[SKRIVA] Re: The Guy Who Invented Sex

  • From: Kristoffer Holmén <illern@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: skriva@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 08:09:08 +0200

Ahrvid Engholm skrev:
> Den 2007-05-30 08:28:45 skrev Kristoffer Holmén <illern@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>    So we celebrate the guy who 300 years ago invented sex. And I
>>> think in
>>> that situation even an emperor should be without clothes...
>> Alltså vad menade du nu? Jag hängde inte riktigt med på slutklämmen om
>> att se människorna som sexuella varelser och så.
>   I write in English, since my original posting was in English. The
> point is that Carl Linnaeus (Carl von Linné) invented what is often
> called "the sexual system" for classification of plants and animals.
> And in this way you may say he "invented sex". His classification
> system which is still in use today (though it sometimes has to be
> tweaked and modified, it still works) relies upon the
> reproductive/sexual properties of the organisms. For instance, he put
> plants in different families depending on the numbers and types of
> sexual organs that can be found in the plant's flowers. (He not only
> did this, but also worked intensly with finding and describing as many
> plants and animals as possible all over the world. A huge work, in
> which he sent out students to gather data, as far away as Japan,
> America and Australia. In a time when you could only get around on
> horseback or by sailing ships.)
>   But also, in general, it seems Carl L was if not obsessed with but
> saw a lot of importance in sex and reproduction in general. He for
> instance wrote articles about human reproduction. His article "Om
> sättet att tillhopa gå" ("About the way to go together") is for
> instance a classic, almost pornographic in nature...
>   Linnaeus is one of the great Swedish scientists. It's him, Celsius,
> Berzelius, Polhelm, Arrhenius, Scheele and a few others that very
> early on created a high and productive status for Swedish science -
> and Linnaeus is probabably the top of the bunch. He "invented sex",
> after all...
> --Ahrvid

Asså, jag är inte ute efter att förringa Linné eller så, är biolog från
början, men vadå ''invented sex''? Tyvärr har jag inte läst ''Om sättet
att tillhopa gå'' men även om den är närmast pornografisk så vadå
uppfann sex? Det finns väl skrifter och bilder från till exempel antiken
som matchar rätt mycket?

Däremot kanske han var tidig med att applicera en sexuell idé på _alla_
levande varelser inklusive växter, är lite ouppdaterad på min
biologihistoria tyvärr.

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