Re: Daily partitioning

  • From: Tim Gorman <tim@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: greg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 12:00:47 -0600

Not that I think this is a great idea, as I believe that partitioning granularity should match the granularity of likely queries as well as ETL/load frequency (neither of which seems to imply "weekly" in this case), but to answer the question about deleting a day's worth of data in weekly partitions...

The fastest and most scalable UPDATE, MERGE, or DELETE operation is an INSERT.

Anyway, the fastest and most scalable way to "delete" a day's worth of data out of a weekly partition is...

     1) CREATE TABLE {scratch-table-name} NOLOGGING PARALLEL {degree}
         AS SELECT * FROM {partitioned-table} PARTITION {partition-name}
         WHERE {partition-key-date-column} BETWEEN {start-date-to-keep} AND {end-date-to-keep};

     2) create indexes on the {scratch-table-name} to match the LOCAL indexes on {partitioned-table},
          using PARALLEL {degree}, NOLOGGING, and COMPUTE STATISTICS

     3) ALTER TABLE {partitioned-table} EXCHANGE PARTITION {partition-name} WITH TABLE {scratch-table-name}

Step one creates {scratch-table-name} from the six days of data in the week partition {partition-name} that you wish to retain; steps two and three just follow naturally from that.  Obviously, specifying the PARTITION clause and the WHERE clause in the CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT are two different exclusive alternatives.  You only need to do one or the other -- you don't need to do both (as shown here), but doing both doesn't hurt anything, so I included them together.

Along with most of the respondents on this thread, I'm mystified by the comments implying that 40-50 partitions might be too many to manage.  I've been in situations where tens-of-thousands of partitions have been in use quite happily -- obviously the key is automation and scripting.  So, instead of using the wrong partitioning granularity for a situation (as seems to be proposed here), use daily partitions instead.  Add a new partition when you're loading a new day.  Drop a partition when it is too old.

If you'd like some code to get started, then the package EXCHPART at has a procedure named ADD_NEWER_THAN for adding daily partitions and DROP_OLDER_THAN for dropping old partitions, among other things.

Keep life simple.  Be happy.

Hope this helps...
Tim Gorman
consultant -> Evergreen Database Technologies, Inc.
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email      => Tim@xxxxxxxxx
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Greg Rahn wrote:
If you have 7 partitions, one for each day of the week (OP says
partition "reference the day of week"), and say you have 6 weeks (42
days) of data and you want to remove the oldest day, how can you do
with with a truncate?  Hint, you cant: each partition contains 6 days
and you want to simply remove one day.

If you did week partitions of 7 days (not 7 day of the week
partitions) then sure, you could eventually drop off the oldest week
-- a nologging operation.

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 7:41 AM, Ivan Ricardo Schuster
<ivanrs79@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
addition 7 weekday partitions mean you have to *delete* old data, not
simply drop the given day's partition.  That means a logging operation
Not really, you can truncate that partition, that is not a logging operation.
-- //

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