Re: Query RMAN Repository

  • From: "Christo Kutrovsky" <>
  • To: yoursraju007@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 14:26:04 +0400

Here is the query I have developed to monitor and keep track of the
FRA (Flash Recovery Area) usage without an RMAN
catalog database.

Some specifics:
- grouped by day, tag and type
- archivelogs are reported by number only. The number in brackets is
instance number.
- all sizes are compressed sizes, if used
- P - percentage of overal size (not percentage of FRA size parameter)
- controlfile/spfile tags masked for grouping reasons
- H - hours it took to complete, for datafiles can be used to judge
how many archivelogs are needed to make consistent

I hope you like it.

select /* RMAN RAC FRA content Christo Kutrovsky - The Pythian Group
trunc(DF_CKP_MOD_TIME)),'YYYY-Mon-DD Dy') as
dt,backup_type,decode(file_type,'CONTROLFILE','C','ARCHIVED LOG',
'('||rl_thread#||') '||min(RL_SEQUENCE#)
as file_type,count(*) as
cnt,round(sum(nvl(bs_bytes_avg,bytes))/1024/1024,0)as mb,
round(ratio_to_report(sum(nvl(bs_bytes_avg,bytes))) over ()*100) as P,
keep_options as
as ZIPED,obsolete,
as bs_tag,min(bs_completion_time) as
as H, max(rl_next_time) as archive_time
from ( select bs_bytes/count(bs_bytes) over (partition by bs_key) as
bs_bytes_avg, t.* from v$backup_files t where (bs_device_type = 'DISK'
or DEVICE_TYPE = 'DISK' ) and file_type <> 'PIECE' ) bf
group by 
trunc(rl_first_time), trunc(DF_CKP_MOD_TIME)
order by nvl(min(DF_CHECKPOINT_CHANGE#),max(RL_NEXT_CHANGE#))
desc,completion_time desc, mb desc;

Christo Kutrovsky
DBA Team Lead
The Pythian Group -
I blog at

On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Raj Mareddi <yoursraju007@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I am trying to find out file size, name as of date/ sequence number. For
> example, I want to know what the datafile sizes last month were (Assume that
> RMAN backup is taken everyday).
> I found the following tables interesting but they are not documented.
> rc_datafile , offr
> Any ideas ?
> Thanks.
> --
> !!! In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always
> wins - not through strength, but through persistence.  -Buddha !!!!

Christo Kutrovsky
DBA Team Lead
The Pythian Group -
I blog at

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