Re: Errors from opatch rollback

  • From: "Jared Still" <jkstill@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: laranichols@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 08:04:11 -0800

I have not experienced this on *nix, but have on Windows.

On windows (haven't checked this in awhile) the rollback batch file
directly executed a subordinate script rather than using 'call', which
meant it would fail.

The point is, you may need to open an SR, and do a little script
troubleshooting while you wait, as the 'rollback'  functionality
doesn't appear to be fully tested, at least in my experience.


On 2/9/07, Lara <laranichols@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

 I'm trying to rollback a patch in a database using opatch.  The
path to where the patch is /tmp/patchnumber.

From that directory, I am using the command: $ORACLE_HOME/Opatch/opatch
rollback –id patchnumber

I get the error:

The patch area isn't valid.

ERROR: OPatch failed during pre-reqs check.

Has anyone seen these errors when using opatch rollback or know of any
workarounds for this?

Lara Nichols

Cal Poly State University

 -- //

Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist

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