[ussbansheec] The Swiftwind Family Fortress

  • From: Andy Maluhia <CaptainAndy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ussbansheec@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 19:05:41 -0400

_ The Swiftwind Family Fortress_
by Aki Midorikawa, Jeff Cameron, and Hakan, Kimi, Kawee, JT, Ellison, & Luna Swiftwind

When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life. ~Antisthenes

The guards at the door of the Swiftwind cabin didn't even blink when the youngest of them, against his father's orders to them, left without an escort. They'd finally caught on and simply nodded a greeting when Hakan slipped out. No, the guards weren't Hakan's problem. His mother was. He loved her to pieces but he wanted to keep his secret to himself, for the sheer pleasure of it, a little while longer before she either found out on her own or he told her and his father. He realized Kawee must have had an inkling that he wasn't acting the same but he also knew she didn't know why. Only Kimi knew for sure though he supposed Nightwalker did. If the old man really did know, he said nothing and left Hakan in peace.

Now that their mother was in the bedroom, Hakan took a few quick steps toward Kimi. "I'm goin' out, Kimi," he said softly.

"Be quick, I can hear Mama coming back out," Kimi warned with a wink and a smile.

"Thanks, sis," he said quickly before ducking past the guards. Once the doors were closed, he nodded at the guards and headed for Aki's place.

Kawee wandered out to the sound of doors hissing and she frowned at her daughter. "Who was that?"

"No one," Kimi said absently as she focused on her bad novel.

"I heard someone go out."


Kawee gave her daughter a hard look, grabbed her coat and pushed past the guards. "Try to stop me," she said firmly, "and I'll set my husband on you."

Hakan let out a soft sigh as he pressed the chime to Aki's door. Meeting her fathers had been alright, even if the one didn't really seem to like him much. He just hoped they weren't in so that he could spend some time alone with her.

It hadn't taken long for Kawee to catch up to her son enough to follow him. Where on Earth was Hakan going? Sneaking out in the middle of the night... Knocking on strange doors... Who did he know? When the door was answered by a small oriental girl who subsequently kissed her son soundly, all she could do was stare.

"They've gone out to find their Romulan friend," Aki chimed as she pulled Hakan inside.

"Not that I mind, mind you," Hakan said with a grin as he wrapped an arm around her waist, "but I wanted to be able to kiss you without one giving me that look."

"I'm their littlest, he's bound to be sensitive," she sighed.

The door had shut but Kawee was left dumb-struck. Her boy had found someone. Was he so ashamed of his family that he couldn't introduce them to her?

"I know," he said with a sigh. "My father's no different. It's just that I've never been on the receiving end of any of it, from anybody. It's a wonder anybody ever came back to our house after the third degree from both of 'em."

"You came back here," Aki said softly. "Or are you just coming back to say it's over? I understand that my family is a bit too weird. I've seen my brothers and sisters lose lovers because of it. So I get it."

"What? Not a chance," Hakan said as he flopped onto the sofa in the main room. Jack wasn't in, her fathers weren't in, and neither were the Romulans so they had the place to themselves. He held an arm out to her, beckoning her close to cuddle. "So they're weird? Big deal. Normal're people you just don't know very well. Three of us've found their other half on the res and that meant three people who had to deal with my parents. Everybody got through it. My folks were devastated when my oldest brother's first wife died."

Dropping down next to him, she snuggled close as she held on tightly. "Am I going to get a chance to be cross-examined by them before you leave? Or is this a secret you want to keep?"

"Of course you are. You've already met my father but not like this and my mother's come now, too. I think they'll love you but I just don't want them to overwhelm you," he said softly after he kissed the top of her head.

"They're not going to," Aki protested softly. "But then maybe your father will think I'm only doing this to get close to you."

"He's never been the cynical sort but...I really hope not. Things get awfully unpleasant when we disagree," Hakan said with a soft snort.

Kawee bit her lip as she stared at the door her son had entered. He would be at least mildly peeved if she just rang the chime but if she stayed out here, she'd have to go home and then explain to JT where she'd been. Better to do that with Hakan and his lady friend, though, if she had to admit it, the woman had looked more like a girl. In fact, she'd be surprised if she was older than sixteen. Sighing at herself, she decided the only way to relieve the curiosity was to knock and ask so she padded over and rang the chime.

Aki opened her mouth to respond that she'd rather they didn't argue over her but the chime rang so she frowned. "I put my fathers on the access code," she said, "so it's not them."

"Visitors? Your supervisor? The Romulans don't look like they've left yet," he said.

"We could go and see," Aki laughed as she climbed to her feet. As the door swooshed open, it was hard to not notice the striking resemblance of the woman in front of her to Hakan and his sister. ~~Hakan... Your mother...~~

~~Yeah, that's her alright~~ He climbed to his feet, staring at his mother as he walked over. A bit flustered, he leaned to kiss her cheek and asked, "Mama, what're you doing here?"

"You snuck out," Kawee shrugged, glancing from her son to his lady. "I wanted to make sure you weren't in some kind of trouble. I can see you're not. Aren't you going to introduce us?"

"Um... come in, Mrs Swiftwind," Aki said softly.

"I'm twenty-nine years old, Mama. I don't need to sneak. I left," Hakan said mildly. He completely left out the part where Kimi threatened the guards if they said anything. Instead, he took Aki's hand and smiled at her. "Papa's kind of already met her but this is Aki Midorikawa. I asked her to marry me."

"That's nice," Kawee said with a soft smile. "A word with my son, please, dear?"

Aki gave Hakan a worried look that asked if she should go.

"She can stay, Mama. I've got nothing to hide from her," Hakan stated, pulling Aki closer.

"Mm-hmm." Kawee crossed her arms and stared right into her son's eyes. "You lied to us and you've put your sister in danger, not to mention yourself and your fiancee. You do realise that you could have been followed, don't you? I followed you. And if you found it easy to get out, I'm sure someone would find it easy to get in. Would you be happy if you came home to find Kimi and your father murdered? How about if you snuck out to discovered your fiancee to be dead?"

"First of all, Kimi and her man know about this. So do the guards. That tells me that they're probably still watching me even if I can't see them or smell them," Hakan said steadily. ~~She has one point, Aki. I can't lose you~~ "And it wasn't all that easy. It took Kimi scaring them and me staring at them."

"Hmph!" Kawee glared harder at him. "And being followed? Don't deny how easy it was for me to follow you. Would it make you feel better if someone killed you as you..."

"Please," Aki cried, clutching at Hakan's hand so tightly it must have hurt him, "stop. Take him home, wrap him in cotton wool and don't let him out again. Please don't let anything hurt him."

"Would it be any different if I got tossed off a horse at home?" he asked, not budging an inch. "Of course there's a simple solution to all this."

"Oh?" both women said simultaneously.

If the situation weren't so serious, he might have laughed at that. Instead, he shrugged and said, "I move over here with Aki til I go home."

"No," Kawee said instantly. "Not a chance. You were intending on hiding her from us, why should you be allowed to hide yourself as well? I've barely seen you since I came here. Am I not allowed to see my own son now he's found a woman?"

"As a matter of fact, I wasn't intending on hiding her. I was simply enjoying a respite from the Marine induced tension," Hakan told her. "And I don't know how Papa's going to feel when he finds out."

"Why is that? You don't think your father will be over-joyed that his son has found someone?" Kawee asked carefully.

"Oh no, it's not that at all," Hakan said, struggling to keep a straight face. ~~Don't worry, it'll be fine~~ "D'you suppose he'd be real pleased though if he sees the same reporter who knocked on the door before coffee and asking for an interview?"

"A..." Kawee turned to stare at Aki then let out a bright laugh. "You're braver than most people I know. Even the formidable Pim won't go near him at that time of the morning."

"She knows Aunt Pim, Mama," Hakan said with a touch of pride, hugging Aki closer with one arm. ~~You alright, Vehpotse?~~

~~You want to stay with me~~ Aki stared about in a kind of vague trance with a soft smile on her face. ~~I've never lived with a man like this before. You really want to, don't you?~~

~~Yes, I do. You know I have to go home eventually but I want to stay with you til I do. Ne mohotatse, Aki~~

There was something else going on, Kawee could almost sense it but she knew her limit with her son was fast approaching. "There's one thing you can do to coddle me," she said with a fond smile. "Bring the girl back to your father's cabin."

Hakan bit back a grumble of annoyance. Talk about not having any freedom, he thought. Bad enough the whole station was making him claustrophobic with its lack of fresh air. But it wasn't his decision. ~~Aki?~~

~~Do you want to hide me away? Are you... ashamed of loving the reporter or someone so young?~~ She stared at her shoes as she held onto him, knowing he wasn't ashamed but still not sure why he didn't want to introduce her. To her, family was about sharing. Wasn't it to him?

~~Of course not! I'd marry you right this second if I didn't think your father would have a fit~~ He stroked her shoulder gently. ~~Your age and your job have nothing t'do with it. I don't want Papa thinking he can tell you you can't leave either though.~~

~~Why would he do that?~~  Aki blinked up at him.

Huffing to herself, Kawee bustled past the pair of them and headed to where she hoped the kettle was. "I'm making tea because I feel like a spare tyre."

Hakan snorted in amusement. "Poor Mama, you know I love you," he said with a smile. ~~Ah, because the cabin's supposed to be locked down tighter than a vault? We can talk to him about it if you want but there's also your own fathers to consider. You want to bring them to meet my parents and sister?~~

~~They're not here and I don't know when they'll be back~~ Aki frowned a little but raised her eyes to smile at him. ~~Does that mean you're taking me to meet your family properly?~~

~~Of course, Vehpotse. There was never a question of that. Are you prepared to deal with my father as my father and not as the general?~~

~~I have been from the moment you agreed to marry me~~ she told him as she hugged him tightly. "I love you, Hakan," she whispered.

"Mama, leave the tea. We're going t'leave Aki's fathers a note and go back to the cabin. Maybe Papa's back by now," Hakan said brightly, as if there was never any tension to begin with.

Kawee sighed dramatically. "My fickle son," she teased as she poured away the tea and Aki wrote the note. The older woman smiled at her, reaching out to hold Aki's cheeks. "So you're the pretty little thing who turned my son's head. I was beginning to worry no woman could. But now I see the great shaman is just as human as the rest of us. Do you think he's still prone to needing his mother now he has everything else?"

"Everyone needs their mother," Aki said softly.

"Mama," Hakan said as he draped an arm around his mother's shoulders, "d'you think I was kidding the other day when I said you weren't getting rid of me? I'm coming home to the res. I couldn't be anywhere else and Aki knows it."

"You're a fool, Hakan," Kawee teased softly as she hugged her son. "But you're my fool and Aki's fool. You look happy."

"I am, Mama," he said softly. "She makes me happy. She knows how I am and takes me that way. My pretty little vehpotse, just like the purple poppy mallows at home."

"I can see how you would see that," Kawee nodded, letting the girl go.

"Come, ladies," he said with a grin, "let's go keep the old man wide awake."

Aki took one arm and Kawee took the other so that they made quite the imposing group as they walked back toward the cabin. "He won't be angry after he's settled down," Kawee said with confidence. "You know your father to be a reasonable man."

"That's funny," Hakan said wryly as he pointed up the corridor, "he doesn't look particularly enthused. Doesn't sound it either."

For there JT was glaring down at the two guards and speaking in that tone of voice that was only this close to actually yelling.

"But he's gorgeous when he's angry," Kawee sighed happily. Letting her son go, she slid up beside the furious JT. "Don't eat them, my love, they won't taste good."

JT wondered if a person's head could actually explode from sheer, outright anger. He'd been that close to actually yelling at the two guards when Kawee slipped her arm around him. He turned around and settled those dark eyes on her, feeling a bit of the weight of worry fall off of him. "Where have you been?"

"Around," she said easily, grinning at his almost purple face. She placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "I found a wandering man and his new girl."

"What?" he asked before realizing that Hakan was standing there with some girl latched onto his hand. No, not just some girl but..."You?!" His eyes narrowed as he stared at Aki.

~~Shhh...it's okay, Aki~~

"Me," Aki agreed easily. ~~It's fine, it's what I expected~~ "Good to see you again, General."

"Could we all step inside, please?" JT asked easily, not even blinking.

"I thought you said he wasn't going to be angry, Mama," Hakan muttered as he ushered Aki in.

"He'll settle," Kawee said with total confidence in her husband's ability to rationalise any situation.

As soon as the doors were closed behind them, JT stared at the three of them. "I don't much appreciate having my authority undermined by my own family nor do I like the idea that you all could have been killed. What's wrong with you anyway?"

"I wasn't undermining your authority, sir," Hakan said levelly, "I was underscoring my own."

Aki folded her arms as she sat on the first available seat but said nothing, her face totally blank and her thoughts empty.

"But we weren't. Don't you trust us to have at least some common sense?" Kawee asked softly.

JT let out a sigh of frustration and held Kawee close for a moment. "Of course I do but Heckle and Jeckle out there said you threatened to set me on them which means you were going after our boy. Am I right?"

Kawee nodded as she rested her head against her husband's chest. "I wanted to make sure he wasn't in any trouble. He isn't."

"And how are you involved in all this, Miss Midorikawa?" JT asked, finally turning to look at Aki.

Aki turned her empty eyes on the General as she said, "I seduced and manipulated your son." Her cheeks coloured slightly to belie her words. "It's what you're thinking, isn't it? That's what reporters do."

"Don't put words in mouth--that's what reporters do," JT replied.

"Papa..." Hakan began in a warning tone.

"Quiet, son. I asked her, not you," JT said in a conversational tone. He folded his arms over his chest and looked at Aki still. "Well? Can the smart mouthed answers if you please and just give me the truth."

"No, I answer to no one but my own fathers and my editor, and rarely even to him," Aki responded. "If Hakan wishes to explain, he can. As for me, accept me or don't, it makes no difference to me."

Hakan skewered his father with a dark stare but his mouth was bordering on a smirk that he knew would really make him angry. "She's got you there, sir," he said mildly. "To answer the question for her, since she asked me to, what she's got t'do with all this is that I've been seeing her since the day she came here to interview you. No, she hasn't poked and pried for information and yes, I love her. Actually, we're getting married. That's what she's got t'do with it."

~~Thank you~~ Aki wanted to hold Hakan tightly and kiss him for that but she remained where she was, her arms folded and her face paling but blank. "You have your explanation, sir."

~~Always, Aki~~ "Well, sir, is that answer sufficient? Because honestly, I can't stand the thought of being kept behind closed doors like a nun. It isn't right. I want t'stay with her or, if she'll agree, have her stay with us."

"JT?" Kawee nudged.

JT stared at Hakan. He was never under any sort of delusion that his son was merely normal but he was still his son. There had to be some sort of compromise, especially with a lunatic running loose. He settled his eyes on Aki, though. "Well, what do you suggest?" he asked her curiously.

"I will do whatever is necessary to keep Hakan safe," she told him honestly. "Even stay away."

"Listen, darlin', this has become a matter of you being safe now, too. I'm sure you realize that," JT said in a softer tone. "I trust my son's judgement and I don't dislike you. In fact, you really kind of amuse me so you tell me, Miss it's not even sunrise yet, what can I do to make sure you and my son are alright?"

"I honestly have no idea," she admitted. "I am not exactly used to being in this situation."

"Would you object to an unseen guard?" he asked eventually. "Either of you?"

"Depends how unseen they are," Aki said carefully. "Hard to be a reporter with someone obviously following you."

At that, JT looked up at Kawee.  "You remember Stan, Kawee?"

"Not exactly what I'd call an unseen guard," Kawee laughed. "Sweet as anything though, a real favourite with the nurses."

"No, not back then but he's gotten much better. It took me a few days to realize he was even on the station. He's still about as big as a the side of a house but he's gotten much quieter over the years. I think he might be just right for the job," he said with a smile. He was still crouched down in front of Aki. "Trust me on this one, little one, the man I'm talking about's a good Marine. He's quite learned when to keep his eyes open and his mouth shut."

Aki nodded once.  "He'll keep Hakan safe?"

"Well, yeah but that was meant for you, too," JT told her matter of factly. "I know you know a lot about what's going on and now you're really in it."

"I wouldn't be anywhere else," she said softly, her eyes lifting to glance at Hakan.

"And you," JT said to Hakan, finally skewering the younger man with a look full of fond exasperation, "are entirely too old to be sneaking about like a teenager. Promise you won't give Stan the slip at least."

~~And he knows I can~~ Hakan returned his father's look without batting a lash. "Yes. sir, but tell him to watch her first if it comes to it. I got a bit more t'keep me out of the evil eye."

"I can see we will argue over this," Aki sighed. "I am not exactly defenseless. And you are more likely to be targeted."

Hakan grumbled softly under his breath but he finally dropped in an easy position at her feet. Resting his head on her knees, he looked up at her. "I'm easy. If it came to it, I'd come back here. That alright, Vehpotse?"

"Having you safe would be, living without you would not," she said as she stroked his hair. "I would have to come with you."

Watching that, JT slipped his arm around Kawee. "Isn't that a pretty sight, Kawee? They adorable."

"Ha!" Kawee crowed, "I knew you'd be a soft pushover when you saw them like that." Laughing brightly, she tickled JT's ribs. "Silly old man, you're just a romantic at heart."

"When have I not been?" he asked with mock offense. "Our family is my life, Kawee, and you're its heart. Mine."

~~Compromise, Aki~~ Hakan said as he enjoyed her touch in his hair. ~~We both come back here if that happens then you can go back out with Stan. If he's the same as I remember, he's a neat kinda guy.~~ "Papa likes you, Aki."

"So I see," she chuckled as she took some of his hair and played with it. ~~I can live with it if it means keeping you for a little longer~~

"Papa," Hakan said from his comfortable spot, "I think we can both deal with that idea but don't blame me if the guy gets weirded out by me."

JT snorted in amusement.  "That's fair enough I guess."

"But we have t'introduce you all to Aki's fathers. They're on station somewhere."

"Oh sure," Aki groaned, "that'll go well."

"Do I even want to know what's with that tone?" JT asked as he dropped onto the sofa.

"Oh yeah, I'm their regular poster boy kind of guy," Hakan said with a snort.

"Well, sure," JT agreed, "you looked at their girl."

"And he was there when they came round this morning," Aki sighed. "That just didn't go well."

"In which case, I'll promise to be on my best behavior," JT said mildly, "so long as Hakan is."

"And when am I not?" he asked indignantly.

"When you decide to get assertive," Aki giggled, leaning down to tickle him.

~~Told ya I could be overwhelming~~ "Part and parcel of the good genes I got," Hakan said with a grin. "Hey, is Kimi hiding? I want her to meet Aki properly."

Kimi peered out from her room, grinning from ear to ear. "The lil reporter survived, huh?"

"Am I really that bad?" JT asked, looking up at his wife.

"Hey, hemeho, come meet my soon to be wife," Hakan said with a grin. "Aki Midorikawa, this is my third sister Kimimela."

"Hey," Kimi waved, pulling Jeff out of his room after her. "Glad my lil bro got over himself and finally went to meet you."

Aki grinned, kissing Hakan's head.  "Isn't he sweet?"

"Oh, a charmer," Kimi laughed.

Hakan hmmphed from where he was.  "I'm being picked on," he said happily.

"You don't seem to mind so much," Kimi observed.

"Mmm...no, not really. I missed you and I have my vehpotse here with me so I think I can handle it. Aki, the big guy with my sister's her...what is it y'all are anyway? His name's Jeff Cameron and he's a decent sort, right?"

"Oh definitely," Kimi grinned.  "He's my boyfriend.  Sort of..."

"Sort of?" Jeff laughed, pulled her into a hug and kissing her head.

"I think we're going t'have to hand out nametags when everyone's home, Kawee," JT observed. "Good thing Ellison calls his Kimimela Mimi though."

"I told them all," Kimi said quietly.

Hakan looked mystified for a second. "Told who what because I don't think I was here if I missed something."

"I called them, before Mama left," Kimi explained. "Elli, Aiyana, Mahkah, all of them."

"Oh no," Hakan said with a groan. "Don't tell me you told Mahkah I was sneaking out. I'll never hear the end of it."

"Not about you, you silly great moose, about me," Kimi huffed. "They, y'know, didn't know I breathed and such."

Hakan took a lazy swipe at her with his foot but it was off by a wide margin. "Did Elli show you our new niece then?"

"No," Kimi said softly, almost sadly. "Her and her mama were out. He said he'd call back. Guess he's been busy."

JT hadn't been too pleased to hear that Kimi made outside calls but he couldn't fault her for calling home. "Kimi, El's been helping Nameseme with the construction business," he said gently.

"See? Too busy," Kimi nodded with half a smile. "It's fine, Papa, really. I'll call back in a few days maybe. Or, y'know, when we get back to Earth or something. No rush."

"I'll smack that man upside his head if he's being stupid about this, Kawee," JT muttered.

"He isn't," Hakan stated with no doubt. He looked up at Aki and added, "El's the one who kept me and Mahkah from killing each other when Mama and Papa weren't home."

"I'm glad someone did," Aki smiled.

"Do not hit our son," Kawee warned, knowing JT never would.

JT hmmphed at Kawee and hugged her with one arm. "Never have, silly swan lady. Kimi, doll, don't worry. If little brother says it's so, then it's so."

Kimi just shrugged.  "Hakan knows."  Though she sounded slightly doubtful.

"Scuse me, Jeff," Hakan said as he moved himself from his comfortable spot at Aki's knees. He moved to rest his chin on Kimi's shoulder. "Oh, sister dear, your little brother hates the comm with a passion but he loves his sweet little Aki. Call El for me so I can introduce her?"

"Oh brother dear, it's a time of learning new things, so do it yourself," Kimi replied, elbowing him.

Hakan grunted at the well placed elbow then grabbed her hands from around back. "Nice shot," he said with a snort but he left his chin on her shoulder, close enough to whisper in her ear. "C'mon, hemeho, you know I don't do that stuff. Please? El's not afraid of you."

"Not by much," she whispered back sarcastically.  "But for you, I'll do it."

"He won't have t'worry about Papa smacking him in the head if he's being stupid," Hakan grumbled to her but, after kissing her cheek, in a more normal tone, he continued, "Thanks, Kimi. I can't be hiding my Aki, y'know."

Rolling her eyes, Kimi slumped over to the comm unit and dialled in the code for her brother's home. "Done," she called as she slipped away from the seat. "All yours now, bro."

The face that appeared on the screen was not quite like looking in the mirror but Hakan knew it all the same and he grinned when it saw it. Fortunately, it grinned back at him. "Hey, little brat--I mean little brother," Ellison said. "I thought you hated these things."

"I do but I didn't do the coding--Kimi did," he replied.

Ellison, only three years older than Hakan, managed to look entirely like a ten year old boy. "Is she mad at me? I screwed up the code and Luna wasn't home to unscrew it up for me."

"Don't whine," Kawee chuckled as she moved up behind her son. In a softer voice, she added, "I think she's tired of being stared at by her family, Ellison. She wants us to just accept but she expects us to turn our backs."

"Well sure I'm gonna stare at her. I thought she was gone and I'm glad she's back," Ellison stated. "That isn't why I didn't call, Mama. I really did mess up the codes. I got too keyed up y'know. She gonna talk t'me?"

Kimi held onto Jeff as she curled up on the sofa and shook her head. "He can call here if he wants to talk to me."

Turning to stare at her daughter, Kawee folded her arms. "Now that's just childish. Come and talk to your brother."

She shrugged one shoulder and pushed to her feet, her dark eye hard as she stared at Ellison.

He'd heard what Kimi said and Ellison let out a sigh. The thought never occurred to him that Kimi didn't know about his problem. Hakan and his parents certainly knew but it never struck him that his other siblings didn't know. Still, he grinned widely when he saw her. "Kimi! Baby sister, I'm so sorry. There's a good reason i didn't call back but ask Hakan or Mama and Papa to explain. Forgive me? Please?"

"No, Elli, you explain," she said, folding her arms and suddenly looking for all the world like her mother.

Ellison's face took on a detached look as he looked his sister straight in the face. "I really thought you knew this but didn't you ever notice how long it takes me to figure out anything that isn't a blueprint or something solid, Kimi?" he asked carefully. "Never wondered why I did so good at geometry but not at anything that required a lot of reading?"

"No," she said softly. "Why would I? You're not thick so what does it matter if reading's not your strong point. I'm not good at math. What difference does it make?"

"Ah, brains have nothing to do with it, Kimi," Ellison said with a slight smirk. "I can't read things straight sometimes. Even after all these years, if it isn't something familiar, I mess things up." He tapped his temple. "The wiring's not too straight up here. That's why it tales me so long to do things that aren't familiar. If Luna had been home, she would have read me off the code and I would have remembered it. As it was, it got bumped out of the stored list when I called her."

"Oh," was all she said, her eye still slightly distrustful, still waiting for the punch line if not the punch.

"Is that who I think I hear?" a woman's voice called from the background. There was the patter of bare feet on a wood floor and a heavy set woman with her hair in a single braid came into view. Her round face broke into a broad grin when she saw Kimi. "Kimi! I thought he was teasing me when he said our Mimi's auntie was found."

Kimi felt herself smile as she flushed.  "Hey Luna.  Not mad then?"

"Mad? Silly woman, you're my sister by choice, aren't you?" Luna asked as she joined Ellison in front of the comm. Nudging her husband with an elbow, she added, "Poor Elli here was so upset about the codes but you should have heard him, Kimi. He was telling the baby all kinds of stories about you."

Ellison reached to widen the view of the comm so that they could see the baby Luna held in the crook of her arm. Smiling at the sight of his daughter, he looked up at Kimi. "Kimi, this is Kimimela Ominotago," he said softly. "She knows you already."

"She's beautiful, Elli," Kimi sighed. "Just so long as she doesn't become a Marine, she'll be perfect."

"Hey!" Kawee prodded her daughter. "Both my daughter and my granddaughter are perfect and always will be."

"Yeah and my daughter's a Marine and a fine one at that, not to mention being beautiful," JT added.

"Aki, come see my niece and meet my brother and his wife," Hakan said, holding his hand out.

Aki smiled as she slipped over and sat on Hakan's lap. "Hi," she said softly, blushing a little.

"Well it's about time!" Ellison crowed. "Our baby brother finally found some one willing to put up with him."

"Shut up, Elli," Hakan said good naturedly. "Aki, the wise guy on the screen's my second brother and the two lovely ladies are his wife Luna and my niece Mimi. Folks, this is Aki Midorikawa. I asked her to marry me."

"Oh, aren't you a cute little thing," Luna exclaimed. "Don't worry, hun, these Swiftwind men are made of fine stock. They're worth the trouble."

"I know," she beamed. "Besides, I think it was me who asked you to marry me," she giggled, cuddling Hakan tightly.

"Hmmm...she's right about that," Hakan said happily. "When she comes home, she comin' t'stay in Oklahoma, too."

"Oh yeah, my fathers are going to just love that," Aki laughed. "They'll never leave us alone, you know."

"S'okay.  Elli can build on a guest room or three," Hakan said brightly.

"And an office for me and a huge garden for the dogs and cats," she grinned as she started planning.

"Olivia's a foot sleeping kind of critter actually," Hakan said.

"Oh. Her," Ellison grumbled as he rolled his eyes. "She's taken t'sleeping under Mimi's crib."

"Warm and cozy under there," Aki giggled.

"She's being a good Marine mascot is all," JT opined, "following the general's orders to watch the baby."

Kimi wrapped her arms around her father and cuddled him rightly, laying her head on his shoulder. "All Marines gotta do what the General says, right, Papa?"

"Especially when the general would never ask anything of a Marine that he wouldn't do himself," JT agreed, kissing her cheek.

"If you go undercover," Kawee warned, "or put yourself in any more danger, I swear I'll move out. No more, JT, I won't do it any more. If I had my way, Kimi would be out too."

"I'm not doing anything of the sort, darlin'. I think maybe Kimi's had enough, too, but I could be wrong," he told her, hugging her close.

"I want something behind a desk or as a trainer, I can't go back out in the field right now, papa," Kimi said softly.

Kawee leaned close to JT's ear and whispered, "I need to tell you something, love. I need an answer from you about something."

"Alright. Let's go over there," JT said as he stood up. He waved a hand at the young people and said, "We're just gonna go talk about you all a minute."

"Oh great," Kimi laughed, "just don't go all gooey and lovey-dovey, okay?"

"As if we would," Kawee smirked. Taking JT's hand, she drew him to where their children couldn't hear and looked up into his eyes. Her hands rested on his cheeks as she brushed them softly. "I can't do this any more, JT. I see her, my little girl, and all I can think is it could have been you. Or worse, I could have lost you."

He kissed her forehead, not caring whether the kids were watching or not. "I know, baby, I know. What answer is it that you want?"

"What I've stopped myself asking all these years - me or the Marines," she whispered, her eyes tightly shut now as she held onto her husband for dear life.

JT settled a hand on either side of her face and lifted it so that he could look into her eyes. "All you would have had to do was ask just once, Kawee. I promise you, darlin', as soon as this business with Kimi's done, I'm going home t'stay."

She let out a small sob as she kissed him deeply, passionately and pulled him as tightly against her as she could manage. "Promise me, swear it, please..."

"Would you look at that, Kimi?" Hakan teased. He glanced at Ellison on the screen. "Mama and Papa are at it again."

JT almost gasped at her strength but he managed to hold a hand upright. "Kawee, on everything I hold sacred and holy, on our family, I swear it."

"Don't leave me again," Kawee murmured, stroking his face, making sure she knew he was there, that something wasn't about to happen to him just because she'd finally had the strength to ask him.

"Not unless you get sick of me being underfoot at home," he said with a soft chuckle. "Send me off t'babysit like we used to do with my dad."

"No, baby," she said softly, kissing him once more. "No. More like I won't let you out of my sight for a moment."

"Then I count myself a fortunate man," he said happily.

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