Re: linux DBA's: O_Direct

  • From: Mark Brinsmead <mark.brinsmead@xxxxxxx>
  • To: kevinc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 22:51:38 -0700

Whoops. My error, it would seem. It seems to me that buffermem lingers in the GUI widget (redhat-config-something-or-other) used to configure sysctl.conf on RHEL, but I guess that doesn't mean a blessed thing... This does explain why the documentation is so lacking, though. :-)

So, is there a replacement for this parameter?

In the meantime, I had better have a look at my servers, and make sure my memory allocation really is as I think it is...

-- Mark.

Kevin Closson wrote:


You may want to look into the BUFFERMEM parameter (which you can set with sysctl). With this, you can restrict the amount of RAM used to buffer filesystem I/O. This may (or

buffermem? That is a blast from the Red Hat "Frankenkernel" past. Mark Teehan is on 2.4.21 which would be RHEL 3.0. The last Frankenkernel to have buffermem in /proc was RHAS 2.1

If you haven't nailed huge systems of both SuSE and
RH against the wall to see which one splits at the
seam easier, you might not know what Frankenkernel is :)



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