Re: OEM custom plugin and how to undeploy it

  • From: Remigiusz Sokolowski <rems@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: Ghassan Salem <salem.ghassan@xxxxxxxxx>, 'ORACLE-L' <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 17:16:36 +0200

Ghassan Salem wrote:
In my opinion, they are right (oracle support, that is). They can in no way tell you how to undo what you did.
well, You see, deploy script has also failed, so only changes to the repository were those let's them name "standard" i.e. those done before deploy script takes an effect. I certainly agree, they should not help us at what we do, but at what the plugin page logic do before even starting deployment. I mean here some entry to standard SYSMAN tables, where plugin is registered, where deploy and undeploy code is stored, etc and I recognize it as a part of OEM and not a part of our custom operations done in DEPLOY script, which can be anything possible. Anyway I won't argue longer at this point - may be they are right and I am just tired :-)

The way to do it is to take your deploy script, and undo what it manually (i.e. by going through the SQL and reverse it). There is also a pointer in the DB, with a blob that has the undeploy script in it, and you should either delete this row, or update the blob with the fixed undeploy script. I don't have access right now to an OEM repository to tell where this row is stored, but if you get the names of the tables containing blob columns in ths sysman repository, you should easily identify it.

That is good point and we will move this way - I have searched for a place where deploy and undeploy scripts are stored but unsuccessfully. Now we probably can just improve a scripts directly - many thanks for that tip :-)

Best regards


Remigiusz Sokolowski <rems@xxxxxxxx>
WP/PTI/DIP/ZAB (+04858) 52 15 770
MySQL v04.x,05.x; Oracle v10.x

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