[mira_talk] Re: manifest file

  • From: Adriana Fróes <dricamfroes@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 12:13:15 -0400

Sorry, I try to use a script that generates the manifest file for each
metagenome project and then executes MIRA.
The script is this:

cat >mira.config <<EOConfig

parameters = -DI:trt=/tmp/ -GE:not=4

454_SETTINGS = -AL:min_overlap=30:min_relative_score=75
-OUT:savesimplesingletsinproject=yes -LR:wqf=no -AS:epoq=no

project = Mira_454

job = genome,denovo,draft

454_SETTINGS= -AL:min_overlap=30:min_relative_score=75
OUT:savesimplesingletsinproject=yes -LR:wqf=no -AS:epoq=no

# now the unpaired data

readgroup = unpaired

data = $IN1

technology = 454

template_size = 50 1500 autorefine



# Execute mira

mira mira.config >&log_assembly.txt


Adriana M. Froes
Laboratório de Microbiologia, Instituto de Biologia, Depto de Biologia
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Av. Carlos Chagas Filho 373, Sala A3-202, Bloco A (Anexo) do CCS
21941-599, Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 7:03 PM, Bastien Chevreux <bach@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 05 May 2015, at 22:55 , Adriana Fróes <dricamfroes@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thank you very much Marcelo!
I've tried one, actually, but it keeps showing the same error, as:

So you showed the error which, indeed, looks very strange. How about
showing the manifest file for us to see what the problem could be? ;-)


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