Re: password iin dba_users - Oracle 11

  • From: Jared Still <jkstill@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ian.cary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 12:47:17 -0800

On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 3:52 AM, Ian Cary <ian.cary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Oracle have removed the column from the dba_users view but it it is still
> present in SYS.USER$.

This is really rather interesting.

I ran into something similar while updating my default password checker.

It didn't work on 11g, simply due to the fact that the password hash is no
available in DBA_USERS.

It is however available in sys.user$ as Ian pointed out.

As referenced in Pete's blog, the old style password hash is still there,
presumably for non-11g clients, though I haven't made any attempt to
verify that.

What I found interesting is that a user that has been granted the DBA_ROLE
automatically has SELECT privileges on sys.user$.

I can find no privilege granted to the DBA role that explicitly grants
on sys.user$, whether directly, or indirectly through a role.

There are some users that do have that, CTXSYS, XDB and WKSYS among them.

As a by product of looking into this, a couple of useful queries developed:

System privilege map for a user:

This shows how a user may have been granted a privilege:

with privmap as (
select grantee#,privilege#,level padsize, rownum rownumber
from sys.sysauth$
connect by grantee#=prior privilege#
   and privilege#>0
start with (grantee#=:v_grantee or grantee#=1) and privilege#>0
   lpad('  ',2*(padsize-1)) || grantee
   , p.grantee#
   , s.privilege
   , privname
   privmap p
   , system_privilege_map s
   , sys.user$ u
where 0-s.privilege = p.privilege#
and u.user# = p.grantee#
order by p.rownumber

Sample output:

GRANTEE                                    GRANTEE#  PRIVILEGE PRIVNAME
---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
TRACEME                                         151         -4 AUDIT SYSTEM
  DBA                                             4         -6 ALTER SESSION
    SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE                           6        -20 CREATE USER
  DBA                                             4         -7 RESTRICTED
    EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE                          7        -20 CREATE USER
    EXP_FULL_DATABASE                             9         -6 ALTER SESSION
      SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE                         6        -20 CREATE USER
    EXP_FULL_DATABASE                             9         -7 RESTRICTED
      EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE                        7        -20 CREATE USER
  DBA                                             4        -10 CREATE
    IMP_FULL_DATABASE                            10         -6 ALTER SESSION
      SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE                         6        -20 CREATE USER
    IMP_FULL_DATABASE                            10         -7 RESTRICTED
      EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE                        7        -20 CREATE USER
  DBA                                             4        -13 DROP
  DBA                                             4        -22 ALTER USER
  DBA                                             4        -61 CREATE ANY

17 rows selected.

Something similar can be done with sys.objauth$, though I haven't gotten
that one to work yet.

Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist

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