Re: Oracle Datapump question (parameter to overwrite file)

  • From: Nigel Thomas <nigel_cl_thomas@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Harvinder Singh <Harvinder.Singh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 10:29:47 -0800 (PST)

>Is there any parameter that we can use during create external table that can 
>overwrite the file?


Once the table is dropped, couldn't you just delete the file using 

- drop table:    execute immediate 'drop table '||v_table_name;
- remove file:   UTL_FILE.FREMOVE(p_path, fname);
- create table:  execute immediate v_sql2;

and remember, if there's no table, there might be no file - so you should 
handle that exception (whichever one it is - probably DELETE_FAILED, which 
covers a multitude of sins).


Regards Nigel

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