using default column values with an instead of trigger

  • From: Mark Weaver <mark-clist@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 03:25:04 +0000

I'm having a bit of trouble with an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger on a view -- it seems that any default column values aren't supplied to the trigger. It's easiest to explain with an example.

First without a trigger:

create table x (a int default 5, b int);
create view y as select * from x;

insert into y (b) values (6);

1 row created.

select * from y;

         A          B
---------- ----------
         5          6

So here "A" gets the default value of 5 which is what I expect.

However, when I add an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger:


create or replace trigger z
    instead of insert on y
    for each row
    dbms_output.put_line('a is '||:NEW.A);
    insert into x (a, b) values (:NEW.A, :NEW.B);

insert into y (b) values (6);
a is

1 row created.

axels@mail> select * from y;

         A          B
---------- ----------

1 row created.

Here I've lost the default value -- it's not supplied to the trigger as :NEW.A as I would hope.

Of course, if I leave it out of the trigger, as:

        insert into (b) values (:NEW.B);

then the insert picks up the default value. I could add a conditional on :NEW.A is null to take care of that, however that then leaves:

insert into y (a, b) values (null, 6);

indistinguishable from:

insert into y (b) values (6);

Is there any way around this behaviour?



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