RE: OLEDB internal queries - last try

  • From: "Alvaro Jose Fernandez" <alvaro.fernandez@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Grant Allen" <gxallen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 10:17:05 +0200


(Due to the list limitations regarding attachments, etc. , I am sending
to the list only the body of my message . The copy that I sent to you
the attachments)

Many (many) thanks for your help. 

-I'm attaching a self-contained sample test case in VBScript which
reproduces the problem (Frankly, test table doesn't appears to matter)

        sqlplus > create table testoledb ( c char(10)) ;
        sqlplus > insert into test values ('A') ;               (typo ,
that's "testoledb")

        sqlplus > commit ;

-reproduced using Oracle OLEDB.  See the tkprof trace included
in the email.

-No, we are not calling any SP from the code.

-Conn properties: Con.Timeout=120 , Con.CursorLocation=adUseClient,
adOpenStatic + adLockOptimistic (always fixed, as in the sample).

-RDBMS is , or 

-registry entries for OLEDB_SERVICES:

00C04FC2AD98}\Default:  RG_SZ  value: SQLOLEDB
00C04FC2AD98}\OLEDB_SERVICES    REG_DWORD  value: ffffffff

Any ideas? In some - majority - of cases, the problem apears when using
DISTINCT . But I've seen some traces which not. Tried with UNIQUE and it
*appears* to do it well - but that also means changing the code.



Dim Con

Const adUseClient = 3
Const adOpenStatic = 3
Const adLockOptimistic = 3

Dim connstr
connstr = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle; Data Source=SAMIL9I; Persist
Security Info=True; User ID=HOSIXV60; Password=hosixv60"

Set Con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Con.ConnectionTimeout = 120

Con.Open CSTR(connstr)

' -- adUseServer: OK (no generated queries)

Con.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Con.CommandTimeout = 600

Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

'--RS.ActiveConnection = Con

msgbox "wait ... start 10046 in the server for this conn/session , for
do the trace"

sql = "SELECT Distinct c from testoledb"

RS.Open(sql), Con, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

Do while not RS.BOF and not RS.EOF
  'msgbox rs(0)

Set RS = Nothing
Set Con = Nothing


A couple of things might be useful in helping you with this.  The 
connection string used (no need to include the password or real 
server/user names), the connection object's properties (a very simple 
bit of VB should be able to iterate over these and print them out ... 
ask your VB devs), and the OLEDB_SERVICES value for the Oracle OLE DB 
provider from the registry.

In 11 years of writing c++, c#, and vb against Oracle's ODBC driver and 
OLE DB provider, I never saw your symptoms ... and we had regular 
religious wars about the comparative merits of server-side versus 
client-side cursors.

One other thing springs to mind as well.  Is your VB code calling Oracle

stored procedures, and do these stored procedures include declarations 
using %TYPE or %ROWTYPE?  There are hideous bugs (i.e. massively 
increased sql noise and network traffic) with Oracle's implementation of

these technologies in combination ... I can elaborate if this matches 
your situation.

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