[sac-board] Re: Observing Awards

  • From: AJ Crayon <acrayon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sac-board@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 19:24:31 -0700

My tardiness getting back to this issue is due to my attending the EVAC
meeting last night and not getting home until 11:00pm; Alan Block's talk
and images were well worth the trip!

Now for the issue at hand, I'll try to respond in this one message.

First, I'm a little surprised with some of the responses, but glad they are

Here's what my thinking is on this topic and why it was submitted.  SAC has
done so much on more than just a local level for astronomy.  It has
completed projects years ago that are still being recognized to this day.
I thought this would be another way for SAC to have more of a presence by
increasing other people's enjoyment of astronomy.  By doing so, they would
also help make others aware of astronomy, its enjoyment.  Sort of a ripple
down effect (affect).

Now to Steve Coe's great comments.  Jack Jones is assistant for the Messier
Marathon, not the Deep Sky.  Regardless, there is a good point here and
that is does, SAC want to support a program as described, irrespective of
the current, or future, chairman.  If so then next and following chairman
(chairwoman) would have to continue this part of the program.  If not, then
the current chairman will accept the result and we'll go about our business
of enjoying astronomy.

It's pretty obvious, although not yet stated, that the Deep Sky leader
(chairman chairwoman) would have to review the notes, order the plate and
return to observer; adding more time to the responsability.  But I can tell
you it is a lot of fun, not to mention educational, to read over other
observer's notes.

I believe the recipient should pay some amount for the award plus
shipping.  I believe $12.00USD would be sufficient to cover the cost of the
plate and return shipping.

Perhaps awarding a certificate of some kind might be more appropriate; with
no cost to the recipient?

As far as tying in the newsletter, perhaps they would only subscribe for a
calendar year.  What happens if they subscribe towards the end of a year
paying a pro-rated amount?

A pre-certification by the observer's club, before sending the
observations, sounds like a good idea.  Where in the planet is Burkino

Yes, I agree that there could be some unforseen pitfalls, but that is also
possible with the Messier Marathon.

Thanks to all respondants, your comments and thoughts are appreciated - as

Now to review the remaining 66 e-mail messages.


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