[raspi-internals] YA LLVM backend for the VC4

  • From: David Given <dg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "raspi-internals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <raspi-internals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 10 May 2014 14:14:49 +0100


I've been working on a VC4 backend, mostly to teach myself how to write
LLVM backends. It's here:


I haven't actually tried running any of the output yet, and it's got
some scarily big code generation holes (e.g. no 64 bit support, and it
has no knowledge of code size, which means it doesn't know how to
generate near vs far branches), but the code quality looks like it'd be
reasonable, even though there's no support for condition codes or pushes
and pops.

Question: does anyone know how to do 64-bit arithmetic on the VC4? It
seems to be lacking adc and sbc instructions.

For example, here's a simple CRC16 routine what I stole off the internet:

#define POLY 0x8408

unsigned short crc16(unsigned char *data_p, unsigned short length)
      unsigned char i;
      unsigned int data;
      unsigned int crc = 0xffff;

      if (length == 0)
            return (~crc);

            for (i=0, data=(unsigned int)0xff & *data_p++;
                 i < 8;
                 i++, data >>= 1)
                  if ((crc & 0x0001) ^ (data & 0x0001))
                        crc = (crc >> 1) ^ POLY;
                  else  crc >>= 1;
      } while (--length);

      crc = ~crc;
      data = crc;
      crc = (crc << 8) | (data >> 8 & 0xff);

      return (crc);

Compiled with clang -Os and llc -O3, I get:

        .file   "test.ll"
        .globl  crc16
        .align  16
        .type   crc16,@function
crc16:                                  # @crc16
# BB#0:
        sub sp, #8 ;long
        st r6, #4 (sp) ;12-bit displacement # 4-byte Folded Spill
        st r7, #0 (sp) ;12-bit displacement # 4-byte Folded Spill
        mov r3, #65535 ;long
        mov r2, #0
        beq r1, #0, BB0_5
        b BB0_1
BB0_1:                                  # %.preheader
                                        # =>This Loop Header: Depth=1
                                        #     Child Loop BB0_2 Depth 2
        mov r4, #0
        ldb r5, (r0)
        mov r6, r4 ;fast
BB0_2:                                  #   Parent Loop BB0_1 Depth=1
                                        # =>  This Inner Loop Header:
        mov r2, r3 ;fast
        eor r2, r5 ;short
        and r7, r2, #1 ;medium
        shr r3, #1 ;short
        mov r2, r3 ;fast
        eor r2, #33800 ;long
        cmp r7, r4
        moveq r2, r3
        shr r5, #1 ;short
        add r6, #1 ;short
        mov r7, r6 ;fast
        and r7, #255 ;long
        mov r3, r2 ;fast
        bne r7, #8, BB0_2
        b BB0_3
BB0_3:                                  #   in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1
        add r0, #1 ;short
        add r1, #-1 ;long
        mov r4, r1 ;fast
        and r4, #65535 ;long
        mov r3, r2 ;fast
        bne r4, #0, BB0_1
        b BB0_4
        not r2
        mov r0, r2 ;fast
        shl r0, #8 ;short
        shr r2, #8 ;short
        and r2, #255 ;long
        or r2, r0 ;short
        and r2, #65535 ;long
        mov r0, r2 ;fast
        ld r7, #0 (sp) ;12-bit displacement # 4-byte Folded Spill
        ld r6, #4 (sp) ;12-bit displacement # 4-byte Folded Spill
        add sp, #8 ;long
        b lr
        .size   crc16, Ltmp0-crc16

┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
│ "There does not now, nor will there ever, exist a programming
│ language in which it is the least bit hard to write bad programs." ---
│ Flon's Axiom

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