Re: RAT fully backported to 10g and 9iR2...

  • From: Martin Berger <martin.a.berger@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dmann99@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 21:11:05 +0200

I have to second this.

Some of you might remember these nice 'consolidate your environment, save monay' presentations Oracle published with 10g outcome (and later, of course). We did this even with our 9i clusters, and much more with the current 11g cluster. At the end, we have only one huge cluster in test-env. Even if we want to test only one database, which might use 5% of the total cluster, we have to buy licenses for all the CPUs.
Really hard to explain to Management.
So, the answer is clear - sadly.

>we've looked into it. we've got a 9i DB that needs upgrading and we're >considering going to 11g, but it's just expensive. the good thing is that you >can 'move the license around' if needed. if one of our BU's purchases it, uses >it, no longer needs it (for a project) it can be moved around to another db and
>so on....

Would love to use it but we have been told that we need to license specific machines and could not move licenses around. Got a citation for being able to move the licenses around? We have requested that scenario exactly from our account reps and they are hemming and hawing at working with us.

They want us to license 10X the cores we think should be licensed. For us 1 Prod/Test machine pair at a time would be 24 cores max. We just don't upgrade that often (or have the manpower) to involve more than 1 project at a time.


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