[pskmail] Re: PSK modes with FEC - first release of test code

  • From: John Douyere <vk2eta@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pskmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 14:59:57 +1100

Hi All,

Here is attached the first pass at this BPSK + FEC mode: the two files
attached (psk.cxx and psk.h) are to replace the ones in the source
directories respectively in src/psk/ and src/include/. Compile as

What do you get: despite the GUI staying the same, all the QPSK modes
are now BPSK with FEC. Since there was no QPSK500 entry I chose to
replace QPSK31 with BPSK500+FEC. So if you select QPSK31 you get the
fastest BPSK mode with FEC. BPSK31 with FEC is very slow anyway and
probably of no practical value for Pskmail in any case.

I used the 2nd re-synchronization option from the email below and I am
still using hard-decode, so there are improvements to be made on the
robustness of the mode.

But if you can give it a go and see what improvement we already get
compared to the equivalent BPSK mode without FEC (and the BPSK mode at
1/2 the speed for that matter, e.g. QPSK500 with FEC versus BPSK250)
that will tell us if it's worth pursuing or not.

Of course you will notice that there is a delay in the decoding due to
the redundancy and bit spreading and of course the character rate is
half of the equivalent BPSK mode.

The source code is still "messy" since it is only a proof of concept.
There is also an annoying decoding of the pre-amble that I need to fix
(it produces a string of "tatatata") but it does not interfere with
the pskmail exchanges.



On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 10:20 AM, John Douyere <vk2eta@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have made good progress on implementing an FEC scheme for the BPSK
> modes. It works well, with of course some delay and half the character
> rate of the standard BPSK mode.
> The concept is as follow: I use a convolution encoder and Viterbi
> decoder as for the THOR mode: n=1/2 and K=7. Since the coding is n=1/2
> there are two bits to transmit for every bit of data. The output of
> the encoder (2 bits at a time) is transmitted sequentially in BPSK
> mode to avoid the losses of the QPSK mode.
> And here is the issue: how to synchronize on the proper bit. If I miss
> one bit at reception I am not in sync with the encoder.
> A few concepts I am thinking of and I would like some feedback:
> 1. Run two Viterbi decoders in parallel reading the same received
> stream but with one delayed by one bit, so that an any time one of the
> two would be in sync and then choose the one with the best "guess
> measure". Advantage: should be the fastest to re-sync in case of a
> missed bit. Disadvantage: heavy cpu usage.
> 2. Use one Viterbi decoder and use the "00" sequence of stop bits to
> check for sync: if I get no stop sequence in 12 bits (the maximum
> length varicode is 10 bits long) I skip one bit and restart decoding.
> Any other ideas?
> I am looking to see if I can also do soft decoding rather than hard
> decoding: at the moment the decoding to 1 or 0 is done at the received
> bit level then fed as a 1 or 0 to the Viterbi decoder. It would be
> much better to keep the "soft value" (i.e. the phase measured) and
> feed this in the decoder so that it can make a decision based on the
> redundant phase information.
> Exiting stuff really.
> I will send the code when I get the automatic re-sync working.
> Best 73s,
> John
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// psk.cxx  --  psk modem
// Copyright (C) 2006
//              Dave Freese, W1HKJ
// This file is part of fldigi.  Adapted from code contained in gmfsk 
// source code distribution.
// gmfsk Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003
// Tomi Manninen (oh2bns@xxxxxxx)
// fldigi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// fldigi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with fldigi; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, 
// Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <config.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iomanip>

#include "psk.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "fl_digi.h"
#include "trx.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "waterfall.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "viewpsk.h"
#include "pskeval.h"

extern waterfall *wf;

// Change the following for DCD low pass filter adjustment
#define SQLCOEFF 0.01
#define SQLDECAY 50


//#define       K               5
//#define       POLY1   0x17
//#define       POLY2   0x19

#define K               7
#define POLY1   0x6d
#define POLY2   0x4f

#define         EOT     0x04            //EOT ascii character

char pskmsg[80];
viewpsk *pskviewer = (viewpsk *)0;

void psk::tx_init(SoundBase *sc)
        scard = sc;
        phaseacc = 0;
        prevsymbol = complex (1.0, 0.0);
        preamble = dcdbits;
        shreg = 0;

void psk::rx_init()
        phaseacc = 0;
        prevsymbol      = complex (1.0, 0.0);
        quality         = complex (0.0, 0.0);
        shreg = 0;
        dcdshreg = 0;
        dcd = 0;
        bitclk = 0;
        freqerr = 0.0;
        if (mailserver && progdefaults.PSKmailSweetSpot) sigsearch = SIGSEARCH;
        imdValid = false;
        afcmetric = 0.0;

void psk::restart()

void psk::init()
        snratio = 1.0;
        imdratio = 0.001;

        if (tx_shape) delete [] tx_shape;
        if (enc) delete enc;
        if (dec) delete dec;
        if (fir1) delete fir1;
        if (fir2) delete fir2;
        if (snfilt) delete snfilt;
        if (imdfilt) delete imdfilt;
        if (::pskviewer == pskviewer)
                ::pskviewer = 0;
        delete pskviewer;
        delete evalpsk;

psk::psk(trx_mode pskmode) : modem()
        cap = CAP_AFC | CAP_AFC_SR;

        mode = pskmode;

        switch (mode) {
        case MODE_BPSK31:
                symbollen = 256;
                _qpsk = false;
                dcdbits = 32;
        case MODE_QPSK31:
//VK2ETA FEC test replace qpsk31 by BPSK500 + MFEC
//              symbollen = 256;
//              _qpsk = true;
//              dcdbits = 32;
                symbollen = 16;
                _qpsk = true;
                dcdbits = 512;
//VK2ETA BPSK+FEC               cap |= CAP_REV;
        case MODE_PSK63:
                symbollen = 128;
                _qpsk = false;
                dcdbits = 64;
        case MODE_QPSK63:
                symbollen = 128;
                _qpsk = true;
                dcdbits = 64;
//VK2ETA BPSK+FEC               cap |= CAP_REV;
        case MODE_PSK125:
                symbollen = 64;
                _qpsk = false;
                dcdbits = 128;
        case MODE_QPSK125:
                symbollen = 64;
                _qpsk = true;
                dcdbits = 128;
//VK2ETA BPSK+FEC               cap |= CAP_REV;
        case MODE_PSK250:
                symbollen = 32;
                _qpsk = false;
                dcdbits = 256;
        case MODE_QPSK250:
                symbollen = 32;
                _qpsk = true;
                dcdbits = 256;
//VK2ETA BPSK+FEC               cap |= CAP_REV;
        case MODE_PSK500:
                symbollen = 16;
                _qpsk = false;
                dcdbits = 512;
                mode = MODE_BPSK31;
                symbollen = 256;
                _qpsk = false;
                dcdbits = 32;

        enc = (encoder *)0;
        dec = (viterbi *)0;
// create impulse response for experimental FIR filters
        double fir1c[64];
        double fir2c[64];

        fir1 = new C_FIR_filter();
        fir2 = new C_FIR_filter();

    switch (progdefaults.PSK_filter) {
        case 1:
// use the original gmfsk matched filters
                for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
                        fir1c[i] = gmfir1c[i];
                        fir2c[i] = gmfir2c[i];
                fir1->init(FIRLEN, symbollen / 16, fir1c, fir1c);
                fir2->init(FIRLEN, 1, fir2c, fir2c);
        case 2:
// creates fir1c matched sin(x)/x filter w hamming
                wsincfilt(fir1c, 1.0 / symbollen, false);
                fir1->init(FIRLEN, symbollen / 16, fir1c, fir1c);
// creates fir2c matched sin(x)/x filter w hamming
                wsincfilt(fir2c, 1.0 / 16.0, false);
                fir2->init(FIRLEN, 1, fir2c, fir2c);
        case 3:
// creates fir1c matched sin(x)/x filter w hamming
                wsincfilt(fir1c, 1.0 / symbollen, false);
                fir1->init(FIRLEN, symbollen / 16, fir1c, fir1c);
// 1/22 with Hamming window nearly identical to gmfir2c
                wsincfilt(fir2c, 1.0 / 22.0, false);
                fir2->init(FIRLEN, 1, fir2c, fir2c);
        case 4:
            fir1->init_lowpass (FIRLEN, 16, 1.5 / symbollen);
                wsincfilt(fir2c, 1.5 / 16.0, true);
            fir2->init(FIRLEN, 1, fir2c, fir2c);
        case 0:
        default :
// creates fir1c matched sin(x)/x filter w blackman
                wsincfilt(fir1c, 1.0 / symbollen, true);
                fir1->init(FIRLEN, symbollen / 16, fir1c, fir1c);
// creates fir2c matched sin(x)/x filter w blackman
                wsincfilt(fir2c, 1.0 / 16.0, true);
                fir2->init(FIRLEN, 1, fir2c, fir2c);
        snfilt = new Cmovavg(16);
        imdfilt = new Cmovavg(16);

        if (_qpsk) {
                enc = new encoder(K, POLY1, POLY2);
                dec = new viterbi(K, POLY1, POLY2);
                firstbit = true;
                lastdoublezero = 0;

        tx_shape = new double[symbollen];

        /* raised cosine shape for the transmitter */
        for ( int i = 0; i < symbollen; i++)
                tx_shape[i] = 0.5 * cos(i * M_PI / symbollen) + 0.5;

        samplerate = PskSampleRate;
        fragmentsize = symbollen;
        bandwidth = samplerate / symbollen;
        snratio = s2n = imdratio = imd = 0;

        if (mailserver && progdefaults.PSKmailSweetSpot)
                sigsearch = SIGSEARCH;
                sigsearch = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                syncbuf[i] = 0.0;
        E1 = E2 = E3 = 0.0;
        acquire = 0;

        evalpsk = new pskeval;
        ::pskviewer = pskviewer = new viewpsk(evalpsk, mode);


//=========================== psk31 receive routines ==========================

void psk::rx_bit(int bit)
        int c;

        char qualityfb[100];
        unsigned i,limit;
        static  double s2n_avg;
        static  double s2n_stddev;
//      static unsigned charcount;
        shreg = (shreg << 1) | !!bit;
        if ((shreg & 3) == 0) {
//VK2ETA FEC: we got a separator, we should be in sync with encoder
                lastdoublezero = 0;
                c = psk_varicode_decode(shreg >> 2);
                if (c != -1) {
//                      charcount ++;
                        if (mailserver) {
//                      if (1==1) {
//                              snprintf(qualityfb, sizeof(qualityfb), 
"<%1.1f>", metric);
//                              limit = strlen(qualityfb);
//                              for (i=0; i < limit; i++) 
//                                      put_rx_char(qualityfb[i]);
                                s2n_sum += metric;
                                s2n_sum2 += (metric * metric);
                                s2n_ncount ++;
                                if (c == EOT) {
//                              if (charcount > 25 ) {
//                                      charcount = 0;
                                        s2n_avg = s2n_sum / s2n_ncount;
                                        s2n_stddev = sqrt((s2n_sum2/s2n_ncount) 
- (s2n_avg * s2n_avg));
                                        snprintf(qualityfb, sizeof(qualityfb), 
"<s2n> %1.0f, %1.1f, %1.1f </s2n>", s2n_ncount, s2n_avg, s2n_stddev);
                                        limit = strlen(qualityfb);
                                        for (i=0; i < limit; i++) 
                                        s2n_sum = s2n_sum2 = s2n_ncount = 0;

                shreg = 0;
        } else {
//VK2ETA when was the last separator ("00")? If more than 12 there is a good 
chance we are out of sync
                if (lastdoublezero > 12) {
                        firstbit = ! firstbit;
                        lastdoublezero = 0;

void psk::rx_qpsk(int bits)

//VK2ETA unsigned char sym[2];
        static unsigned char sym[2];

        int c;

//      static int firstbit;

//      if (_qpsk && !reverse)
//              bits = (4 - bits) & 3;

//VK2ETA - need to develop a strategy for checking sync with encoder
//              sym[0] = (bits & 1) ? 255 : 0;
//              sym[1] = (bits & 2) ? 0 : 255;          /* top bit is flipped */

//VK2ETA - check if need bit flipping or not
        if (firstbit) {
                sym[0] = (bits & 1) ? 255 : 0;
//              sym[1] = (bits & 1) ? 0 : 255;
// VK2ETA test
//              rx_bit(bits);
        } else {
//              sym[1] = (bits & 1) ? 0 : 255;
                sym[1] = (bits & 1) ? 255 : 0;
                c = dec->decode(sym, NULL);
                if (c != -1) {
                        rx_bit(c & 0x80);
                        rx_bit(c & 0x40);
                        rx_bit(c & 0x20);
                        rx_bit(c & 0x10);
                        rx_bit(c & 0x08);
                        rx_bit(c & 0x04);
                        rx_bit(c & 0x02);
                        rx_bit(c & 0x01);

        firstbit = ! firstbit;

void psk::searchDown()
        double srchfreq = frequency - bandwidth * 2;
        double minfreq = bandwidth * 2;
        double spwr, npwr;
        while (srchfreq > minfreq) {
                spwr = wf->powerDensity(srchfreq, bandwidth);
                npwr = wf->powerDensity(srchfreq + bandwidth, bandwidth/2) + 
                if (spwr / npwr > pow(10, progdefaults.ServerACQsn / 10)) {
                        frequency = srchfreq;
                        sigsearch = SIGSEARCH;
                srchfreq -= bandwidth;

void psk::searchUp()
        double srchfreq = frequency + bandwidth * 2;
        double maxfreq = IMAGE_WIDTH - bandwidth * 2;
        double spwr, npwr;
        while (srchfreq < maxfreq) {
                spwr = wf->powerDensity(srchfreq, bandwidth/2);
                npwr = wf->powerDensity(srchfreq - bandwidth, bandwidth/2) + 
                if (spwr / npwr > pow(10, progdefaults.ServerACQsn / 10)) {
                        frequency = srchfreq;
                        sigsearch = SIGSEARCH;
                srchfreq += bandwidth;

int waitcount = 0;

void psk::findsignal()
        int ftest, f1, f2;
        if (sigsearch > 0) {
                if (mailserver) { // mail server search algorithm
                        if (progdefaults.PSKmailSweetSpot) {
                                f1 = (int)(progdefaults.ServerCarrier - 
                                f2 = (int)(progdefaults.ServerCarrier + 
                        } else {
                                f1 = (int)(frequency - 
                                f2 = (int)(frequency + 
                        if (evalpsk->sigpeak(ftest, f1, f2) > pow(10, 
progdefaults.ServerACQsn / 10) ) {
                                if (progdefaults.PSKmailSweetSpot) {
                                        if (fabs(ftest - 
progdefaults.ServerCarrier) < progdefaults.ServerOffset) {
                                                frequency = ftest;
                                                freqerr = 0.0;
                                        } else {
                                                frequency = 
                                                freqerr = 0.0;
                                } else {
                                        frequency = ftest;
                                        freqerr = 0.0;
                        } else { // less than the detection threshold
                                if (progdefaults.PSKmailSweetSpot) {
                                        frequency = progdefaults.ServerCarrier;
                                        sigsearch = SIGSEARCH;
                } else { // normal signal search algorithm
                        f1 = (int)(frequency - progdefaults.SearchRange/2);
                        f2 = (int)(frequency + progdefaults.SearchRange/2);
                        if (evalpsk->sigpeak(ftest, f1, f2) > pow(10, 
progdefaults.ACQsn / 10.0) ) {
                                frequency = ftest;
                                freqerr = 0.0;
                                sigsearch = 0;
                                acquire = dcdbits;

void psk::phaseafc()
        double error;
        if (afcmetric < 0.05) return;
        error = (phase - bits * M_PI / 2.0);
        if (error < -M_PI / 2.0 || error > M_PI / 2.0) return;
        error *= samplerate / (TWOPI * symbollen);
        if (fabs(error) < bandwidth ) {
                freqerr = error / dcdbits;
                frequency -= freqerr;
                if (mailserver) {
                        if (frequency < progdefaults.ServerCarrier - 
                                frequency = progdefaults.ServerCarrier - 
                        if (frequency > progdefaults.ServerCarrier + 
                                frequency = progdefaults.ServerCarrier + 
                set_freq (frequency);
        if (acquire) acquire--;

void psk::afc()
        if (!progStatus.afconoff)
        if (dcd == true || acquire)

void psk::rx_symbol(complex symbol)
        int n;
        phase = (prevsymbol % symbol).arg();
        prevsymbol = symbol;

        if (phase < 0) 
                phase += TWOPI;
//      if (_qpsk) {
//              bits = ((int) (phase / M_PI_2 + 0.5)) & 3;
//              n = 4;
//      } else {
                bits = (((int) (phase / M_PI + 0.5)) & 1) << 1;
                n = 2;
//      }
// simple low pass filter for quality of signal
        quality.re = decayavg(quality.re, cos(n*phase), SQLDECAY);
        quality.im = decayavg(quality.im, sin(n*phase), SQLDECAY);
        metric = 100.0 * quality.norm();
        afcmetric = decayavg(afcmetric, quality.norm(), 50);
        dcdshreg = (dcdshreg << 2) | bits;

        switch (dcdshreg) {
        case 0xAAAAAAAA:        /* DCD on by preamble */
                dcd = true;
                acquire = 0;
                quality = complex (1.0, 0.0);
                imdValid = true;
//VK2ETA signal report
                s2n_sum = s2n_sum2 = s2n_ncount = 0;
                firstbit = false;
                lastdoublezero = 0;

        case 0:                 /* DCD off by postamble */
                dcd = false;
                acquire = 0;
                quality = complex (0.0, 0.0);
                imdValid = false;

                if (metric > progStatus.sldrSquelchValue || progStatus.sqlonoff 
== false)
                        dcd = true;
                        dcd = false;
                        imdValid = false;

        set_phase(phase, quality.norm(), dcd);

        if (dcd == true) {

                if (_qpsk)
//VK2ETA (reverse the bit for FEC too                   rx_qpsk(bits);

void psk::signalquality()

        if (m_Energy[1])
                snratio = snfilt->run(m_Energy[0]/m_Energy[1]);
                snratio = snfilt->run(1.0);

        if (m_Energy[0] && imdValid)
                imdratio = imdfilt->run(m_Energy[2]/m_Energy[0]);
                imdratio = imdfilt->run(0.001);


void psk::update_syncscope()
        static char msg1[15];
        static char msg2[15];


        s2n = 10.0*log10( snratio );
        snprintf(msg1, sizeof(msg1), "s/n %2d dB", (int)(floor(s2n))); 
        imd = 10.0*log10( imdratio );
        snprintf(msg2, sizeof(msg2), "imd %3d dB", (int)(floor(imd))); 

        if (imdValid) {
                put_Status1(msg1, progdefaults.StatusTimeout, 
progdefaults.StatusDim ? STATUS_DIM : STATUS_CLEAR);
                put_Status2(msg2, progdefaults.StatusTimeout, 
progdefaults.StatusDim ? STATUS_DIM : STATUS_CLEAR);

char bitstatus[100];

int psk::rx_process(const double *buf, int len)
        double delta;
        complex z, z2;

        if (pskviewer && !bHistory) pskviewer->rx_process(buf, len);
        if (evalpsk) evalpsk->sigdensity();
        delta = TWOPI * frequency / samplerate;
        while (len-- > 0) {
// Mix with the internal NCO
                z = complex ( *buf * cos(phaseacc), *buf * sin(phaseacc) );

                phaseacc += delta;
                if (phaseacc > M_PI)
                        phaseacc -= TWOPI;

// Filter and downsample 
// by 16 (psk31, qpsk31) 
// by  8 (psk63, qpsk63)
// by  4 (psk125, qpsk125)
// by  2 (psk250, qpsk250)
// first filter
                if (fir1->run( z, z )) { // fir1 returns true every Nth sample
// final filter
                        fir2->run( z, z2 ); // fir2 returns value on every 
//                      fir3->run( z, z3);
//                      coreafc(z3);
                        int idx = (int) bitclk;
                        double sum = 0.0;
                        double ampsum = 0.0;
                        syncbuf[idx] = 0.8 * syncbuf[idx] + 0.2 * z2.mag();
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                                sum += (syncbuf[i] - syncbuf[i+8]);
                                ampsum += (syncbuf[i] + syncbuf[i+8]);
// added correction as per PocketDigi
                        sum = (ampsum == 0 ? 0 : sum / ampsum);
                        bitclk -= sum / 5.0;
                        bitclk += 1;
                        if (bitclk < 0) bitclk += 16.0;
                        if (bitclk >= 16.0) {
                                bitclk -= 16.0;
        if (sigsearch)
        else if (mailserver) {
                if (waitcount > 0) {
                        if (waitcount == 0) {
                                if (progdefaults.PSKmailSweetSpot) {
                                        frequency = progdefaults.PSKsweetspot;
                                sigsearch = SIGSEARCH;
                else if ( E1/ E2 <= 1.0) { //(snratio <= 1.0) {
                        waitcount = 8;
                        sigsearch = 0;
        return 0;

// transmit processes

void psk::tx_symbol(int sym)
        double delta;
        double  ival, qval, shapeA, shapeB;
        complex symbol;

//      if (_qpsk && !reverse)
//              sym = (4 - sym) & 3;

        /* differential QPSK modulation - top bit flipped */
        switch (sym) {
        case 0:
                symbol = complex (-1.0, 0.0);   // 180 degrees
        case 1:
                symbol = complex (0.0, -1.0);   // 270 degrees
        case 2:
                symbol = complex (1.0, 0.0);            //   0 degrees
        case 3:
                symbol = complex (0.0, 1.0);            //  90 degrees
        symbol = prevsymbol * symbol;   // complex multiplication

        delta = 2.0 * M_PI * get_txfreq_woffset() / samplerate;

        for (int i = 0; i < symbollen; i++) {
                shapeA = tx_shape[i];
                shapeB = (1.0 - shapeA);
                ival = shapeA * prevsymbol.real() + shapeB * symbol.real();
                qval = shapeA * prevsymbol.imag() + shapeB * symbol.imag();
                outbuf[i] = ival * cos(phaseacc) + qval * sin(phaseacc);
                phaseacc += delta;
                if (phaseacc > M_PI)
                        phaseacc -= 2.0 * M_PI;

        ModulateXmtr(outbuf, symbollen);

        prevsymbol = symbol;

void psk::tx_bit(int bit)
        unsigned int sym;

//VK2ETA PSK+FEC Send encoded bit(s) (result is two bits to send sequencially 
since n = 1/2)
        int savedsym;

        if (_qpsk) {
                savedsym = enc->encode(bit);
                sym = (savedsym & 1) << 1;
// VK2ETA test
//              sym = bit << 1;

                sym = savedsym & 2;
// test         tx_symbol(2);
        } else {
                sym = bit << 1;

void psk::tx_char(unsigned char c)
        const char *code;

        code = psk_varicode_encode(c);

        while (*code) {
                tx_bit((*code - '0'));

void psk::tx_flush()
// flush the encoder (QPSK only)
        if (_qpsk) {
                for (int i = 0; i < dcdbits; i++)

// DCD off sequence (unmodulated carrier)
        for (int i = 0; i < dcdbits; i++)

int psk::tx_process()
        int c;

        if (preamble > 0) {
                tx_symbol(0);   /* send phase reversals */
                return 0;

        c = get_tx_char();

        if (c == 0x03 || stopflag) {
                stopflag = false;
                return -1;      /* we're done */

        if (c == -1)
        else {
        return 0;

// psk signal evaluation
// using Goertzel IIR filter
// derived from pskcore by Moe Wheatley, AE4JY

void psk::initSN_IMD()
        for(int i = 0; i < NUM_FILTERS; i++)
                I1[i] = I2[i] = Q1[i] = Q2[i] = 0.0;
                m_Energy[i] = 0.0;
        m_NCount = 0;
        COEF[0] = 2.0 * cos(TWOPI * 9 / GOERTZEL);
        COEF[1] = 2.0 * cos(TWOPI * 18 / GOERTZEL);
        COEF[2] = 2.0 * cos(TWOPI  * 27 / GOERTZEL);

void psk::resetSN_IMD()
        for(int i = 0; i < NUM_FILTERS; i++) {
                I1[i] = I2[i] = Q1[i] = Q2[i] = 0.0;
        m_NCount = 0;

//  This routine calculates the energy in the frequency bands of
//   carrier=F0(15.625), noise=F1(31.25), and 
//   3rd order product=F2(46.875)
//  It is called with complex data samples at 500 Hz.

void psk::calcSN_IMD(complex z)
        int i;
        complex temp;

        for(i = 0; i < NUM_FILTERS; i++) {
                temp.re = I1[i]; temp.im = Q1[i];
                I1[i] = I1[i] * COEF[i]- I2[i] + z.re;
                Q1[i] = Q1[i] * COEF[i]- Q2[i] + z.im;
                I2[i] = temp.re; Q2[i] = temp.im;

        if( ++m_NCount >= GOERTZEL ) {
                m_NCount = 0;
                for(i = 0; i < NUM_FILTERS; i++) {
                        m_Energy[i] =   I1[i]*I1[i] + Q1[i]*Q1[i] 
                                      + I2[i]*I2[i] + Q2[i]*Q2[i] 
                                                  - I1[i]*I2[i]*COEF[i]
                                                  - Q1[i]*Q2[i]*COEF[i];
                        I1[i] = I2[i] = Q1[i] = Q2[i] = 0.0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// psk.h  --  psk modem
// Copyright (C) 2006
//              Dave Freese, W1HKJ
// This file is part of fldigi.  Adapted from code contained in gmfsk source 
// distribution.
// fldigi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// fldigi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with fldigi; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef _PSK_H
#define _PSK_H

#include "complex.h"
#include "modem.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "viterbi.h"
#include "filters.h"
#include "pskcoeff.h"
#include "pskvaricode.h"
#include "viewpsk.h"
#include "pskeval.h"

#define PskSampleRate   (8000)
#define PipeLen                 (64)

#define SNTHRESHOLD 6.0

#define NUM_FILTERS 3
#define GOERTZEL 288            //96 x 2 must be an integer value


class psk : public modem {
// tx & rx
        int                             symbollen;
        bool                    _qpsk;
        double                  phaseacc;
        complex                 prevsymbol;
        unsigned int    shreg;

// rx variables & functions

        C_FIR_filter    *fir1;
        C_FIR_filter    *fir2;
//      C_FIR_filter    *fir3;
        double                  *fir1c;
        double                  *fir2c;
        Cmovavg                 *snfilt;
        Cmovavg                 *imdfilt;

        double                  I1[NUM_FILTERS];
        double                  I2[NUM_FILTERS];
        double                  Q1[NUM_FILTERS];
        double                  Q2[NUM_FILTERS];
        double                  COEF[NUM_FILTERS];
        double                  m_Energy[NUM_FILTERS];
        int                             m_NCount;
        bool                    imdValid;

        encoder                 *enc;
        viterbi                 *dec;
        double                  phase;
        double                  freqerr;
        int                             bits;
        double                  bitclk;
        double                  syncbuf[16];
        double                  scope_pipe[2*PipeLen];//[PipeLen];
        unsigned int    pipeptr;
        unsigned int    dcdshreg;
        int                     dcd;
        int                             dcdbits;
        complex                 quality;
        int                             acquire;

        viewpsk*                pskviewer;
        pskeval*                evalpsk;

        void                    rx_symbol(complex symbol);
        void                    rx_bit(int bit);
        void                    rx_qpsk(int bits);
        double                  scopedata[16];
// IMD & s/n variables
        double                  k0, k1, k2;
        double                  I11, I12, I21, I22, I31, I32;
        double                  snratio, s2n, imdratio, imd;
        double                  E1, E2, E3;
        double                  afcmetric;
//VK2ETA signal quality
        double                  s2n_ncount;
        double                  s2n_sum;
        double                  s2n_sum2;
//VK2ETA FEC for BPSK modes
        bool                    firstbit;
        int                     lastdoublezero;

//      complex thirdorder;
// tx variables & functions
        double                  *tx_shape;
        int                     preamble;
        void                    tx_symbol(int sym);
        void                    tx_bit(int bit);
        void                    tx_char(unsigned char c);
        void                    tx_flush();
        void                    update_syncscope();
        void                    signalquality();
        void                    findsignal();
        void                    phaseafc();
        void                    afc();
        void                    coreafc();

        void                    initSN_IMD();
        void                    resetSN_IMD();
        void                    calcSN_IMD(complex z);
        psk(trx_mode mode);
        void init();
        void rx_init();
        void tx_init(SoundBase *sc);
        void restart();
        int rx_process(const double *buf, int len);
        int tx_process();
        void searchDown();
        void searchUp();


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