[platcore] Re: carata para o consulado

  • From: Giseli <giseli@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: platcore@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 09:08:44 -0300 (ART)

eu envio.
vcs comparecem na reunião
das dúvidas, é isso mesmo 1 antes+ 3 depois.
tudo ok com a cria.

Paulo Lara <pajelara@xxxxxxxxxxxx> escreveu:
Beleza, to gostando de ver a dinâmica. Tá tudo bem com a pequena Martina??
Rosas traduz? Quem manda para o consulado? 
Recapitulando - Pedir hospedagens para o Geert em agosto e para os 3 que vierem 
para a conferência?
é isso?

Giseli <giseli@xxxxxxxxx> escreveu:
Tem que fazer um resuminho da bio do geert e traduzir, o portugues do tio é 

Caro Mr. Glaubitz, 


Venho através desta mensagem solicitar uma reunião com o consulado para 
apresentar os planos de 2005 da rede midiatatica.org que tem a tarefa de mapear 
e registrar as facetas da cultura eletrônica e digital no Brasil a partir de 
uma publicação e conferência a serem realizados ainda este ano. O apoio para 
este trabalho é concedido através do programa Sarai Waag Exchange, resultado da 
participação brasileira no workshop Networks and Collaborations realizado em 
novembro de 2004 na cidade de Bangalore, Índia.


A Plataforma Sarai Waag Exchange promove a trocas de idéias, software, e outros 
recursos para construir redes, assim como fomentar as emergentes. A plataforma 
brasileira é patrocinada pelas duas instituições que formam o programa, Waag 
Society for Old and New Media instituto holândes que opera no âmbito das 
relações tecnológicas com a sociedade, educação, governo e indústria, e do 
Sarai: the New Media Iniciative, que desenvolve um programa de centro de 
estudos e desenvolvimento das sociedades como forma de (re)conhecer a cultura 
pública urbana.


Este projeto tem lançamento previsto para outubro próximo, contando com a 
presença de representantes das duas instituições. Para a recepção do time 
holandês gostaríamos de contar com o apoio do consulado, buscando com enorme 
satisfação estreitar laços entre as organizações de ambos os países, Brasil e 
Holanda. No ano passado obtivemos apoio do consulado para a hospedagem do 
professor e teórico David Garcia, para este ano contaremos com a presença  de 
três representantes do Waag Society, além do mediador da pataforma Geert 


Aguardamos a disponibilidade do consulado para esta apresentação, esclareço que 
estamos determinados a contribuir para uma colaboração diplomática entre os 



Giseli Vasconcelos
Paulo Lara

Ricardo Rosas



[Mais informações]

Plataforma brasileira


Publicação e Conferência


Bio Geert Lovinck

Geert Lovink (1959, Amsterdam), media theorist, net critic and activist, 
studied political science on the University of Amsterdam (MA) and holds a PhD 
at University of Melbourne. In 2003 he was a postdoc fellow at University of 
Queensland  in Brisbane. 2004 he was appointed 'lector' (research professor) at 
the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (interactive media) and associate professor (new 
media) at the University of Amsterdam. Mid 2004 his position was renamed as the 
Institute of Network Cultures (www.networkcultures.org). 


Lovink was a member of Adilkno, the Foundation for the Advancement of Illegal 
Knowledge, a free association of media-related intellectuals established in 
1983 (Agentur Bilwet auf Deutsch). From Adilkno the following books appeared: 
Empire of Images (1985), Cracking the Movement (1990) on the squatter movement 
and the media, Listen or Die (1992) on free radio, the collected theoretical 
work The Media Archive (1992 - translated into German, English, Croatian and 
Slovenian), the collection of essays The Datadandy (1994 - in German) and the 
book/CD Electronic Solitude (1997). Most of the early texts of Lovink and 
Adilkno in Dutch, German and English can be found at 
http://thing.desk.nl/bilwet. Geert Lovink's recent online text archive is: 


He is a former editor of the media art magazine Mediamatic (1989-94) and has 
been teaching and lecturing media theory throughout Central and Eastern Europe. 
He is a co-founder of the Amsterdam-based free community network 'Digital City' 
(http://www.dds.nl) and the support campaign for ind ependent media in 
South-East Europe Press Now http://www.dds.nl/pressnow. He was the co-organizer 
of conferences such as Wetware (1991), Next Five Minutes 1-3 (93-96-99) 
http://www.n5m.org, Metaforum 1-3 (Budapest 94-96) http://www.mrf.hu, Ars 
Electronica (Linz, 1996/98) http://www.aec.at and Interface 3 (Hamburg 95). In 
1995, together with Pit Schultz, he founded the international 'nettime' circle 
http://www.nettime.org which is both a mailinglist (in English, Dutch, French, 
Spanish/Portuguese, Romanian and Chinese), a series of meetings and 
publications such as zkp 1-4, 'Netzkritik' (ID-Archiv, 1997, in German) and 
'Readme!' (Autonomedia, 1998). From 1996-1999 he was based at De Waag, the 
 for Old and New Media (http://www.waag.org) where he was responsible for 
public research. S ince 1996 , once a year he has been coordinating a project 
and teaching at the IMI mediaschool in Osaka/Japan http://www.iminet.ac.jp. A 
series of temporary media labs was started in 1997 at the arts exhibition 
Documenta X in Kassel/Germany called Hybrid Workspace (for archive see 
http://www.medialounge.net which continued in Manchester (1998) and Helsinki, 
in the contemporary arts museum Kiasma (http://temp.kiasma.fi).


Lovink organized the Tulipomania Dotcom conference, which took place in 
Amsterdam, June 2000, focussing on a critique of the New Economy 
www.balie.nl/tulipomania. In early 2001, after having moved to Australia, he 
co-founded www.fibreculture.org, a forum for Australian Internet research and 
culture which has its first publication out, launched at the first fibreculture 
meeting in Melbourne (December 2001). Other meetings took place in the MCA, 
Sydney (November 2002) and Powerhouse, Brisbane (July 2003). Since 2000 he is a 
consultant/editor to the exchange program of Waag Society (Amsterdam) and Sarai 
New Media Centre (Delhi). He recently co-organized Dark Markets on new media 
and democracy in times of crisis (Vienna, October 2002, 
http://darkmarkets.t0.or.at/) and Crisis Media, Uncertain States of Reportage 
(Delhi, March 2003, 
http://www.sarai.net/events/crisis_media/crisis_media.htm.). In April 2004, 
together with Trebor Scholz, he organized the conference Free Cooperation o
 n the
 art of (online) collaboration, held at SUNY Buffalo (www.freecooperation.org). 


Three books document his collaboration with the Dutch designer Mieke Gerritzen 
which he co-edited: Everyone is a Designer (BIS, 2000), Catalogue of Strategies 
(Gingko Press, 2001) and Mobile Minded (BIS, 2002) Together with Mieke 
Gerritzen in 1998 he co-founded the Browserday events (www.browserday.com), a 
competition for new media design students. In 2002 The MIT Press published two 
of his titles: Dark Fiber, a collection of esssays on Internet culture 
(translated into Italian, Spanish, Romanian, German and Japanese) and Uncanny 
Networks, collected interviews with media theorists and artists. V2 in 
Rotterdam published his most recent st udy on Internet culture, My First 
Recession, in 2003 (trans. in Italian). The first large public event of the 
Institute of Networkcultures in January 2005 has been the Decade of Webdesign 
conference (www.decadeofwebdesign.org). His inaugural speech in February 2005, 
The Principle of Notworking, has been published by Amsterdam University 

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