Re: ORA-907 using CAST with a table of records

  • From: "Rich Jesse" <rjoralist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 08:47:56 -0600 (CST)

Hi Gints,

> I'm 99% sure that one cannot cast (multiset) using type defined in
> package. It has to be OBJECT TYPE defined in database. That's the
> reason why Oracle wants ")" after the second keyword i.e. sys.whatever
> is allowed if it is object type, but sys.package.type is too much for
> an object type.
> Cannot find on the spot absolutely precise definition in the docs
> though, therefore 1% for doubts ;)

To test your theory, I pulled the ObjectTab definition and it's underlying
record type into the proc:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE t_dba.list_stats_test AS
        type MyObjectElem is record (
                ownname     varchar2(32),     -- owner
                objtype     varchar2(6),      -- 'TABLE' or 'INDEX'
                objname     varchar2(32),     -- table/index
                partname    varchar2(32),     -- partition
                subpartname varchar2(32),     -- subpartition
                confidence  number);          -- not used
        type MyObjectTab is table of MyObjectElem;

        t_objlist                       sys.dbms_stats.ObjectTab;
        t_objsort                       MyObjectTab;

dbms_stats.gather_database_stats (
        stattab => NULL,
        statid => NULL,
        options => 'LIST STALE',
        objlist => t_objlist,
        statown => NULL);

tt.objname ASC ) AS MyObjectTab ) INTO t_objsort FROM dual;

END list_stats_test;

This time it errors out with ORA-902 invalid datatype at CAST...AS
MyObjectTab.  I'm thinking Oracle's not going to let me do this without
defining an object type in the schema (as opposed to declaring a record type
in the procedure).

Unless anyone knows of a way around this...

Thanks for the feedback!



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