Re: Database Growth for previous month

  • From: Stephane Faroult <sfaroult@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Amir.Hameed@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 22:14:20 +0200

An extended version based on the same idea:

clear columns
set verify off
col tot_mon noprint new_value range
-- Compute how many months have gone since the database was created
select ceil(months_between(sysdate, created)) tot_mon
from v$database
col maxinc noprint new_value max_inc
-- Compute the maximum number of times a file created in 'autoextend' mode
-- has grown
select max(round((d.bytes - d.create_bytes) / / d.block_size)) maxinc
from sys.file$ f,
     v$datafile d
where > 0
  and f.file# = d.file#
  and d.bytes > d.create_bytes
col GB format 9999990.00
col volume format A60
--  The factorized subquery tries to build a 'size history' for all
--  files that are in autoextend mode. It generates a list fo file#,
--  associated to 'prior size' and 'new size'. The snag is that a crucial
--  element is missing: the date when autoextension was triggered.
--  To fill the blanks as best as we can, we try to get the creation date
--  of the oldest data or index segment the segment header of which is
--  physically located in the new extension.
with extended_files as
            (select file#,
                    nvl(lag(file_size, 1) over (partition by file#
                                                order by file_size), 0)
             from (select f.file#,
                          f.create_blocks + x.rn * file_size,
                   from (select f.file#,
                                d.create_bytes / d.block_size create_blocks,
                                d.bytes / d.block_size blocks,
                         from sys.file$ f,
                              v$datafile d     
                         where > 0
                           and f.file# = d.file#
                           and d.bytes > d.create_bytes
                           and rownum > 0) f,
                        (select rownum - 1 rn
                         from dual
                         connect by level <= &max_inc + 1) x
                   where (f.create_blocks + x.rn * <= f.blocks))
select "MONTH",
       round(cumul/1024, 2) GB,
       -- Draw a histogram
       rpad('=', round(60 * cumul / current_M), '=') volume
from (select to_char(cal.mon, 'MON-YYYY') "MONTH",
             sum(nvl(evt.M, 0)) over (order by cal.mon range unbounded
preceding) cumul,
             tot.curr_M current_M,
      from -- current database size (data size)
           (select round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) curr_M
            from v$datafile) tot,
           -- all the months since the database was created
           (select add_months(trunc(sysdate, 'MONTH'), -rn) mon 
            from (select rownum - 1 rn
                  from dual
                  connect by level <= &range)) cal,
           -- all the months when the size of the database changed
           (select size_date,
                   round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) M
            from (-- files in autoextend mode
                  select file#, max(bytes) bytes, size_date
                  from (select file#, bytes, trunc(min(ctime), 'MONTH')
                        -- Get the oldest creation date of tables or indexes
                        -- that are located in extensions.
                        -- Other segment types are ignored.
                        from (select s.file#,
                                     f.file_size * f.block_size bytes,
                              from sys.seg$ s,
                                   extended_files f,
                         $ t,
                                   sys.obj$ o
                              where s.file# = f.file#
                                and s.type# = 5
                                and s.block# between f.prior_size and
                                and s.file# = t.file#
                                and s.block# = t.block#
                                and t.obj# = o.obj#
                              union all
                              select s.file#,
                                     f.file_size * f.block_size bytes,
                              from sys.seg$ s,
                                   extended_files f,
                                   sys.ind$ i,
                                   sys.obj$ o
                              where s.file# = f.file#
                                and s.type# = 6
                                and s.block# between f.prior_size and
                                and s.file# = i.file#
                                and s.block# = i.block#
                                and i.obj# = o.obj#)
                        group by file#, bytes)
                  group by file#, size_date
                  union all
                  -- files that are not in autoextend mode
                  select d.file#,
                         d.create_bytes bytes,
                         trunc(d.creation_time, 'MONTH') size_date
                  from v$datafile d,
                       sys.file$ f
                  where nvl(, 0) = 0
                    and f.file# = d.file#)
            group by size_date) evt
      where evt.size_date (+) = cal.mon)
order by mon

Stephane Faroult
RoughSea Ltd <>
Konagora <>
RoughSea Channel on Youtube <>

Hameed, Amir wrote:
> You can use the v$datafile.creation_time to find out how many
> datafiles were added in a month. I use the following statement:
> select
>   to_char(CREATION_TIME,'RRRR') year,
>   to_char(CREATION_TIME,'MM') month,
>   sum(bytes) Bytes
> from
>   v$datafile
> group by
>   to_char(CREATION_TIME,'RRRR'),
>   to_char(CREATION_TIME,'MM')
> order by
>   1, 2
> And it gives an o/p like below:
> _Year           Month                          Growth_
> 2007       01               4,294,967,296
>            02                 104,857,600
>            03               6,442,450,944
>            05               4,294,967,296
>            06              10,371,465,216
>            07               7,595,884,544
>            08               6,442,450,944
>            09              11,867,783,168
>            10               8,589,934,592
>            11               2,147,483,648
>            12               2,147,483,648
> **********            -------------------
> sum                        64,299,728,896
> 2008       01               2,097,152,000
>            03               2,147,483,648
>            04               6,442,450,944
>            06              12,884,901,888
>            07              19,327,352,832
>            09              15,032,385,536
>            10               6,442,450,944
>            11              11,811,160,064
>            12              15,032,385,536
> **********            -------------------
> sum                        91,217,723,392
> *From:* oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of
> *lyallbarbour@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Sent:* Friday, June 04, 2010 3:05 PM
> *To:* oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* Re: Database Growth for previous month
> We have Grid at our shop.  Using the reports from it, that use the
> views mentioned in another reply, we have information since the Agents
> started reporting. 
> Otherwise, previously, at other jobs, i've had to write scripts.  Of
> course, if you do not have anything collecting information for the
> past two months, from Oracle or your own homegrown, then, you won't be
> able to get that information.
> Lyall
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Prabhu Krishnaswamy <prabhu_adam@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Fri, Jun 4, 2010 2:25 pm
> Subject: Database Growth for previous month
> Hi Lists,
> Could you please help me is there any way to get the database growth
> for the previous two months.
> Thanks in advance.
> Prabhu
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