[purejavacomm] PureJavaComm with Arduino Micro on Windows

  • From: ant elder <ant.elder@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: purejavacomm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2013 08:29:36 +0000

Hi, thank you for PureJavaComm, I've been using it for a project with
Arduino's and its working really well and easy to get going.

I do have one problem when using it with an Arduino Micro board when
PureJavaComm is running in Windows 7, where it hangs reading from the

The same code works fine when running on Linux, and it works fine on
Windows when talking to other Arduino boards like the Uno or Nano. The
Arduino Micro works differently than other Arduino boards in that it has a
virtual serial port, see -

The interesting parts of my code are:

        serialPort = (SerialPort)commPort.open(this.getClass().getName(),
        serialPort.setSerialPortParams(9600, SerialPort.DATABITS_8,
SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE);
        portWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(serialPort.getOutputStream());
        portReader = new BufferedReader(new

 ... do some other stuff including println's to portWriter, then ...

        jtermios.JTermios.JTermiosLogging.setLogMask(0xFF); // switch on
        String response = portReader.readLine();

and that hangs in the readLine and the logging on the console is:

log: 623209,class purejavacomm.PureJavaSerialPort$2 line 844, thread id 1,
main, > tcsetattr(0,0,jtermios.Termios@8b99f2e1)
log: 623269,class jtermios.windows.JTermiosImpl line 730, thread id 1,
main, > SetCommTimeouts(native@0x370 (jtermios.windows.WinAPI$HANDLE@370),
[ReadIntervalTimeout 0 ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier 0
ReadTotalTimeoutConstant 0 WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier 0
WriteTotalTimeoutConstant 0])
log: 623271,class jtermios.windows.JTermiosImpl line 730, thread id 1,
main, < SetCommTimeouts(native@0x370 (jtermios.windows.WinAPI$HANDLE@370),
[ReadIntervalTimeout 0 ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier 0
ReadTotalTimeoutConstant 0 WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier 0
WriteTotalTimeoutConstant 0]) => true
log: 623273,class jtermios.windows.JTermiosImpl line 589, thread id 1,
main, vmin 1 vtime 0 ReadIntervalTimeout 0 ReadTotalTimeoutConstant 0
ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier 0
log: 623274,class purejavacomm.PureJavaSerialPort$2 line 844, thread id 1,
main, < tcsetattr(0,0,jtermios.Termios@8b99f2e1) => 0
log: 623276,class purejavacomm.PureJavaSerialPort$2 line 891, thread id 1,
main, > select(1,[0],[],[],jtermios.TimeVal@30296f76)
log: 623277,class jtermios.windows.JTermiosImpl line 757, thread id 1,
main, > ClearCommError(native@0x370 (jtermios.windows.WinAPI$HANDLE@370),
[0], [fFlags 0000 cbInQue 0 cbInQue 0])
log: 623279,class jtermios.windows.JTermiosImpl line 757, thread id 1,
main, < ClearCommError(native@0x370 (jtermios.windows.WinAPI$HANDLE@370),
[0], [fFlags 0000 cbInQue 0 cbInQue 0]) => true
log: 623280,class jtermios.windows.JTermiosImpl line 806, thread id 1,
main, > ResetEvent(native@0x398 (jtermios.windows.WinAPI$HANDLE@398))
log: 623281,class jtermios.windows.JTermiosImpl line 806, thread id 1,
main, < ResetEvent(native@0x398 (jtermios.windows.WinAPI$HANDLE@398)) =>
log: 623282,class jtermios.windows.JTermiosImpl line 815, thread id 1,
main, > SetCommMask(native@0x370 (jtermios.windows.WinAPI$HANDLE@370),
log: 623284,class jtermios.windows.JTermiosImpl line 815, thread id 1,
main, < SetCommMask(native@0x370 (jtermios.windows.WinAPI$HANDLE@370),
0x00000001) => true
log: 623285,class jtermios.windows.JTermiosImpl line 818, thread id 1,
main, > WaitCommEvent(native@0x370 (jtermios.windows.WinAPI$HANDLE@370),
[0], auto-allocated@0x7881b60 (32 bytes))
log: 623287,class jtermios.windows.JTermiosImpl line 818, thread id 1,
main, < WaitCommEvent(native@0x370 (jtermios.windows.WinAPI$HANDLE@370),
[0], auto-allocated@0x7881b60 (32 bytes)) => false
log: 623288,class jtermios.windows.JTermiosImpl line 826, thread id 1,
main, > GetLastError()
log: 623289,class jtermios.windows.JTermiosImpl line 826, thread id 1,
main, < GetLastError() => 997
log: 623290,class jtermios.windows.JTermiosImpl line 849, thread id 1,
main, > WaitForMultipleObjects(2,
),native@0x38c (jtermios.windows.WinAPI$HANDLE@38c)], false, 2147483647)

I've tried several PureJavaComm releases including the 0.0.18 one but
they're all the same. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Many thanks,


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