[tcb] What I did today

  • From: "Denis Dodson" <coocoo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 17:26:19 -0500

So I paid all the bills today and wrote the check number and the date on each 
paid envelope and put them in the file box and put the vintage car stamps on 
each letter and even used the stupid bear picture return labels that Jan gets 
free from somewhere, probably a bonus for buying $700 in Barbie shoes or 
something. I collect up the mail and I get in the truck and go up to the garage 
at the top of the road and visit Murray and figure that I'm going to need help 
from somebody to get the two grandfather clocks out cuz I shouldn't just drag 
them out by their feet cuz something could go wrong and I could see the future. 

That was the bus content. 

Then I took today's mail out of our mailbox and went to town. 

I bought some stuff and, on the way home I swung (is that a word?) by the Big 
post office to mail the mail. I threw the mail in the mailbox. 15 minutes 
later, as I am driving into my driveway I look down and see all the bills that 
I had written and today's mail was gone. 

I had mailed the mail. 

So I called the post office and explained to the mailman there that I had 
mailed the mail. "You mailed the mail?" Yes, I had mailed the mail that people 
had already mailed to me. He said that it happened all the time and that I 
would get my old mail with my new mail tomorrow. He asked me if I still had the 
mail that I had meant to mail today and I admitted that I had come home with 
it. He laughs. 

He says, "Don't tell your wife. Did you keep the junk mail?" Yes. "Just give 
her that and tell her it's all you got today." 

So the mail man also gives good marriage advice.

That is what I did today.

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