[THIN] Re: Windows 2k Terminal Server - Accessing Internet Pr oblems

  • From: Spriggs Jon <Jon.Spriggs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 15:33:12 +0100

"I'd sure appreciate seeing the contents of this batch file if you don't
mind sharing."


Here you go :)

------ Delete Temp Inet Files.bat
@echo off
cd "C:\Disk Cleanup"
if EXIST users.txt       del users.txt
if EXIST users_log.txt    del users_log.txt
Echo =========== J O B  S T A R T  ================== >> users_log.txt
Echo. >> users_log.txt
Echo Creating user list >> users_log.txt
Echo. >> users_log.txt
dir /B "E:\profiles" > users.txt
cscript /nologo chkspace.vbs "BEFORE" >> users_log.txt
Echo. >> users_log.txt
For /f %%s in (users.txt) do call check_user.bat %%s >> users_log.txt
Echo. >> users_log.txt
cscript /nologo chkspace.vbs "AFTER " >> users_log.txt
Echo. >> users_log.txt
Echo ===========   J O B  E N D    ================== >> users_log.txt
-------- Check_user.bat
@Echo off
set User=%1%
set UserDir="E:\profiles\%1%\local Settings\Temporary Internet Files"
Echo     ... removing Internet files for %User% 
RD /S /Q %UserDir% >NUL: 2>&1
-------- chkspace.vbs
On Error Resume Next
Dim d, fso
Dim phase
Dim totmb 
Dim totmb1
Dim freemb 
Dim freemb1
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set d = fso.GetDrive(fso.GetDriveName(fso.GetAbsolutePathName("e:")))
phase = Wscript.Arguments.item(0)
totmb   = null
freemb  = null
totmb1  = d.totalsize / 1024 / 1024 
totmb = int(totmb1)
freemb1 = d.availablespace / 1024 / 1024
freemb  = int(freemb1)
WScript.Echo  "Disk totalsize = " & totmb & " mb"
WScript.Echo  "===> " & phase & " - freespace is " & freemb  & " mb"

OK, so I lied slightly, it's more than one batch file, but... it seems to
work. You can probably do without the vbs, if you aren't going to keep a log
of what changes were made.
I can't claim credit for this, it's a guy by the name of Colin Howell who
wrote it, but it does the job - which is the important bit :)

Jon Spriggs 
The presence of a "Fujitsu" address does not imply or assume that Fujitsu
Services, Fujitsu or any other company containing the Fujitsu name uses or
endorses this product. This email is purely a personal opinion.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McNally [mailto:cmcnally@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 25 August 2004 15:23
To: thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [THIN] Re: Windows 2k Terminal Server - Accessing Internet Pr

I'd sure appreciate seeing the contents of this batch file if you don't mind



From: Spriggs Jon [mailto:Jon.Spriggs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 7:10 AM
To: thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [THIN] Re: Windows 2k Terminal Server - Accessing Internet Pr


*       a weekly batch file which deletes the temporary internet files.

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