[rodgersorganusers] Re: PR300S and SOL

  • From: "Mark N." <nailorm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <rodgersorgan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 09:30:13 -0500

Sorry for repeating this, but I don't know if it was lost, or just such
stupid questions that everyone is politely refraining from responding...
I'm still waiting for my 577 to arrive at the dealer, so I don't have an
owners manual to check.  Can't find the answers in the FAQ.  Thanks.


To: <rodgersorgan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [rodgersorganusers] Re: Questions about PR300S and SOL with 577
From: "Mark N." <nailorm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 20:58:33 -0500


Suppose I add a PR300S and SOL to the 577.

1. Could I use the 3 MIDI couplers on different channels simultaneously to
use distinct patches from the SOL on each division?  For example, play a
Spanish Trompet 8' on great and a Bourdon 32' on pedal, both from the same
disk in the SOL.

2. Does the PR300S with SOL support layering patches on one channel?  For
example, concurrently play the Montre 32' and Principal 16' from the SOL
through the pedal's MIDI coupler.

(I understand that both scenarios would be subject to the polyphony limit.)

I'd appreciate any gotchas anybody can point out with trying to do this.

Mark Nailor

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