[mira_talk] R: Re: all my 16S in one contig

  • From: "Davide Sassera (davide.sassera)" <davide.sassera@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2012 16:42:26 +0100

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Dear all, thanks for all the responses!

So, basically it seems that except from
tweaking my assembly by lowering the coverage and fixing -CO:mrpg 
(which I'm working on right now) there is only one way: get dirty
with finishing.

However, this leads to a more general
question: what do you guys think of draft genomes? I see more and
more papers that ditch finishing completely and simply analyze the
contigs they obtain with basic assemblies (newbler, velvet...). 

Do you guys believe those data to be
sound enough? Of course it depends on the analyses that are to be
done, but some thoughts from the experts (that would be you) could be
very insightful.


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