[rodgersorgan] Re: performance indication

  • From: Dan Gawthrop <arcopizzicato@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rodgersorgan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 08:00:24 -0700 (PDT)

> "The effectiveness of this piece depends on the
> gradual crescendo from pp to full organ. The secret
> of this is the judicious and all but imperceptible
> diminuendi in the course of the crescendo so that
> the general effect is one of continued piling up of
> tone until it becomes a veritable avalanche of
> sound."

It strikes me that one might accomplish this by
beginning with swell boxes wide open, gradually adding
stops for the crescendo and very slightly closing the
boxes somewhat for the diminuendi. Once full organ has
been achieved, the boxes could then be re-opened for
the final blaze of glory.

This would effectively lengthen the crescendo and
smooth out the "bumps" of stops being added. It seems
to meet the description you quoted. I think this would
require an fairly substantial instrument with at least
two enclosed divisions to be really effective.

Just a thought, but might be worth a try!

Dan Gawthrop

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