[openbeosstorage] Re: Disk Device API: Some semantical questions

  • From: "Ingo Weinhold" <bonefish@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeosstorage@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 02:19:35 +0200 CEST

On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 14:08:18 -0700 Tyler Dauwalder <tyler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> wrote:
> > BTW, what kind of partitions does
> > BDiskDeviceRoster::VisitEachInitializablePartition() visit, i.e. 
> > what
> > is an initializable partition? Something like the device is not 
> > read-
> > only and there exists a disk system for which the partition's
> > CanInitialize() would return true? Sounds a bit complicated.
> I think something more along the lines of "the device is not read-
> only 
> and partition->Parent()->DiskSystem()->SupportsChildSystem() returns 
> true for some available disk system and there exists an available 
> disk 
> system such that 
> system->SupportsParentSystem(partition->Parent()->DiskSystem()) 
> returns 
> true", again pretending BPartition::DiskSystem() exists instead of 
> BPartition::GetDiskSystem(). I guess the question is how useful it 
> is. 
> If we want to give a complete overview in DriveSetup of which 
> partitions 
> are initializable, we'll have to do something similar anyway. If we 
> want 
> to make the user check on a partition by partition basis if a given 
> partition is initializable (i.e. by right-clicking and seeing if an 
> "initialize" item is avaliable or something similar), then the 
> Visit...() function may not be all that necessary. I kind of like the 
> first ides better though.

I wonder whether we cross the line of what should be provided by the 
API and what can be implemented in DriveSetup here. The method will be 
relatively expensive if all these checks are done and DriveSetup will 
have to implement the functionality to get all disk systems a partition 
can be initialized with, anyway.

CU, Ingo

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