has to reassure Rikka::
AlexKilgarran: We've been hit in the nacell.... ::::scans again:::
Anita Tessasohn: ::walks over to the other console with effort not to fall::
Joe Neromiger: ::doesn't even look:: No........sir.
Ame Suisei: ::hears the alarms go off:: how bad alex? ::walks over to him::
: We're venting drive plasma.........:::starts pressing buttons to try to seal the leak
AlexKilgarran: :::
SamDonnerjack has entered the room.
CaptKylePierce: Thank you, Lieutenant. Keep looking.
Lt Ffej Harak
: Mortok. initial tactical manouver Ffej Omega five. use the plasma to mask the drop.
Oridian Starfire
: ::braces against the turbolift:: That wasnt good.
Ame Suisei: ::steps over to a nearby panel and re-routes the plasma away from the nacelle:: alright that should hold it till you can seal the leak
: ACTION: Injuries start filtering into sickbay, but they're minor.
AlexKilgarran: :::completes a scan::::We need to get out of the atmosphere.... but carefully. we don't want to ignite it.
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::looks out the window:: Oh my.
Lt Ffej Harak
: ::access the tactical program for remote activation::
Anita Tessasohn
: ::reroutes any power accessible into the shields::
LieutenantMortok: :: Initiates Ffejs monuver::
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::turns to see injured.:: Pick a biobed, we'll get to you as we can. ::figures if they can walk in, they should be fine::
Ame Suisei
: understood alex... +kyle+ engineering to the bridge
: :::works quickly with undertones of frantic to seal the leak::::
LtSG F Wilkinson: Injured 1> Aye, Doctor
: +Suisei+ Go ahead, Chief.
LtSG F Wilkinson
: ::grabs his medkit and starts on the first one.::
Oridian Starfire
: ::exits and walks onto bridge, sitting in the back and watching carefully::
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::scans:: Where does it hurt?
: Commander, ideas?
: Rikka>:::looks at Sarah::::Are you scared too, Sarah?
Joe Neromiger: Himself> You're nothing to them.
LieutenantMortok: ::Makes sure the plasma covers the torpedoes::
Joe Neromiger: No, I'm not.
LtSG F Wilkinson: Injured 2> ::holds out hand:: Two fingers
Ame Suisei
: +kyle+ you may have noticed, but we are leaking drive plasma into the atmosphere... we need to leave the atmosphere carefully and not ignite it...
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: what about using the atmosphere as an echo of out true position?
Anita Tessasohn: ::attempts to cover any EPS conduit that might blow. begins internal scan::
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::scans:: Ah, only stoved... this will only hurt for a few minutes.. ::grabs and pulls::
Sarah L Mollin
: ::still holding Rikka:: I'm worried... but not too scared. Just worried. Let's go see if there are any patients needing help, hmm? ::puts Rikka down and takes her hand to lead her back into Sickbay::
LtSG F Wilkinson: Injured 2> Ow.
: Rikka>:::follows with Sarah::::
CaptKylePierce: ACTION: The plasma leak suddenly seals - thank you new upgrades. ::shimmer shimmer, sparkle sparkle::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::locks targets onto the shasta's shield array's port and aft:: ready to fire once we clear the plasma.
LtSG F Wilkinson
: Injured 2> Oh, much better... thanks Doc.
Oridian Starfire
: ((pretty...))
AlexKilgarran: Got it.... Leak is seal......
CaptKylePierce: ::looks at Mirrie:: Using the particles in the atmosphere as a backdrop for altered sensor readings?
LtSG F Wilkinson
: Injured 2> :::gets up and heads out::
Joe Neromiger
: I am nothing to these people. They look past me as they would look past a tree in a forest.
LtSG F Wilkinson: Frankie> Next!
Joe Neromiger
: Like a mannequin in a clothing store.
AlexKilgarran: ((err sealed.......))
LieutenantMortok: ::Begins to raise the nose of the ship and level out into the lower atmosphere:: Air Were in a low orbit Sir.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::nods:: plus the plasma too...
AlexKilgarran: ((either that or the nacell now has a ball on its nose:-))
Sarah L Mollin: ::comes into main Sickbay and sets Rikka on a nurse's stool in a corner:: Stay there, and if I need your help, you can help me.
Joe Neromiger: Like........nothing.
CaptKylePierce: Take us up again, Lieutenant. Mr. Neromiger, modify the deflector to accept the plasma particles as spatial markers. Then, overlay that with our current specifications. Prepare to lay down the mesh.
Ame Suisei
: +kyle+ leak is sealed sir.. though be carefull... we dont want to go through that cloud as it's rather explosive...
: Rikka>::::nods and sits still....and watches:::::
Ame Suisei: (( man my brain hurts.. ))
Joe Neromiger
: ::feels the weight of the screen's illumination on his face like a heavy mask, feels it digging into his brain::
Oridian Starfire: ::walks over to Joe:: Mr. Neromiger, I surely hope your not speaking about this ship's crewmembers.
Anita Tessasohn: ::goes and picks up the basket and quietly moves it away from previous console:: wonder who sent it...
Sarah L Mollin: ::goes to treat patients as they come in::
Anita Tessasohn: ::gets back to work::
LtSG F Wilkinson: Injured 3> ::takes a seat on the biobed:: I think my arm is broken, Doc.
Joe Neromiger
: ::listens to the Captain:: Aye. ::ignores Oridian, does as he was ordered::
LieutenantMortok: Aye sir. ::Raises the ship and begins climbing back to space::
AlexKilgarran: ::::has a thought....: and begins to work it up:::::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Oooohhhh... explosive. That is a great idea, non Captain?
LtSG F Wilkinson: Frankie> ::scans:: Sure is.. clean break though. ::gets out bone regenerator::
: Agreed. Get them stranded and we'll ignite it. A lower phaser burst since we're at wargame specifications should provide a disabling effect and end this game.
Oridian Starfire
: ::takes a couple of steps back and continues to watch::
LieutenantMortok: ::Puts us on a course to were if the shasta follows in pusut it would come close to the plasma::
LtSG F Wilkinson: Frankie> ::begins running the bone regenerator over it:: Ah, there ... done. Come back tomorrow to have it checked out.
: ACTION: The Meridian takes another ramming of phaser fire and quatnum torpedoes - the ship shakes violently, more so than the first time.
Lt Ffej Harak: ::checks shielding outputs of both ships:: both shields holding. the atmospheric entry and departure prevented any leadway.
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ::nods:: It's a great plan. I'm sure Mr. Neromiger can make it happen quickly?
LtSG F Wilkinson: Injured 3> Aye, Doc... ::gets up and starts to leave and tilts over::
Sarah L Mollin
: Dr. Wilkinson... ::stops talking and goes to help the tilting patient::
Joe Neromiger: ::is moved by the shaking, but is unaffected::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::knuckles go white with the strain on console:: Shields drops 20%
Oridian Starfire
: ::catches himself again:: Well that was unpleasant.
LieutenantMortok: ::Jolts foward into the console then regains self::
LtSG F Wilkinson: Frankie> ::holds on so not to fall over::
: Rikka>::::holds onto the chair to keep from falling off of it::::
Anita Tessasohn: ::console behind Anita blows, Anita watches her own internal readouts:: EPS ruptures on deck 3 and 4
Anita Tessasohn: Shield generators are failing
Sarah L Mollin: ::might be the only crew member not unbalanced by the shaking because she has other means of compensating::
Joe Neromiger: Himself> "Mr. Neromiger" can make nothing happen quickly. "Mr. Neromiger" is nobody.
Lt Ffej Harak: ::checks ships proximity to the plasma cloud. see's is almost perfect:: Ready to fire full spread, on your command sir
Ame Suisei
: ::turns and sees the explosion:: great... ::hurries over and checks on her:: anita you alright?
Joe Neromiger
: ::aloud and deliberately:: We're losing this game.
LieutenantMortok: :: Notes the shastas Postion to Meridian:: I agree with Ffej Sir.
AlexKilgarran: ::::::turns toward where the console blew::::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ((Then Perhaps Mr. Nobody Neromiger should go find someone in his department who can... can't and won't never accomplished anything :P ))
Oridian Starfire: You are only what you believe yourself to be Joe, people here have faith in you.
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::keeps working on the patients::
Anita Tessasohn
: ::nods:: doing fine, Ame.. we've got power ruptures, and it's spreading quick
CaptKylePierce: Fire, Mr. Harak.
Joe Neromiger
: ((I'm not saying I can't, I'm saying Joe thinks he can't. There's a difference. No need to criticize my character choices, Mirrie.))
AlexKilgarran: We need to reroute through the secondary systems.
Ame Suisei: i see... bring the secondary power systems online and re-route through them
: {{Clearly a joke, Joe. :-)}}
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ::nods at Oridian:: I completely agree with you. Confidence is a strong part of this exercise. ::smiles::
Ame Suisei: (( shesh alex.. let me finish typing lol ))
Sarah L Mollin
: ::looking over a cracked elbow bone:: Dr. Wilkinson, there's got to be a better way to keep people from getting hurt when the ship shakes.
AlexKilgarran: ((sorry ;-) ))
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ((Yes...sorry my :P should have been read as a ;-) :P ... not a :{ ))
Ame Suisei: (( uh isint ninja shrink down here in engineering? ))
Lt Ffej Harak
: ::grins and hits the command keyS. launching full spread and simotanously activating the six torpedos in the plasma cloud:: Cross fire. impact with Shasta in 5 seconds.
: ::As soon as Ffej Fires Goes to full impulse to excape the blast and shockwave::
Oridian Starfire: ((no he left))
Ame Suisei: (( ahhh ))
Sarah L Mollin
: ::making good use of the bone regenerator::
Oridian Starfire: Just relax yourself Joe, you've got the skills and the training to do what needs to be done, just trust yourself.
AlexKilgarran: :::brings up the secondary systems.:::Secondaries are powering up.... should be able to reroute in 30 seconds.
Joe Neromiger: ::not looking:: I didn't ask you.
LieutenantMortok: ::Raises the nose hard and gets altitude quick::
Lt Ffej Harak: This should be pretty. ::watches as the duel spreads impact with the shasta::
Anita Tessasohn
: Im sending some repair teams to seal the ruptures on deck 3 and 4
Lt Ffej Harak: ::checks shield output:: Shast'as shields down to 40%
Oridian Starfire
: You didn't ask anyone Joe, I just answered.
Anita Tessasohn has left the room.
Anita Tessasohn has entered the room.
Joe Neromiger: And uninvited.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::frowns and braces::
Anita Tessasohn: ((grr...))
Ame Suisei: good... ::turns to sam:: sam, go bring up the auxilliary sheild generators...
: ((I thought she was sending some one else... not going herself))
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ((WB again Anita))
Oridian Starfire: ((lol))
Ame Suisei: (( lol and wb anita))
: ::scrambles to bring up the shields:::
Anita Tessasohn: ((grumble grumble, thanks))
Joe Neromiger: ::also monitoring the shields:: And rerouting power back into them.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::looks at the Captain to see how he will react to things on the bridge::
Joe Neromiger: Shasta shields are going back up at a steady pace.
CaptKylePierce: ACTION: The Meridian rides the wave out back into space and the Shasta crawls back out. They send their explosion buoy, which means they've ended the wargame.
LieutenantMortok: ::Exits the atmosphere and begins to go into evasive::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::smiles:: Well played all. Well played indeed.
Lt Ffej Harak: ::checks sensors:: the Shasta yields.
: ::Notes the bouy on sencors:: Sir its Over Sir
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Enough close calls that made it interesting and some great learning.
Joe Neromiger: ((But of course, no one likes complications, so yeah we won because we don't like to lose. Meh.))
Oridian Starfire: ::smiles:: Well, seems you were able to do it in time after all Joe, good job. ::exits into the turbolift::
LtSG F Wilkinson: (afk)
Joe Neromiger
: :;biting out the words:: I did nothing.
Oridian Starfire: deck 4
Anita Tessasohn: ::sends a small team to deal with power ruptures on decks 3 and 4::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::stands and looks at the Captain::
CaptKylePierce: Excellent. ::stands::
: Course Sir?
CaptKylePierce: ACTION: Without warning, the Meridian's fires phasers at the Shasta, fully powered, and launches a spread of torpedoes at it too. The Shasta loses it's starboard nacelle and hull breaches race across it's hull.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::blinks::
Sarah L Mollin: ::sends the last of the patients out, and then starts on the next bunch coming in::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::taps a few keys:: What the?!?
: ::blinks:: What the hell? Mr. Harak, report!
Sarah L Mollin
: ::glances over at Rikka:: ~~You okay there, Rik?~~
LieutenantMortok: ::::Turns to Ffej::
AlexKilgarran: ::::sees the engergy go through the phasers:::::What?
Oridian Starfire: ::stops as he feels the ship lurch slightly:: Odd...
Anita Tessasohn: ::looks at her console as the ship experience and energy spike in it's weapons systems::
LtSG F Wilkinson: {bak}
: Rikka>::::nods: nervously::::
Oridian Starfire: ::continues walking out to his office::
Anita Tessasohn: ::looks up at Alex::
Anita Tessasohn: cut the power off!
Lt Ffej Harak: ::hits a few more keys.:: Sir I just put weapons on stand by. they just fired automatically. attempting manual override now.
: ::Goes to full impulse and brings the ship outr of weapons range::
AlexKilgarran: :::::;presses some buttons to try to cut the power:::::::To late......
Ame Suisei: ::notices the shudders from weapons fire:: hrm... kill the power relays... if you have to pull them out by hand!
: Sir I am takeing us out of weapons range to avoid that again. There now out of range of our weapons Sir.
LieutenantMortok: Shall I hail them sir?
CaptKylePierce: ACTION: Helm control is suddenly lost and the Meridian jumps to maximum warp away from Myria Station and Tekaris heading towards the deep part of the Beta Quadrant and, subsequently, Borg territory.
CaptKylePierce: Yes, hail - what is going on now?
: ::::busy trying to reroute :::::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::hands race across the console, checks sensors:: Sir the shasta is losing orbit.
: ::Tapps several buttons:: Sir I have no Control....
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::frowns and falls into her seat as they jump to warp:: Oh...
SamDonnerjack: :::Glances around::: Why are we activating warp?
Ame Suisei: ::looks at the core:: SHUT IT DOWN NOW!
: :::feels the ship lurch into warp:::::
Anita Tessasohn: ::looks at the core and goes over to the console::
LieutenantMortok: ::Attempts manual override of the engines::
SamDonnerjack: :::runs up and hits the emergency stop on the core:::
Anita Tessasohn: attempting cold shut down of the core...
Oridian Starfire: ::sits down in his office, quite obvious until he looks out his window and sees warp, blinks::
AlexKilgarran: That shouldn't have happened.....
Sarah L Mollin: ::sends another patient home::
Oridian Starfire: ::rises and runs over to the turbolift:: bridge
Ame Suisei: ::heads for the main console:: +kyle+ hey whats going on up there? i thought the war game was over... so where are we going?
Anita Tessasohn
: ::blinks:: I've been locked out
Lt Ffej Harak: ::pulls open the panel at his feet, checking the relays:: What? This isn't right. ::grabs a tricorder::
: Sir were on course for the Beta quadrant sir
Ame Suisei: locked out?!
: +Suisei+ I was about to ask you the same question, Chief.
Joe Neromiger
: ::wide-eyed, looks at sensors......blank:: Sir, the sensors are all offline.
Joe Neromiger: ::simply flabbergasted:: We're blind.
Sarah L Mollin: ::doesn't want to frighten Rikka, but felt the ship go to warp and knows it wasn't supposed to do that::
CaptKylePierce: Get 'em back, Mr. Neromiger! We've got to see what's going on out there. Back-up sensors?
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ::sighs and tries to bring up something on her console::
SamDonnerjack: ::turns to a console, and begins to try and gain access, using all cracking procedures he can think of:::
Joe Neromiger: ::checks:: Those are gone too.
Joe Neromiger: ::tries desperately to get them back online::
Ame Suisei: +kyle+ well we seem to have a big problem... we seem to be locked out.. we're going to keep trying... worse comes to worse we have the manual eject system...
Oridian Starfire
: ::enters bridge and walks down, staring at the screen for a moment:: Captian...
Lt Ffej Harak: ::checks the readings on the tricorder:: Captain! I'm picking up residual traces of the nano-probe technology in the tactical console.
: Any sensors at all? Lateral? Dorsal? The whole system's gone?
: ::presses some buttons to try to eject the core::::
Joe Neromiger: It doesn't make sense! It says they're working, but we can't see anything! It's like a fully functional computer with the monitor off.
Anita Tessasohn: what if we shut the feed direct at the matter/antimatter systems?
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::closes her eyes and hopes that Ffej is wrong::
Joe Neromiger: All of it!
AlexKilgarran: COmputer>Ejection system is off line.....
CaptKylePierce: ::looks at Ffej:: Hell.
Oridian Starfire
: ::blinks::
Ame Suisei: alex, help sam... anita.. get into the guts of the controls and try to restore control...
Joe Neromiger
: Himself> ::tapping furiously at console:: Come on! Come on!
AlexKilgarran: :::goes to help sam:::Aye CHief.
Anita Tessasohn: ::nods::
LieutenantMortok: Toss me the tricorders Ffej.
CaptKylePierce: Check for nanoprobes in the science sensors, Lieutenant. ::to Joe::
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: +Wilkinson+ Frankie, is Medical okay? Do you have power at all?
Anita Tessasohn: ::takes out the panel and begins scanning for infected areas::
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::finishes up with another patient::
Oridian Starfire
: ::turns and exits back into the turbolift:: deck 4.
Lt Ffej Harak: ::toss's Mortok the tricorder::
Lt Ffej Harak
: ::attempts to manualy lock out the weapon systems::
Sarah L Mollin
: ::sees that all the patients are being tended now, and goes to Rikka::
LieutenantMortok: ::Catches the tricorder and scans the helm:: Sam here sir. Helms infected also.
SamDonnerjack: ::noticing the lack of response, noting that now he can not use the ship to diagnose itself, grabs a tricorder, and begins to manually diagnose the engineering bay:::
LtSG F Wilkinson: +Mirrie+ Power as in lights... or anything?
Oridian Starfire
: ::exits and runs over to his quarters::
Joe Neromiger: ::is checking for nanoprobes...find them...hell:: Nanoprobes...positive, sir.
Anita Tessasohn: ::mumbles to self:: this one... ::reaches and is zapped by a forcefield:: what the...?
LieutenantMortok: Sir I can try to send a feedback loop intot the navigational computer and surge the system sir.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: +Frankie+ Power as in console functions, traces of nano-probes, accounting for the entire crew?
Lt Ffej Harak: ::stands.:: Sir. Request permisson to escort Strong to your ready room for some answers.
: Hey Ame, we got little visitors.
CaptKylePierce: God damn it. Mr. Harak, get my Strong.
LtSG F Wilkinson
: +Mirrie+ was gonna say... lights yes.... let us check.
Ame Suisei
: what?!
: :: Hits the nessicary buttons to surge the system and attempts to send it into the nav. comp.::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::Stands::
SamDonnerjack: Nanoprobes are in the engeineering consoles.
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::To Sarah:: Dr Mollin, can you scan the consoles for Nanoprobes?
Oridian Starfire
: ::enters quaters and grabs his two blades, heads out to sickbay::
Joe Neromiger: ::sees his hands shaking:: My God...I...I don't know what to do......
Anita Tessasohn: ::turns back:: the stupid things even erected a forcefield
Lt Ffej Harak: ::nods to Ms Breeze and hurries off the bridge:: +Sec+ Alpha team report to deck 14 room 149.
Ame Suisei
: great... sam go scan the manul eject system.. make sure they havent gotten into that system too...
: ::::looks up::::That is not possible.... we scanned the area there was no Borg activity.
Anita Tessasohn: ::shakes tingly hand::
Sarah L Mollin: ::grabs a tricorder:: Yessir. ::starts scanning::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::Alpha team scrambles as ordered::
Ame Suisei
: ::looks at anita:: go have medical look at that hand
: ACTION: People start coming into sickbay with gray rashes and lookin' partially assimilated.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Captain, if we are infested with these things, then our options may be limited.
Oridian Starfire: ::enters sickbay:: holy god...
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::Frowns::
CaptKylePierce: Agreed, Commander.
Anita Tessasohn
: ::shakes head:: it's fine, Ame, really
Joe Neromiger: ((Holy F*** I take back all that complications stuff))
LieutenantMortok: (( Hey all I gtg for ther Night See ya next week ))
AlexKilgarran: Rikka>:::sees the first few people come in and shrieks::::
Oridian Starfire: ((hehe))
CaptKylePierce: ::frowns::
: ::glances at Anita::: You take care of the core, Im going to rig a remote gamma radiation system(whatever you call that system they deep fry stuff inside consoles with)
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ((Night Mortok, kiss to the baby))
CaptKylePierce: {{Night Mortok!}}
Sarah L Mollin
: ::turns from scanning:: Rikka. Go to my office, NOW. Stay there.
LieutenantMortok: (( i will night all ))
LieutenantMortok has left the room.
Oridian Starfire: ((peace mortok))
Anita Tessasohn: ::nods::
CaptKylePierce: This isn't good. Communications, Joe? ::looks at him, hopeful::
LtSG F Wilkinson
: ::turns and sees the patient::
LtSG F Wilkinson
: (patients)
: Rikka>:::runs off to Sarah's office::::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::arrives at deck 14 right on the heels of alpha team. approaches room 149 and hits chime::
Sarah L Mollin
: ::prays::
SamDonnerjack: ::moves over and starts setting up for the gamma surge thing:::
LtSG F Wilkinson: +Mirrie+ We have a problem
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: Captain, we'll need to focus on the areas of the ship that are not yet affected and see what we can salvage should we need to consider those options quickly::
Joe Neromiger: ::is frozen, spasming with panic:: I...I can't.......
Oridian Starfire: ::helps one of the patients to a biobed:: Where did you come from?
Lt Mirrie Dunton: +Frankie+ Problem? What sort of problem?
Anita Tessasohn: ::walks over and looks at the core status....:: Ame, what about shutting the matter/antimatter feed system?
AlexKilgarran: :::works on the manual system with Anita:::::
Ame Suisei: ::looks around engineering:: alex... go and see if you can access the controls driectly on the anti-matter injectors into the core...
: Communications?!
Joe Neromiger
: ::frantically explodes from his chair and sprawls out against the wall, as if in fear of himself::
LtSG F Wilkinson: +Mirrie+ Incoming patients.... appear to be undergoing ::gulp:: assimilation process.
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ::looks at Neromiger and then at the Captain while she waits for Frankie's reply::
Ame Suisei: just what i was thinking anita...
Joe Neromiger
AlexKilgarran: Aye Sir::::goes to the matter/.antimatter pannel::::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: +Frankie+ Erect a level 10 Forcefield...
CaptKylePierce: Mr. Neromiger, you're relieved. Commander, take science.
Anita Tessasohn
: ::nods and sees the console, frowns at the flickering:: Im losing internal sensors.. this console is being affected
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::sighs, knowing he'll want to help the crew::
SamDonnerjack: ::drags a little cart thing around out of storage, and beings to mess with it:::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::gets no response, unsheaths phaser:: Computer Security override. Harak Psi nine nine.
Joe Neromiger
: ::begins to weep like an abandoned child:: I can't...I can't move....
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::turns to Sarah:: Get yourself and Rikka out of here... be careful... get to Secondary sickbay.. erect the forcefield.
: :::activates the console: and does a check:::::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::nods slowly:: Understood Captain. ::moves to Science::
Ame Suisei: anita... go see if you can limit the matter stream into the core... dont bother with the panel, use the controls on the conduit itself....
Anita Tessasohn
: yes sir
Oridian Starfire: ::turns to Wilkinson:: Anything you need me to do Dr.?
Sarah L Mollin: ::gulps:: Yes, sir. ::as she heads for her office, a shiny bubble of protection appears around her::
Joe Neromiger: ::collapses down to the floor, leaning against the wall, shaking like a leaf in rain::
CaptKylePierce: Mr. Saunders, take Mr. Neromiger to sickbay.
Lt Ffej Harak
: ::enters carefully:: Commander Strong. This is Lt Harak.
: Saunders> ::rushes over and takes Joe's arm:: Come on, Lieutenant.
LtSG F Wilkinson
: ::to Oridian:: Pray
Anita Tessasohn
: ::quickly makes way to the matter stream conduit controls::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::starts tapping the console trying to get Communications online::
Joe Neromiger: ::shakes head:: I don't need to go to...S-s-s-s-s-sickbay. I n-n-n-n-need to go ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-home.
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Captain, I'm not having much success thus far, but I'll keep at it
Sarah L Mollin: ::goes into her office and lets down her personal shield exactly long enough to scoop Rikka into her arms, then puts it up again::
Ame Suisei: the core should be able to hold the raw antimatter... at least for now...
: +All Departments+ All Hands, this is the Captain, do the best you can to isolate the nanoprobes from spreading. Standby for further information.
: ::nods to Mirrie:: Understood.
LtSG F Wilkinson
: ::ushers the crew into the operations area, and erects the forcefield around them::
: :::working frantically to get the system to slow down:::::
Oridian Starfire: ::blinks as he sees Sarah's bubble:: Aye sir, I shall. ::exits sickbay and starts moving about the ship, quickly::
Anita Tessasohn: ::takes out panel and begins working on the matter stream::
LtSG F Wilkinson: (those that are 'grey')
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ::trying desperately to bring up external communication systems or anything else for that matter that doesn't have nanoprobes in it::
Sarah L Mollin: ::gets them into Auxiliary Sickbay, puts up all the containment fields, and takes Rikka into a lifepod, isolating it from the ship's systems and sealing it off::
Ame Suisei: sam how goes the unit (aka the thingy ))
Lt Ffej Harak
: ::checks the room. seeing no one, moves on to bed room. Finding Strong in the floor. rushing forward rolling him over.:: +Medical+ Harak here, medical emergancy in Lt Cmdr Strongs quarters.
: Ame, Ive got it setup, You give the word, ill deep fry all the probes in engineering...
CaptKylePierce: Saunders> Come on, Joe...
: Anti matter injectors are frozen Chief....
Ame Suisei: do it now
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ::paused::
LtSG F Wilkinson: :::paused::
Oridian Starfire
: ::paused::
Sarah L Mollin: ::pawsed::
Anita Tessasohn: ::paused""
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ATTENTION CREW!
SamDonnerjack: ::AA::
Oridian Starfire: ::AA::
Lt Ffej Harak: ::\-/ /-\::
Sarah L Mollin
: ::AA::
Anita Tessasohn: ::aa::
Joe Neromiger: ::AA::
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::AA::
: :::paused:::
AlexKilgarran: ::AA::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Nice role-playing tonight everyone! ::applauds::
Ame Suisei: ::zz::
: Sam! Woo! ::tosses him a cat treat:: :-) ::then a cookie::
: Hope everyone enjoyed that! ::smiles::
Lt Ffej Harak
: {{haha}}
Anita Tessasohn
: ::Nod nod::
Lt Ffej Harak: Honestly, a tad suprized my cross-fire idea worked lol
: More next week, but logs, logs, logs! ::grins:: Right now, I've got a two-parter that I can't wait to read. You guys have characters and I want to know what's going with 'em! :-)
Joe Neromiger: You're not the only one.
Oridian Starfire: well, that was interesting
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::locking himself away in his office::::with a level 12 forcefield... and a plate of crepes::
Lt Ffej Harak
: {{lol}}
Lt Mirrie Dunton
AlexKilgarran: Rikka>:::shivering in the life pod:::::Its frikken freezing in here Mr. Bigglesworth......
CaptKylePierce: I have one announcement for tonight.
Ame Suisei
: hey that was my idea frankie!
Sarah L Mollin
: ::warms the life pod::
CaptKylePierce: Lieutenant JG Alex Kilgarran and Lieutenant Ame Suisei, front and center! ::grins::
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ::looks surprised::
Lt Ffej Harak: anyone in medical. if you want to joint log the strong incedent. i'm free to work something come friday.
Lt Ffej Harak
: {{sorry{}}
Ame Suisei: ::steps to the left::
: Come on, come on, come on. :-)
AlexKilgarran: :::steps forwars: whispering to Ame:::What did we do?
Ame Suisei: ::shrugs:: we let warp plasma into a planetary atmosphere?
: I would like to congratulate you both. Lieutenant Ame Suisei, this is your 60th simulation in a row. Lieutenant Kilgarran, this is your 10th. I award you both with Starfleet Bronze Leaves for Attendance! :-) Congrats!
: Damn environmentalists
Lt Mirrie Dunton: ::applauds:: Nice job!
Sarah L Mollin: ::applauds::
AlexKilgarran: ::;shocked:::: Thanks.....I didn't realize....
LtSG F Wilkinson: ::applauds::
Anita Tessasohn
: ::clap clap::
Lt Mirrie Dunton: Environmentalists> ::protest outside Alex's quarters::
Ame Suisei: only 60? ::Blinks::
Lt Ffej Harak
: (w) one rarely does...
Sarah L Mollin: Biobed 2> ::sends flowers::
CaptKylePierce: ::points to the atmosphere, the plasma fire reads "Klingons Rule, Humans Drool":: I have to talk about Mortok about that, not you. ;-)
Lt Ffej Harak: haha
AlexKilgarran: LOL.....
AlexKilgarran: As Alex's alter ego would say.... I thought it was the Kll'inghanna that drool......
CaptKylePierce: I have nothing further. I'm free to log pretty much all week! Drop me a line to set up an appointment and we'll write. Commander, do you have anything to add?
Ame Suisei
: rofl
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: No... The role playing tonight was superb all around and they did a great job rolling with the surprise punch. That's why this sim is so great ;-)
CaptKylePierce: Then you're free to release them to sanity! ::grins brightly:: See you all next week!
Lt Mirrie Dunton
: ::nods:: CrEW DISMISSED!!!! Have a great week ;-)
Lt Ffej Harak: woo woo
Lt Ffej Harak has left the room.
Ame Suisei: no thanks
LtSG F Wilkinson
: ::is released::
Ame Suisei
: i dont want no sanity
has left the room.
AlexKilgarran: :::is released but stays insane::::
Ame Suisei: ::is not released::
Sarah L Mollin
: ::has been insane too long to be released::
Anita Tessasohn: ::goes for Noir mayhem::

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