FileSystem (Volume) Sizes and Names (questions)

  • From: Hemant K Chitale <hkchital@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 21:06:04 +0800

A quick survey.

When you, as the DBA, are allowed to specify to the Storage team the filesystem (volume)
sizes you want for Databases, what standards do you use ?
eg for a database of less than 100GB, volumes of 10GB to 20GB each
for a database of 100GB to 1TB, volumes of 100GB or 200GB each ....

If the Storage team set's up default volumes [without referring to you] what sizes do they
give you ?

I would like "smaller" volumes [eg each mount point between 10% to 20% of the total size,
thus 5 to 10 mount points] for the database files [of course, still using some standard
sizes, eg 20GB [for the 100GB databases] across servers. This allows flexibility
in relocating datafiles etc.

If the underlying storage actually creates one large Mega-LUN, do you still care
about the sizes of the mount points.

As an additional question, do you standardize mount-point names ?
eg  /orasys for the RDBMS binaries
/oradata1 ... /oradata10 for the database files
/redo for the Redo Logs
/archlogs for the ArchiveLogs


Hemant K Chitale

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