[mira_talk] de novo assembly: boost::thread_resource_error

  • From: vladimir mashanov <mashanovvlad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 10 May 2011 08:59:44 -0400

Hi, Bastien

I am trying to run a de novo assembly of 1,866,192 454-reads
(1,029,483,065 bases) on a node with 50 Gb RAM. After about 30 min,
mira gets aborted with the following error (the bottom of the log

'standard' exception occured (that's NOT normal):

I would highly appreciate if you could tell me what I am doing wrong.

Here is my script to start mira:

--job=denovo,est,accurate,454  COMMON_SETTINGS -SK:mchr=4096
454_SETTINGS -LR:mxti=no -CL:cpat=no:qcmq=20:bsqc=yes -ED:ace=yes >&

Here is my complete log file:

This is MIRA V3.2.1 (production version).

Please cite: Chevreux, B., Wetter, T. and Suhai, S. (1999), Genome Sequence
Assembly Using Trace Signals and Additional Sequence Information.
Computer Science and Biology: Proceedings of the German Conference on
Bioinformatics (GCB) 99, pp. 45-56.

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Compiled by: bach
Sun Nov 28 00:49:16 CET 2010
On: Linux vKub90464 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17
01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Compiled in boundtracking mode.
Compiled in bugtracking mode.
Compilation settings (sorry, for debug):
        Size of size_t  : 8
        Size of uint32  : 4
        Size of uint32_t: 4
        Size of uint64  : 8
        Size of uint64_t: 8
Current system: Linux compute-0-12.local
2.6.18-164.11.1.el5_lustre.1.8.2 #1 SMP Sat Jan 23 18:02:32 MST 2010
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Parsing parameters: --project=cleaned_2_combined
--job=denovo,est,accurate,454 COMMON_SETTINGS -SK:mchr=4096
454_SETTINGS -LR:mxti=no -CL:cpat=no:qcmq=20:bsqc=yes -ED:ace=yes

Parameters parsed without error, perfect.

Parameter settings seen for:
Sanger data (also common parameters), 454 data

Used parameter settings:
  General (-GE):
        Project name in (proin)                     : cleaned_2_combined
        Project name out (proout)                   : cleaned_2_combined
        Number of threads (not)                     : 2
        Automatic memory management (amm)           : yes
            Keep percent memory free (kpmf)         : 15
            Max. process size (mps)                 : 0
        EST SNP pipeline step (esps)                : 0
        Use template information (uti)              :  [san]  yes
                                                       [454]  yes
            Template insert size minimum (tismin)   :  [san]  -1
                                                       [454]  -1
            Template insert size maximum (tismax)   :  [san]  -1
                                                       [454]  -1
            Template partner build direction (tpbd) :  [san]  -1
                                                       [454]  -1
        Colour reads by hash frequency (crhf)       : no

  Load reads options (-LR):
        Load sequence data (lsd)                    :  [san]  no
                                                       [454]  yes
            File type (ft)                          :  [san]  fasta
                                                       [454]  fasta
            External quality (eq)                   : from SCF (scf)
                Ext. qual. override (eqo)           : no
                Discard reads on e.q. error (droeqe): no
            Solexa scores in qual file (ssiqf)      : no
            FASTQ qual offset (fqqo)                :  [san]  0
                                                       [454]  0

        Wants quality file (wqf)                    :  [san]  yes
                                                       [454]  yes

        Read naming scheme (rns)                    :  [san] Sanger Institute 
                                                       [454] forward/reverse 

        Merge with XML trace info (mxti)            :  [san]  no
                                                       [454]  no

        Filecheck only (fo)                         : no

  Assembly options (-AS):
        Number of passes (nop)                      : 5
            Skim each pass (sep)                    : yes
        Maximum number of RMB break loops (rbl)     : 3

        Minimum read length (mrl)                   :  [san]  80
                                                       [454]  40
        Minimum reads per contig (mrpc)             :  [san]  2
                                                       [454]  2
        Base default quality (bdq)                  :  [san]  10
                                                       [454]  10
        Enforce presence of qualities (epoq)        :  [san]  yes
                                                       [454]  yes

        Automatic repeat detection (ard)            : no
            Coverage threshold (ardct)              :  [san]  2
                                                       [454]  2
            Minimum length (ardml)                  :  [san]  400
                                                       [454]  200
            Grace length (ardgl)                    :  [san]  40
                                                       [454]  20
            Use uniform read distribution (urd)     : no
              Start in pass (urdsip)                : 4
              Cutoff multiplier (urdcm)             :  [san]  1.5
                                                       [454]  1.5
        Keep long repeats separated (klrs)          : no

        Spoiler detection (sd)                      : no
            Last pass only (sdlpo)                  : yes

        Use genomic pathfinder (ugpf)               : no

        Use emergency search stop (uess)            : yes
            ESS partner depth (esspd)               : 500
        Use emergency blacklist (uebl)              : yes
        Use max. contig build time (umcbt)          : yes
            Build time in seconds (bts)             : 3600

  Strain and backbone options (-SB):
        Load straindata (lsd)                       : no
        Assign default strain (ads)                 :  [san]  no
                                                       [454]  no
            Default strain name (dsn)               :  [san]  StrainX
                                                       [454]  StrainX
        Load backbone (lb)                          : no
            Start backbone usage in pass (sbuip)    : 3
            Backbone file type (bft)                : fasta
            Backbone base quality (bbq)             : 30
            Backbone strain name (bsn)              : ReferenceStrain
                Force for all (bsnffa)              : no
            Backbone rail from strain (brfs)        :
            Backbone rail length (brl)              : 0
            Backbone rail overlap (bro)             : 0
            Also build new contigs (abnc)           : yes

  Dataprocessing options (-DP):
        Use read extensions (ure)                   :  [san]  yes
                                                       [454]  no
            Read extension window length (rewl)     :  [san]  30
                                                       [454]  15
            Read extension w. maxerrors (rewme)     :  [san]  2
                                                       [454]  2
            First extension in pass (feip)          :  [san]  0
                                                       [454]  0
            Last extension in pass (leip)           :  [san]  0
                                                       [454]  0

  Clipping options (-CL):
        Merge with SSAHA2/SMALT vector screen (msvs):  [san]  no
                                                       [454]  no
            Gap size (msvsgs)                       :  [san]  10
                                                       [454]  8
            Max front gap (msvsmfg)                 :  [san]  60
                                                       [454]  8
            Max end gap (msvsmeg)                   :  [san]  120
                                                       [454]  12
            Strict front clip (msvssfc)             :  [san]  0
                                                       [454]  0
            Strict end clip (msvssec)               :  [san]  0
                                                       [454]  0
        Possible vector leftover clip (pvlc)        :  [san]  yes
                                                       [454]  no
            maximum len allowed (pvcmla)            :  [san]  18
                                                       [454]  18
        Quality clip (qc)                           :  [san]  no
                                                       [454]  no
            Minimum quality (qcmq)                  :  [san]  20
                                                       [454]  20
            Window length (qcwl)                    :  [san]  30
                                                       [454]  30
        Bad stretch quality clip (bsqc)             :  [san]  yes
                                                       [454]  yes
            Minimum quality (bsqcmq)                :  [san]  20
                                                       [454]  5
            Window length (bsqcwl)                  :  [san]  30
                                                       [454]  20
        Masked bases clip (mbc)                     :  [san]  yes
                                                       [454]  yes
            Gap size (mbcgs)                        :  [san]  20
                                                       [454]  5
            Max front gap (mbcmfg)                  :  [san]  40
                                                       [454]  12
            Max end gap (mbcmeg)                    :  [san]  60
                                                       [454]  12
        Lower case clip (lcc)                       :  [san]  no
                                                       [454]  yes
        Clip poly A/T at ends (cpat)                :  [san]  no
                                                       [454]  no
            Keep poly-a signal (cpkps)              :  [san]  no
                                                       [454]  no
            Minimum signal length (cpmsl)           :  [san]  12
                                                       [454]  12
            Max errors allowed (cpmea)              :  [san]  1
                                                       [454]  1
            Max gap from ends (cpmgfe)              :  [san]  9
                                                       [454]  20000
        Ensure minimum left clip (emlc)             :  [san]  yes
                                                       [454]  no
            Minimum left clip req. (mlcr)           :  [san]  25
                                                       [454]  4
            Set minimum left clip to (smlc)         :  [san]  30
                                                       [454]  4
        Ensure minimum right clip (emrc)            :  [san]  no
                                                       [454]  no
            Minimum right clip req. (mrcr)          :  [san]  10
                                                       [454]  10
            Set minimum right clip to (smrc)        :  [san]  20
                                                       [454]  15

        Apply SKIM chimera detection clip (ascdc)   : no
        Apply SKIM junk detection clip (asjdc)      : no

        Propose end clips (pec)                     : no
            Bases per hash (pecbph)                 : 17
            Handle Solexa GGCxG problem (pechsgp)   : yes

  Parameters for SKIM algorithm (-SK):
        Number of threads (not)                     : 2

        Also compute reverse complements (acrc)     : yes
        Bases per hash (bph)                        : 21
        Hash save stepping (hss)                    : 1
        Percent required (pr)                       :  [san]  70
                                                       [454]  80

        Max hits per read (mhpr)                    : 30
        Max megahub ratio (mmhr)                    : 0

        Freq. est. min normal (fenn)                : 0.4
        Freq. est. max normal (fexn)                : 1.6
        Freq. est. repeat (fer)                     : 1.9
        Freq. est. heavy repeat (fehr)              : 8
        Freq. est. crazy (fecr)                     : 20
        Mask nasty repeats (mnr)                    : yes
            Nasty repeat ratio (nrr)                : 100
        Repeat level in info file (rliif)           : 6

        Max hashes in memory (mhim)                 : 15000000
        MemCap: hit reduction (mchr)                : 4096

  Pathfinder options (-PF):
        Use quick rule (uqr)                        :  [san]  yes
                                                       [454]  yes
            Quick rule min len 1 (qrml1)            :  [san]  200
                                                       [454]  80
            Quick rule min sim 1 (qrms1)            :  [san]  90
                                                       [454]  90
            Quick rule min len 2 (qrml2)            :  [san]  100
                                                       [454]  60
            Quick rule min sim 2 (qrms2)            :  [san]  95
                                                       [454]  95
        Backbone quick overlap min len (bqoml)      :  [san]  150
                                                       [454]  80

  Align parameters for Smith-Waterman align (-AL):
        Bandwidth in percent (bip)             :  [san]  20
                                                  [454]  20
        Bandwidth max (bmax)                   :  [san]  130
                                                  [454]  80
        Bandwidth min (bmin)                   :  [san]  25
                                                  [454]  20
        Minimum score (ms)                     :  [san]  30
                                                  [454]  15
        Minimum overlap (mo)                   :  [san]  15
                                                  [454]  20
        Minimum relative score in % (mrs)      :  [san]  70
                                                  [454]  80
        Solexa_hack_max_errors (shme)          :  [san]  0
                                                  [454]  0
        Extra gap penalty (egp)                :  [san]  no
                                                  [454]  yes
            extra gap penalty level (egpl)     :  [san] low
                                                  [454] reject_codongaps
            Max. egp in percent (megpp)        :  [san]  100
                                                  [454]  100

  Contig parameters (-CO):
        Name prefix (np)                                         : 
        Reject on drop in relative alignment score in % (rodirs) :  [san]  25
                                                                    [454]  15
        Mark repeats (mr)                                        : yes
            Only in result (mroir)                               : no
            Assume SNP instead of repeats (asir)                 : no
            Minimum reads per group needed for tagging (mrpg)    :  [san]  2
                                                                    [454]  4
            Minimum neighbour quality needed for tagging (mnq)   :  [san]  20
                                                                    [454]  20
            Minimum Group Quality needed for RMB Tagging (mgqrt) :  [san]  30
                                                                    [454]  25
            End-read Marking Exclusion Area in bases (emea)      :  [san]  25
                                                                    [454]  10
                Set to 1 on clipping PEC (emeas1clpec)           : yes
            Also mark gap bases (amgb)                           :  [san]  yes
                                                                    [454]  no
                Also mark gap bases - even multicolumn (amgbemc) :  [san]  yes
                                                                    [454]  yes
                Also mark gap bases - need both strands (amgbnbs):  [san]  yes
                                                                    [454]  yes
        Force non-IUPAC consensus per sequencing type (fnicpst)  :  [san]  no
                                                                    [454]  no
        Merge short reads (msr)                                  :  [san]  no
                                                                    [454]  no
        Gap override ratio (gor)                                 :  [san]  66
                                                                    [454]  66

  Edit options (-ED):
        Automatic contig editing (ace)              :  [san]  no
                                                       [454]  yes
     Sanger only:
        Strict editing mode (sem)                   : no
        Confirmation threshold in percent (ct)      : 50

  Misc (-MI):
        Stop on NFS (sonfs)                         : yes
        Large contig size (lcs)                     : 500
        Large contig size for stats(lcs4s)          : 1000

  Directories (-DI):
        When loading EXP files            :
        When loading SCF files            :
        Top directory for writing files   : cleaned_2_combined_assembly
        For writing result files          :
        For writing result info files     :
        For writing log files             :
        Log redirected to (lrt)           :
        For writing checkpoint files      :

  File names (-FN):
        When loading sequences from FASTA            :  [san]
        When loading qualities from FASTA quality    :  [san]
        When loading sequences from FASTQ            :  [san]
        When loading project from CAF                : 
        When loading project from MAF (disabled)     : 
        When loading EXP fofn                        :
        When loading project from PHD                : 
        When loading strain data                     :
        When loading XML trace info files            :  [san]
        When loading SSAHA2 vector screen results    :
        When loading SMALT vector screen results     :

        When loading backbone from MAF               :
        When loading backbone from CAF               :
        When loading backbone from GenBank           :
        When loading backbone from FASTA             :

  Output files (-OUTPUT/-OUT):
        Save simple singlets in project (sssip)      :  [san]  no
                                                        [454]  no
        Save tagged singlets in project (stsip)      :  [san]  yes
                                                        [454]  yes

        Remove rollover logs (rrol)                  : yes
        Remove log directory (rld)                   : no

    Result files:
        Saved as CAF                       (orc)     : yes
        Saved as MAF                       (orm)     : yes
        Saved as FASTA                     (orf)     : yes
        Saved as GAP4 (directed assembly)  (org)     : no
        Saved as phrap ACE                 (ora)     : yes
        Saved as HTML                      (orh)     : no
        Saved as Transposed Contig Summary (ors)     : yes
        Saved as simple text format        (ort)     : no
        Saved as wiggle                    (orw)     : no

    Temporary result files:
        Saved as CAF                       (otc)     : yes
        Saved as MAF                       (otm)     : no
        Saved as FASTA                     (otf)     : no
        Saved as GAP4 (directed assembly)  (otg)     : no
        Saved as phrap ACE                 (ota)     : no
        Saved as HTML                      (oth)     : no
        Saved as Transposed Contig Summary (ots)     : no
        Saved as simple text format        (ott)     : no

    Extended temporary result files:
        Saved as CAF                      (oetc)     : no
        Saved as FASTA                    (oetf)     : no
        Saved as GAP4 (directed assembly) (oetg)     : no
        Saved as phrap ACE                (oeta)     : no
        Saved as HTML                     (oeth)     : no
        Save also singlets               (oetas)     : no

    Alignment output customisation:
        TEXT characters per line (tcpl)              : 60
        HTML characters per line (hcpl)              : 60
        TEXT end gap fill character (tegfc)          :
        HTML end gap fill character (hegfc)          :

    File / directory output names:
        CAF             : cleaned_2_combined_out.caf
        MAF             : cleaned_2_combined_out.maf
        FASTA           : cleaned_2_combined_out.unpadded.fasta
        FASTA quality   : cleaned_2_combined_out.unpadded.fasta.qual
        FASTA (padded)  : cleaned_2_combined_out.padded.fasta
        FASTA qual.(pad): cleaned_2_combined_out.padded.fasta.qual
        GAP4 (directory): cleaned_2_combined_out.gap4da
        ACE             : cleaned_2_combined_out.ace
        HTML            : cleaned_2_combined_out.html
        Simple text     : cleaned_2_combined_out.txt
        TCS overview    : cleaned_2_combined_out.tcs
        Wiggle          : cleaned_2_combined_out.wig
Creating directory cleaned_2_combined_assembly ... done.
Creating directory
cleaned_2_combined_assembly/cleaned_2_combined_d_log ... done.
Creating directory
cleaned_2_combined_assembly/cleaned_2_combined_d_results ... done.
Creating directory
cleaned_2_combined_assembly/cleaned_2_combined_d_info ... done.
Creating directory
cleaned_2_combined_assembly/cleaned_2_combined_d_chkpt ... done.

Log directory is not on a NFS mount, good.

Localtime: Tue May 10 08:09:57 2011

Loading data (454) from FASTA files,
Localtime: Tue May 10 08:09:57 2011
Counting sequences in FASTA file:
 [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%]
....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%]
....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
Found 1866192 sequences.
Localtime: Tue May 10 08:10:59 2011
454 will load 1866192 reads.
Longest Sanger: 0
Longest 454: 1099
Longest PacBio: 0
Longest Solexa: 0
Longest Solid: 0
Longest overall: 1099
Total reads to load: 1866192
Reserving space for reads (this may take a while)
Reserved space for 1866202 reads.
Loading data (454) from FASTA files,
Localtime: Tue May 10 08:10:59 2011
Counting sequences in FASTA file:
 [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%]
....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%]
....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
Found 1866192 sequences.
Localtime: Tue May 10 08:12:00 2011
Loading data from FASTA file:
 [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%]
....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%]
....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
Localtime: Tue May 10 08:13:40 2011
rnm size: 0
Loading quality data from FASTA quality file
 [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%]
....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%]
....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
Localtime: Tue May 10 08:17:41 2011

Loaded 1866192 reads with 1029483065 raw bases.
1866192 reads have quality accounted for.
Loaded 1866192 454 reads.
Total reads loaded: 1866192
Checking reads for trace data:
 [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%]
....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%]
....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
No SCF data present in any read, automatic contig editing for Sanger
data is now switched off.
1866192 reads with valid data for assembly.
Localtime: Tue May 10 08:17:46 2011

Generated 1866192 unique template ids for 1866192 valid reads.
No useful template information found, template routines will not be used.
Localtime: Tue May 10 08:17:53 2011

Generated 0 unique strain ids for 1866192 reads.
Strain "default" has 1866192 reads.
Have read pool with 1866192 reads.

Pool statistics:
Backbones: 0    Backbone rails: 0

                Sanger  454     PacBio  Solexa  SOLiD
Total reads     0       1866192 0       0       0
Reads wo qual   0       0       0       0       0
Used reads      0       1866192 0       0       0
Avg tot rlen    0       551     0       0       0
Avg rlen used   0       551     0       0       0

With strain     0       0       0       0       0
W/o clips       0       1866192 0       0       0

Starting clips:  done.
Performing search for bad sequence quality ... done.

Pool statistics:
Backbones: 0    Backbone rails: 0

                Sanger  454     PacBio  Solexa  SOLiD
Total reads     0       1866192 0       0       0
Reads wo qual   0       0       0       0       0
Used reads      0       1843257 0       0       0
Avg tot rlen    0       551     0       0       0
Avg rlen used   0       301     0       0       0

With strain     0       0       0       0       0
W/o clips       0       59160   0       0       0

Log directory is not on a NFS mount, good.

Localtime: Tue May 10 08:18:36 2011
Writing temporary hstat files:
 [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%]
....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%]
....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%] tcmalloc: large alloc 1607274496
bytes == 0x29c9fd000 @
Localtime: Tue May 10 08:22:01 2011

Analysing hstat files:
 [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%]
....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%]
....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%] tcmalloc: large alloc 1723363328
bytes == 0x2fd154000 @

Localtime: Tue May 10 08:29:06 2011
Hash statistics:
Measured avg. frequency coverage: 6

Deduced thresholds:
Min normal cov: 2.4
Max normal cov: 9.6
Repeat cov: 11.4
Heavy cov: 48
Crazy cov: 120
Mask cov: 600

Repeat ratio histogram:
0       40901238
1       48998876
2       8509488
3       3303460
4       1743874
5       1046978
6       676522
7       472766
8       347306
9       265714
10      200774
11      157332
12      127002
13      103788
14      84410
15      72892
16      62040
17      53860
18      46066
19      40986
20      36016
21      33216
22      30366
23      27544
24      22930
25      22524
26      18764
27      17424
28      16546
29      15046
30      13620
31      12276
32      11462
33      10512
34      10120
35      9150
36      8588
37      7844
38      7452
39      6258
40      6076
41      5524
42      5362
43      4870
44      4726
45      4352
46      4118
47      3600
48      3282
49      3006
50      3176
51      2918
52      2680
53      2486
54      2314
55      2002
56      1894
57      2050
58      2038
59      2128
60      1650
61      1510
62      1624
63      1476
64      1560
65      1516
66      1614
67      1498
68      1374
69      1392
70      1222
71      1050
72      1086
73      1256
74      1118
75      1064
76      1180
77      1154
78      1190
79      994
80      998
81      850
82      752
83      826
84      736
85      700
86      716
87      784
88      642
89      660
90      614
91      644
92      636
93      514
94      512
95      548
96      472
97      482
98      450
99      490
100     560
101     586
102     544
103     352
104     312
105     354
106     348
107     304
108     342
109     298
110     366
111     298
112     354
113     246
114     272
115     264
116     356
117     348
118     308
119     262
120     240
121     178
122     268
123     302
124     272
125     236
126     274
127     310
128     290
129     284
130     226
131     252
132     248
133     286
134     300
135     310
136     250
137     288
138     250
139     224
140     216
141     168
142     218
143     204
144     196
145     164
146     184
147     210
148     202
149     148
150     192
151     186
152     138
153     148
154     130
155     88
156     120
157     126
158     114
159     100
160     120
161     82
162     116
163     110
164     112
165     142
166     152
167     178
168     130
169     196
170     144
171     172
172     142
173     128
174     146
175     212
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Assigning statistics values:
Localtime: Tue May 10 08:30:27 2011
 [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%]
....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%]
....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
Localtime: Tue May 10 08:38:43 2011
clean up temporary stat files...Localtime: Tue May 10 08:39:18 2011
Writing read repeat info to:
... 235758 sequences with 436089 masked stretches.
Localtime: Tue May 10 08:39:23 2011

Searching for possible overlaps:
Localtime: Tue May 10 08:39:23 2011
Now running threaded and partitioned skimmer with 38 partitions in 2 threads:

========================== Memory self assessment ==============================
Running in 64 bit mode.

Dump from /proc/meminfo
MemTotal:     66003152 kB
MemFree:      40817652 kB
Buffers:        162996 kB
Cached:        8683844 kB
SwapCached:          0 kB
Active:       22936340 kB
Inactive:       792228 kB
HighTotal:           0 kB
HighFree:            0 kB
LowTotal:     66003152 kB
LowFree:      40817652 kB
SwapTotal:     1052248 kB
SwapFree:      1052248 kB
Dirty:            2236 kB
Writeback:           0 kB
AnonPages:    14881612 kB
Mapped:          19224 kB
Slab:          1371068 kB
PageTables:      34784 kB
NFS_Unstable:        0 kB
Bounce:              0 kB
CommitLimit:  34053824 kB
Committed_AS: 15133900 kB
VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB
VmallocUsed:      1944 kB
VmallocChunk: 34359736395 kB
HugePages_Total:     0
HugePages_Free:      0
HugePages_Rsvd:      0
Hugepagesize:     2048 kB

Dump from /proc/self/status
Name:   mira
State:  R (running)
SleepAVG:       78%
Tgid:   15755
Pid:    15755
PPid:   15753
TracerPid:      0
Uid:    1087    1087    1087    1087
Gid:    1090    1090    1090    1090
FDSize: 256
Groups: 1065 1090
VmPeak: 14138820 kB
VmSize: 14136772 kB
VmLck:         0 kB
VmHWM:  14100196 kB
VmRSS:  14098940 kB
VmData: 14131924 kB
VmStk:        84 kB
VmExe:      4728 kB
VmLib:         0 kB
VmPTE:     27580 kB
StaBrk: 05a06000 kB
Brk:    36405b000 kB
StaStk: 7fffb2d660e0 kB
Threads:        1
SigQ:   0/532480
SigPnd: 0000000000000000
ShdPnd: 0000000000000000
SigBlk: 0000000000000000
SigIgn: 0000000000000000
SigCgt: 0000000180000000
CapInh: 0000000000000000
CapPrm: 0000000000000000
CapEff: 0000000000000000
Mems_allowed:   00000000,000000ff

Information on current assembly object:

AS_readpool: 1866192 reads.
AS_contigs: 0 contigs.
AS_bbcontigs: 0 contigs.
Mem used for reads: 9785362448 (9.1 GiB)

Memory used in assembly structures:
                                           Eff. Size   Free cap. LostByAlign
     AS_writtenskimhitsperid:    1866192       7 MiB         0 B         0 B
               AS_skim_edges:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
                 AS_adsfacts:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
          AS_confirmed_edges:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
   AS_permanent_overlap_bans:          0      85 MiB         0 B         0 B
              AS_readhitmiss:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
            AS_readhmcovered:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
                AS_count_rhm:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
                 AS_clipleft:    1866192       7 MiB         0 B         0 B
                AS_clipright:    1866192       7 MiB         0 B         0 B
                 AS_used_ids:    1866192       2 MiB         0 B         0 B
              AS_multicopies:          0       2 MiB       2 MiB         0 B
            AS_hasmcoverlaps:          0       2 MiB       2 MiB         0 B
       AS_maxcoveragereached:    1866192       7 MiB         0 B         0 B
       AS_coverageperseqtype:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
           AS_istroublemaker:    1866192       2 MiB         0 B         0 B
                 AS_isdebris:    1866192       2 MiB         0 B         0 B
          AS_needalloverlaps:    1866192       2 MiB        48 B         0 B
    AS_readsforrepeatresolve:          0        40 B         0 B         0 B
                AS_allrmbsok:          0       7 MiB       7 MiB         0 B
        AS_probablermbsnotok:          0       7 MiB       7 MiB         0 B
            AS_weakrmbsnotok:          0       7 MiB       7 MiB         0 B
          AS_readmaytakeskim:          0        40 B         0 B         0 B
               AS_skimstaken:          0        40 B         0 B         0 B
          AS_numskimoverlaps:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
       AS_numleftextendskims:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
         AS_rightextendskims:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
      AS_skimleftextendratio:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
     AS_skimrightextendratio:          0        24 B         0 B         0 B
             AS_usedlogfiles:          8       272 B         0 B         0 B
Total: 9938391272 (9.3 GiB)

Dynamic allocs: 0
Align allocs: 0
A 'standard' exception occured (that's NOT normal):

If the cause is not immediatly obvious, please contact: bach@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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    MIRA talk mailing list
than if you mailed the author directly.

To report bugs or ask for features, please use the new ticketing system at:
This ensures that requests don't get lost.

Thank you,

Vladimir Mashanov, PhD
Universidad de Puerto Rico
Faculdad de Ciencias Naturales
Departamento de Biologia
JGD Building, #220
PO Box 70377, UPR Station
Rio Piedras, PR 00936-8377
email: mashanovvlad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;

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