[nanomsg] Re: nanomsg and encryption

  • From: Paul Colomiets <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Martin Sustrik <sustrik@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 22:36:22 +0200

Hi Martin,

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 8:06 AM, Martin Sustrik <sustrik@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>      Using the encrypted counter, rather that generating a random IV for
>>     each message makes the algorithm viable for scenarios with high
>>     message rate. If the IVs were generated randomly, we would soon run
>>     out of available randomness on the system. If, on the other hand, we
>>     had used pseudo-random IVs, it would make the scheme vulnerable to
>>     chosen plaintext attack.
>> I may be overly paranoid, but I'd change IV encryption key once a while
>> (say a minute or so).
> I guess you are too paranoid. Assuming that the counter is encrypted (to
> give a non-predictable IV) using the same encryption algorithm that's used
> later on to encrypt the message itself, there are only two options:
> 1. The algorithm is secure => next IV is unpredictable & ecryption itself
> is secure.
> 2. The algortihm is unscure => next IV may be predicted & encryption
> itself may be compromised.
> In either case there's nothing to gain from generating new key
> periodicaly. (Except for the limit imposed by the algorithm itself, which
> is pretty high for algorthms like 256 bit AES.)
> On the other hand generating new keys requires randomness, which we may
>  quickly run out off if generating keys periodically. That in turn would
> lead to hanged up system.
> So, to prevent hang-ups in scenarios with a lot of sockets I would rather
> explore exactly the opposite direction: Generating the key only on library
> initialisation and not requiring more randomness for each nn_socket() call.
> Technically, what can be done is using just one key for all sockets,
> however, instead of using a single counter, use a pair of counters: socket
> counter + message counter. If we are using, say, 128 bit block cipher, each
> of the counters can be a 64 bit unsigned int, which is unlikely to
> overflow, ever.

>  The following options apply for
>> each socket. Options ordered from most secure one to the least secure
>> (IMO)
>> 1. REQ:
>> a) Use public key to encrypt message. All repliers must have same
>> private key. Nor intermediaries, nor other requesters can't read a message
>> b) Use preshared key (use a separate request with asymmetric cipher to
>> establish a shared key): secures from intermediaries and other clients.
>> c) Use shared key: any replier can process request anyway, any client
>> may do this request too, securing only from intermediaries
>> 2. REP:
>> a) Use a public key embedded inside a message to encrypt reply. Nobody
>> except requester can read the message.
>> b) Use preshared key: nobody except requester can decrypt the message
>> (restriction 1b applies too)
>> c) Use symmetric key embedded inside a message to encrypt reply.
>> Everybody who knows replier key, and captured request can also read a
>> reply
>> d) Use shared key (securing intermediaries only)
> That leaves the question open of two business entities providing the same
> service. Would they have to share the same private key?
It's technically possible to do the same thing that's used for encrypting
storage. Let's imagine we have two business entities, having distinct keys
A and B. Let's encrypt each message with a fresh key K, and then prepend
encrypted message with key K encrypted with A, followed by key K encrypted
with B. The decryption algorithm first decrypts a key K by using it's own
key (A or B) and then decrypts a message by that key.

I speculate that's this way it's not practical to have a different key per
worker (too much keys to be embedded in each message), but may be ok if
there are just a few entities with different keys.

>  3. SURVEYOR: basically same as for REQ.
>> 4. RESPONDENT: same as for REP, except I'm not sure 2b is at all possible
>> a) Use a public key, so different sources (or push sockets) can't
>> decrypt each other's data. All PULL sockets must be able do decrypt data
>> anyway
>> b) Use preshared key (same features like 5a, being faster, but with
>> complex connection establishment)
>> c) Use a shared key
>> 6. PUB-SUB is the most complex one. There are all kind of the
>> combinations of the following options:
>> a) Use any of 5a, b, c and disable subscription forwarding
>> b) Separate topic and send plain-text  or using hop-by-hop encryption
> I guess the separation of topic would have to be done anyway at some point.
Wow! You were strictly against that, when designing SP-proto. Did you
changed your mind, or you see it as a necessary evil for encryption? Does
API need to be changed for that?

>  In the end it very much depends on what your security definition is. For
>> example I vaguely imagine a practical situation where difference between
>> 2a and 2c is noticeable, but it's theoretically possible.
>  Implementing a transport security may be selling feature but has
>> probably no really practical interest, because there are many solutions
>> for tunneling tcp connections (vpn, ssh to name a few), even hardware
>> ones.
> Actually, people are asking for it (check ZeroMQ ML) -- I would say the
> feature is of little theorerical interest (it's doesn't really differ from
> a simple tunnelling solution), but in terms of usability it's highly
> desirable for the library to provide it itself.
Ok, may be I'm mistaken. Or may be people don't know what they need :)

>  I think the simple and safe solution is to implement shared keys,
>> disabling subscription forwarding. Public key encryption is useful, but
>> is very slow in a raw way. While I believe that it's technically
>> possible to create a symmetric key at connection establishment (like TLS
>> do), it would create very complex interactions with intermediaries, that
>> I don't think it's worthwhile.
> My conclusion so far is that we need to understand the use cases better to
> be able to proceed. Once getting some basic understanding, we can write
> down the actual requirements for individual protocols. That in turn would
> lead to actual algorithms to use.

FYI, I don't need encryption myself.


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