different physical access method because of disabling Automated Memory Management?

  • From: "Martin Berger" <martin.a.berger@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2009 12:15:51 +0100

Hi List,
once again I'm coming up with a behaviour of Oracle rdbms which I can not
explain to myselve. So I'm asking here for help.
If you are not interrested in theoretical discussions about how oracle
heuristics might work, please excuse this email and stop here.
All others are warmly welcome to read and reply ;-)
My monitoring:
the same statement (select rowid from test.t_keep) is executed different
only because memory_target, sga_target and shared_pool_size are different.
(In addition, db_cache_size and db_keep_cache_size might be of any
With automatic memory management the DB uses 'db file sequential read' and
fills up the (keep) buffer cache, with manual memory parameters it uses 'direct
path read' (only 4 'db file sequential read' at the beginning).

Some facts around:
* I bonced the instance between all the test-cases.
Version on a virtual test-machine (RedHat - 32 bit)
table definition and rows:
CREATE TABLE test.t_keep (
  id NUMBER,
  n1 NUMBER,
  n2 NUMBER,
  pad VARCHAR2(4000)
execute dbms_random.seed(0)
INSERT INTO test.t_keep
SELECT rownum AS id,
       1+mod(rownum,251) AS n1,
       1+mod(rownum,251) AS n2,
       dbms_random.string('p',255) AS pad
FROM dual
CONNECT BY level <= 100000
ORDER BY dbms_random.value;

* all statements run as sys (I'm lazy, alone on the node, etc).

the statements I run:
-- to check the blocks of the table
select blocks from dba_tables where table_name='T_KEEP';

-- get obj_id:
select object_id, data_object_id from dba_objects where object_name
---------- --------------
     64143          64143

what I run at every testcase:
-- to make sure nothing is cached yet:
select obj, count(*) from x$bh where obj in (64142, 64143) group by obj;

-- test itselve
select rowid from test.t_keep;

-- check cache afterwards:
select obj, count(*) from x$bh where obj in (64142, 64143) group by obj;

With the 'manual' setup I get:
       OBJ   COUNT(*)
---------- ----------
     64143          4

With the 'auto' setup I get:
       OBJ   COUNT(*)
---------- ----------
     64143        452

Additional Infos/thoughts:
I checked traces:
In 10046 I see the difference of WAITS, but no reason why.
In 10053 I see some smaller changes in derived parameters (as they are not
implicite set in spfile), But I checked them and nothing changed:

* difference in _smm_min_size and _smm_max_size and set it (in manual mode):

select a.ksppinm name, b.ksppstvl value
from sys.x$ksppi a,sys.x$ksppcv b
where a.indx = b.indx
  and a.ksppinm in ('_smm_max_size','_smm_min_size');
NAME            VALUE
-------------- -------
_smm_min_size     184
_smm_max_size   36864
=> but with the same result.

* db_file_multiblock_read_count       = 128  (17 in manual mode)
=> same result.

I have put some files on a web-server not to bloat this mail too much:
'manual': (memory_target, sga_target and shared_pool_size set)
strings spfile => http://berx.at/traces/manual
event 10046    => http://berx.at/traces/BERX2_ora_5081.trc
event 10053    => http://berx.at/traces/BERX2_ora_6938.trc
strings spfile => http://berx.at/traces/auto
event 10046    => http://berx.at/traces/BERX2_ora_6262.trc
event 10053    => http://berx.at/traces/BERX2_ora_6632.trc
Can anybody hint me why the acces changes from 'db file sequential read' to
'direct path read' when I change memory/SGA (and buffer) settings?

thanks in advance


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