RE: Optimization of Partitioned Outer Joins

  • From: "Christian Antognini" <Christian.Antognini@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2005 00:07:11 +0100

Hi Jonathan

>To avoid confusion, could you post the execution
>paths of both queries ?

Here we go...

1) the query I would like to execute

SELECT t.fiscal_month_number,
       nvl(sum(s.amount_sold),0) amount_sold
FROM sales s PARTITION BY (channel_id)
             RIGHT OUTER JOIN (
               SELECT time_id, fiscal_month_number
               FROM times t
               WHERE t.fiscal_year =3D 1998
               AND t.fiscal_quarter_number =3D 2
             ) t USING (time_id)
WHERE channel_id =3D 9
GROUP BY t.fiscal_month_number;

| Id  | Operation                    | Name  |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |       |
|   1 |  SORT GROUP BY               |       |
|   2 |   VIEW                       |       |
|   3 |    MERGE JOIN PARTITION OUTER|       |
|   4 |     SORT JOIN                |       |
|   5 |      VIEW                    |       |
|*  6 |       TABLE ACCESS FULL      | TIMES |
|*  7 |     SORT PARTITION JOIN      |       |
|   8 |      PARTITION RANGE ALL     |       |
|*  9 |       TABLE ACCESS FULL      | SALES |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   6 - filter("T"."FISCAL_YEAR"=3D1998 AND =
   7 - access("T"."TIME_ID"=3D"S"."TIME_ID")
   9 - filter("S"."CHANNEL_ID"=3D9)

2) same as query 1 with USE_NL hint

SELECT /*+ use_nl(s t) */ t.fiscal_month_number,
       nvl(sum(s.amount_sold),0) amount_sold
FROM sales s PARTITION BY (channel_id)
             RIGHT OUTER JOIN (
               SELECT time_id, fiscal_month_number
               FROM times t
               WHERE t.fiscal_year =3D 1998
               AND t.fiscal_quarter_number =3D 2
             ) t USING (time_id)
WHERE channel_id =3D 9
GROUP BY t.fiscal_month_number;

| Id  | Operation                      | Name  |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT               |       |
|   1 |  SORT GROUP BY                 |       |
|   2 |   VIEW                         |       |
|   4 |     BUFFER SORT                |       |
|   5 |      VIEW                      |       |
|*  6 |       TABLE ACCESS FULL        | TIMES |
|*  7 |     FILTER                     |       |
|   8 |      SORT PARTITION JOIN       |       |
|   9 |       PARTITION RANGE ALL      |       |
|* 10 |        TABLE ACCESS FULL       | SALES |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   6 - filter("T"."FISCAL_YEAR"=3D1998 AND =
   7 - filter("T"."TIME_ID"=3D"S"."TIME_ID")
  10 - filter("S"."CHANNEL_ID"=3D9)

The problem here is that I would like to see the filter 7 to be applied =
in step 10 as access predicate. Of course since the index scan is "not =
possible" the NL makes no sense here...

3) the modified query (TIMES is joined once more to enable an index =
access... please notice that in my first post I copy/pasted the wrong =
query, sorry for that!)

SELECT t.fiscal_month_number,
       nvl(sum(s.amount_sold),0) amount_sold
FROM sales s JOIN (
               SELECT time_id
               FROM times
               WHERE fiscal_year =3D 1998
               AND fiscal_quarter_number =3D 2
             ) t1 USING (time_id)
             PARTITION BY (channel_id)
             RIGHT OUTER JOIN (
               SELECT time_id, fiscal_month_number
               FROM times
               WHERE fiscal_year =3D 1998
               AND fiscal_quarter_number =3D 2
             ) t USING (time_id)
WHERE channel_id =3D 9
GROUP BY t.fiscal_month_number;

| Id  | Operation                              | Name              |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                       |                   |
|   1 |  SORT GROUP BY                         |                   |
|   2 |   VIEW                                 |                   |
|   3 |    MERGE JOIN PARTITION OUTER          |                   |
|   4 |     SORT JOIN                          |                   |
|   5 |      VIEW                              |                   |
|*  6 |       TABLE ACCESS FULL                | TIMES             |
|*  7 |     SORT PARTITION JOIN                |                   |
|   8 |      VIEW                              |                   |
|   9 |       TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID| SALES             |
|  10 |        NESTED LOOPS                    |                   |
|* 11 |         TABLE ACCESS FULL              | TIMES             |
|  12 |         PARTITION RANGE ITERATOR       |                   |
|  13 |          BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS   |                   |
|  14 |           BITMAP AND                   |                   |
|* 15 |            BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE   | SALES_TIME_BIX    |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   7 - access("T"."TIME_ID"=3D"from$_subquery$_004"."TIME_ID")
  15 - access("S"."TIME_ID"=3D"TIME_ID")
  16 - access("S"."CHANNEL_ID"=3D9)

This query is much faster (ca. factor 5) and does much less LIO (ca. =
factor 3.5). Of course in this case there is no big difference.... but =
in a real star schema it will be a real problem...

>Which table are you calling
>the inner table - from your choice of table to 'add',
>it looks like you are considering the TIMES table
>to be the inner, but the original times table is
>the preserved table in the outer join, so for a
>nested loop it would be the outer table.

The inner table in relation to the NL, i.e. SALES. (in this schema SALES =
is the fact table and, therefore, I don't want to see a FTS on it...)


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