[mathprog] Another file update

  • From: Yonatan Ben-Yaakov <yontanbn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: mathprog@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 14:40:34 +0300 (IDT)

Hey all.
Found a major flaw in the design of Sentence, and fixed it.
Now Predicate, Operator, Equality, Quantifier, each are derived from a new
class called TruthValueSentence, parallel in the hierarchy to
WorldValueSentence. Now, sentences such as a AND b (where a and b are
constants) aren't allowed, as it should be.

I also added a clone() function to the Sentence class, which allowes to
create a copy of a sentence.

I, of course, changed the interface appropriaetly.

Again, I must emphasize that the interface, among other things, needs to
be thoroughly debugged.

On a happy note, we have passed the 1000 lines. When noam finishes his
tree functinos, I'm sure will be over 1500 and maybe more...

On a sad note, the code is only mine and noam's... Two project members
writing hundreds of lines of code... while others write nothing... not
even emails. Sad, sad indeed.

- Yonatan.

#include "Interface.h"
#include "Sentence.h"
#include "SentenceTree.h"
using namespace std;

list<Sentence*>* makeList() {
  return new list<Sentence*>();
list<Sentence*>* makeList(Sentence* s1) {
  list<Sentence*>* s = makeList();
  return s;
list<Sentence*>* makeList(Sentence* s1, Sentence* s2) {
  list<Sentence*>* s = makeList(s1);
  return s;

list<Sentence*>* makeList(Sentence* s1, Sentence* s2, Sentence* s3) {
  list<Sentence*>* s = makeList(s1, s2);
  return s;

int main() {
  Sentence* s1 = new QuantifierSentence(QuantifierSentence::FORALL, new 
VariableSentence("x"), new OperatorSentence(OperatorSentence::IMPLIES, new 
PredicateSentence("P", new VariableSentence("x")), new PredicateSentence("Q", 
new VariableSentence("x"))));
  Sentence* s2 = new PredicateSentence("Q", new FunctionSentence("f", new 
ConstantSentence("a")), new FunctionSentence("f", new ConstantSentence("b")));
  Sentence* s3 = new EqualitySentence(new FunctionSentence("g", new 
ConstantSentence("a")), new VariableSentence("x"));
  Sentence* s4 = new OperatorSentence(OperatorSentence::AND, new 
PredicateSentence("P", new ConstantSentence("b")), new PredicateSentence("P", 
new ConstantSentence("c")));
  SentenceTree *t = new SentenceTree(makeList(s1), new 
SentenceTree(makeList(s3, s4)), new SentenceTree(makeList(s2)));
  cout << t->toString() << endl;

  //  Sentence* pavel = new PredicateSentence("P", new VariableSentence("x"), 
new ConstantSentence("a"));
  // const list<WorldValueSentence*>* l = 

  Sentence* s = Interface::iGetTruthValueSentence(Interface::getNameTable());
  cout << s->toString() << endl;
  delete s;

  Sentence* s1tag = new QuantifierSentence(QuantifierSentence::FORALL, new 
VariableSentence("x"), new OperatorSentence(OperatorSentence::IMPLIES, new 
PredicateSentence("P", new VariableSentence("x")), new PredicateSentence("Q", 
new VariableSentence("x"))));
  cout << "are they equal?" << (*s1tag == *s1) << (*s1 == *s1tag) << endl;
  cout << "are THEY equal?" << (*s1 == *s4) << (*s3 == *s2) << endl;

  Sentence* s1tagayim = s1->clone();
  cout << s1->toString() << endl << s1tag->toString() << endl << 
s1tagayim->toString() << endl; 
  cout << "are THHTHTHEY equal?" << (*s1 == *s1tagayim) << (*s1tag == 
*s1tagayim) << endl;
  return 0;

#include "Interface.h"
#include "Sentence.h"
#include "NameTable.h"

#if 1
#include <iostream>
#define OUTPUT_STREAM cout
#define INPUT_STREAM cin

WorldValueSentence* Interface::iGetWorldValueSentence(const NameTable* 
nameTable)  {
  OUTPUT_STREAM << "What kind of world value sentence do you want?" << endl
                << "1. a variable" << endl
                << "2. a constant" << endl
                << "3. a function" << endl;
  int choice;
  INPUT_STREAM >> choice;
  switch (choice) {
    case 1: return iGetVariableSentence(nameTable) ;
    case 2: return iGetConstantSentence(nameTable) ;
    case 3: return iGetFunctionSentence(nameTable) ;
    default: throw BadInputException("Illegal choice (choose 1-3)!");
  return 0; // never reach here.

VariableSentence* Interface::iGetVariableSentence(const NameTable* nameTable, 
bool quant = false)  {
  // quant = 1 means that it's now going to be quantified (so it can/should be 
  OUTPUT_STREAM << "What name do you want for your variable?" << endl;
  string name;
  INPUT_STREAM >> name;
  pair<int, int> ret = nameTable->find(name);
  if (ret.first != NameTable::VARIABLE) {
    throw BadInputException("Invalid variable name!");
  if (quant && nameTable->is_quantified(name))
    throw BadInputException("Double quantification is disallowed!");
  if (!quant && !nameTable->is_quantified(name))
    throw BadInputException("This variable is free, but the sentence must be 
  if (quant) {
  return new VariableSentence(name);

ConstantSentence* Interface::iGetConstantSentence(const NameTable* nameTable)  {
  OUTPUT_STREAM << "What name do you want for your constant?" << endl;
  string name;
  INPUT_STREAM >> name;
  pair<int, int> ret = nameTable->find(name);
  if (ret.first != NameTable::CONSTANT) {
    throw BadInputException("Invalid constant name!");
  return new ConstantSentence(name);

FunctionSentence* Interface::iGetFunctionSentence(const NameTable* nameTable)  {
  OUTPUT_STREAM << "What name do you want for your function?" << endl;
  string name;
  INPUT_STREAM >> name;
  //OUTPUT_STREAM << "What's " << name << "'s arity (how many parameters does 
it take)?" << endl;
  int arity;
  //INPUT_STREAM >> arity;
  pair<int, int> ret = nameTable->find(name);
  if (ret.first != NameTable::FUNCTION) {
    throw BadInputException("Invalid function name!");
  arity = ret.second;
  list<WorldValueSentence*>* l = new list<WorldValueSentence*>() ;
  // check validity of arity
  for (int i = 1; i <= arity; ++i) {
    OUTPUT_STREAM << "Give " << i << "-th value: " << endl;
    l->push_back(iGetWorldValueSentence(nameTable) );
  return new FunctionSentence(name, l);

PredicateSentence* Interface::iGetPredicateSentence(const NameTable* nameTable) 
  OUTPUT_STREAM << "What name do you want for your predicate?" << endl;
  string name;
  INPUT_STREAM >> name;
  //OUTPUT_STREAM << "What's " << name << "'s arity (how many parameters does 
it take)?" << endl;
  int arity;
  //INPUT_STREAM >> arity;
  pair<int, int> ret = nameTable->find(name);
  if (ret.first != NameTable::PREDICATE) {
    throw BadInputException("Invalid predicate name!");
  arity = ret.second;

  list<WorldValueSentence*>* l = new list<WorldValueSentence*>() ;
  // check validity of arity
  for (int i = 1; i <= arity; ++i) {
    OUTPUT_STREAM << "Give " << i << "-th value: " << endl;
    l->push_back(iGetWorldValueSentence(nameTable) );
  return new PredicateSentence(name, l);

EqualitySentence* Interface::iGetEqualitySentence(const NameTable* nameTable)  {
  OUTPUT_STREAM << "Give the world value on the left:" << endl;
  WorldValueSentence* f = iGetWorldValueSentence(nameTable) ;
  OUTPUT_STREAM << "Give the world value on the right:" << endl;
  WorldValueSentence* s = iGetWorldValueSentence(nameTable) ;
  return new EqualitySentence(f, s);

OperatorSentence* Interface::iGetOperatorSentence(const NameTable* nameTable)  {
  OUTPUT_STREAM << "What operator do you want?" << endl
                << "1. Not" << endl
                << "2. And" << endl
                << "3. Or" << endl
                << "4. ==>" << endl
                << "5. <==" << endl
                << "6. <==>" << endl;
  int choice;
  INPUT_STREAM >> choice;
  if (choice == 1) {
    OUTPUT_STREAM << "Enter sentence to be \"notted\": " << endl;
    return new OperatorSentence(OperatorSentence::NOT, 
iGetTruthValueSentence(nameTable) );
  OUTPUT_STREAM << "Enter sentence on the left: " << endl;
  TruthValueSentence* s1 = iGetTruthValueSentence(nameTable) ;
  OUTPUT_STREAM << "Enter sentence on the right: " << endl;
  TruthValueSentence* s2 = iGetTruthValueSentence(nameTable) ;
  int op;
  switch(choice) {
    case 2: op = OperatorSentence::AND; break;
    case 3: op = OperatorSentence::OR; break;
    case 4: op = OperatorSentence::IMPLIES; break;
    case 5: op = OperatorSentence::IMPLIED; break;
    case 6: op = OperatorSentence::IFF; break;
    default: throw BadInputException("Illegal choice (choose 1-6)!"); 
  return new OperatorSentence(op, s1, s2);

QuantifierSentence* Interface::iGetQuantifierSentence(const NameTable* 
nameTable)  {
  OUTPUT_STREAM << "What quantifier do you want: " << endl
                << "1. For all" << endl
                << "2. There exists" << endl;
  int choice;
  INPUT_STREAM >> choice;
  // check validity of choice
  OUTPUT_STREAM << "What variable name do you want? " << endl;
  VariableSentence* x = iGetVariableSentence(nameTable, true); // this will 
change the nametable
  QuantifierSentence* q = (choice == 1)?
    (new QuantifierSentence(QuantifierSentence::FORALL, x, 
iGetTruthValueSentence(nameTable))) :
    (new QuantifierSentence(QuantifierSentence::EXISTS, x, 
  nameTable->dequantify(x->getName()); // this will change it back
  return q;

TruthValueSentence* Interface::iGetTruthValueSentence(const NameTable* 
nameTable)  {
  TruthValueSentence* s;
  do {
    OUTPUT_STREAM << "What type of truth value sentence do you want?" << endl
                  << "1. A predicate sentence" << endl
                  << "2. An equality sentence" << endl
                  << "3. An operator sentence" << endl
                  << "4. A Quantified sentence" << endl;
    int choice;
    INPUT_STREAM >> choice;
    try {
      switch (choice) {
        case 1: s = iGetPredicateSentence(nameTable); break;
        case 2: s = iGetEqualitySentence(nameTable); break;
        case 3: s = iGetOperatorSentence(nameTable); break;
        case 4: s = iGetQuantifierSentence(nameTable); break;
        default: OUTPUT_STREAM << "Invalid choice (choose 1-4)!" << endl; 
    }catch(BadInputException e) {
      OUTPUT_STREAM << e.error << endl;
  return s;

TruthValueSentence* Interface::niGetTruthValueSentence(const NameTable* 
nameTable) {
  // not implemenetd yet
  return 0;

NameTable* Interface::getNameTable() {
  OUTPUT_STREAM << "Welcome to the name table input utility." << endl
                << "Please enter all the names you intend to use " << endl
                << "(constants, variables, functions, and predicates)" << endl
                << "And when you wish to quit, type \"quit\"" << endl;
  NameTable* nameTable = new NameTable();
  while (1) {
    OUTPUT_STREAM << "Enter name: (or quit to quit)" << endl;
    string name;
    INPUT_STREAM >> name;
    if (name == "quit")
    OUTPUT_STREAM << "Enter v for variable, c for constant, p for predicate, f 
for function: " << endl;
    string choice;
    INPUT_STREAM >> choice;
    if ((choice == "v") || (choice == "V")) {
      OUTPUT_STREAM << nameTable->insert(name, NameTable::VARIABLE);
    else if ((choice == "c") || (choice == "C")) {
      OUTPUT_STREAM << nameTable->insert(name, NameTable::CONSTANT);
    else if ((choice == "p") || (choice == "P")) {
      OUTPUT_STREAM << "Please give arity: " << endl;
      int arity;
      INPUT_STREAM >> arity;
      OUTPUT_STREAM << nameTable->insert(name, NameTable::PREDICATE, arity);
    else if ((choice == "f") || (choice == "F")) {
      OUTPUT_STREAM << "Please give arity: " << endl;
      int arity;
      INPUT_STREAM >> arity;
      OUTPUT_STREAM << nameTable->insert(name, NameTable::FUNCTION, arity);
  return nameTable;
#ifndef __INTERFACE_H__
#define __INTERFACE_H__

#include "Sentence.h"
#include "NameTable.h"

class Interface {
  struct BadInputException { // for light (non-hardware) cases
    string error;
    BadInputException(string e): error(e) {}

  static WorldValueSentence* iGetWorldValueSentence(const NameTable* nameTable);
  static VariableSentence* iGetVariableSentence(const NameTable* nameTable, 
bool quant = false);
  static ConstantSentence* iGetConstantSentence(const NameTable* nameTable);
  static FunctionSentence* iGetFunctionSentence(const NameTable* nameTable);
  static PredicateSentence* iGetPredicateSentence(const NameTable* nameTable);
  static EqualitySentence* iGetEqualitySentence(const NameTable* nameTable);
  static OperatorSentence* iGetOperatorSentence(const NameTable* nameTable);
  static QuantifierSentence* iGetQuantifierSentence(const NameTable* nameTable);
  static TruthValueSentence* iGetTruthValueSentence(const NameTable* 
nameTable); // interactive
  static TruthValueSentence* niGetTruthValueSentence(const NameTable* 
nameTable); // non-interactive
  static NameTable* getNameTable();

#include "Sentence.h"
#include "PointerComparator.h"
#include <sstream>
using namespace::std;

Sentence::Sentence() {}
Sentence::~Sentence() {}

WorldValueSentence::WorldValueSentence(string s): name(s) {}
const string WorldValueSentence::getName() const {
  return name;

TruthValueSentence::TruthValueSentence() {}

ConstantSentence::ConstantSentence(string s): WorldValueSentence(s) {}
string ConstantSentence::toString() const {
  return name;
bool ConstantSentence::equals(const Sentence* s) const {
  const ConstantSentence* cs;
  if ((cs = dynamic_cast<const ConstantSentence*>(s))) {
    return (cs->name == name);
    return false;

ConstantSentence* ConstantSentence::clone() const {
  return new ConstantSentence(name);

VariableSentence::VariableSentence(string s): WorldValueSentence(s) {}
string VariableSentence::toString() const {
  return name;

bool VariableSentence::equals(const Sentence* s) const {
  const VariableSentence* vs;
  if ((vs = dynamic_cast<const VariableSentence*>(s))) {
    return (vs->name == name);
    return false;

VariableSentence* VariableSentence::clone() const {
  return new VariableSentence(name);

FunctionSentence::FunctionSentence(): WorldValueSentence("") {}

FunctionSentence::FunctionSentence(string s, WorldValueSentence* par):
  WorldValueSentence(s), arity(1) {
  parameters = new list<WorldValueSentence*>();

FunctionSentence::FunctionSentence(string s, WorldValueSentence* par1,
                                   WorldValueSentence* par2):
  WorldValueSentence(s), arity(2) {
  parameters = new list<WorldValueSentence*>();

FunctionSentence::FunctionSentence(string s, list<WorldValueSentence*>* l):
  WorldValueSentence(s), parameters(l) {
  if (l != 0) { // should throw something if it IS!
    arity = l->size();

FunctionSentence::~FunctionSentence() {
  for (list<WorldValueSentence*>::iterator it = parameters->begin();
       it != parameters->end(); it++) {
  delete parameters;

string FunctionSentence::toString() const {
  stringstream s;
  s << name << "_" << arity << "(";
  list<WorldValueSentence*>::const_iterator it = parameters->begin();
  if (it == parameters->end()) {
    s << ")";
    return s.str();
  s << (*it)->toString();
  for (it++; it != parameters->end(); it++) {
    s << ", ";
    s << (*it)->toString();
  s << ")";
  return s.str();

int FunctionSentence::getArity() const {
  return arity;
const list<WorldValueSentence*>* FunctionSentence::getParameters() const {
  return parameters;

bool FunctionSentence::equals(const Sentence* s) const {
  const FunctionSentence* fs;
  if ((fs = dynamic_cast<const FunctionSentence*>(s))) {
    if ((fs->name == name) && (fs->arity == arity) &&
        (std::equal(fs->parameters->begin(), fs->parameters->end(),
               parameters->begin(), PointerComparator<Sentence>())))
      return true;
  return false;

FunctionSentence* FunctionSentence::clone() const {
  FunctionSentence* fs = new FunctionSentence();
  fs->name = name;
  fs->arity = arity;
  fs->parameters = new list<WorldValueSentence*>;
  for (list<WorldValueSentence*>::const_iterator it = parameters->begin();
       it != parameters->end(); it++) {
    WorldValueSentence* wv = (*it)->clone();
  return fs;

PredicateSentence::PredicateSentence() {}

PredicateSentence::PredicateSentence(string s, WorldValueSentence* par): 
                                                                   arity(1) {
  parameters = new list<WorldValueSentence*>();
PredicateSentence::PredicateSentence(string s, WorldValueSentence* par1, 
WorldValueSentence* par2): name(s), arity(2) {
  parameters = new list<WorldValueSentence*>();

PredicateSentence::PredicateSentence(string s, list<WorldValueSentence*>* l): 
name(s), parameters(l) {
  if (l != 0) { // should throw something if it IS!
    arity = l->size();

PredicateSentence::~PredicateSentence() {
  for (list<WorldValueSentence*>::iterator it = parameters->begin();
       it != parameters->end(); it++) {
  delete parameters;

string PredicateSentence::toString() const { 
  stringstream s;
  s << name << "_" << arity << "(";
  list<WorldValueSentence*>::const_iterator it = parameters->begin();
  if (it == parameters->end()) {
    s << ")";
    return s.str();
  s << (*it)->toString();
  for (it++; it != parameters->end(); it++) {
    s << ", ";
    s << (*it)->toString();
  s << ")";
  return s.str();

const string PredicateSentence::getName() const {
  return name;
int PredicateSentence::getArity() const {
  return arity;
const std::list<WorldValueSentence*>* PredicateSentence::getParameters() const {
  return parameters;

bool PredicateSentence::equals(const Sentence* s) const {
  const PredicateSentence* ps;
  if ((ps = dynamic_cast<const PredicateSentence*>(s))) {
    if ((ps->name == name) && (ps->arity == arity) &&
        (equal(ps->parameters->begin(), ps->parameters->end(),
               parameters->begin(), PointerComparator<Sentence>())))
      return true;
  return false;

PredicateSentence* PredicateSentence::clone() const {
  PredicateSentence* ps = new PredicateSentence();
  ps->name = name;
  ps->arity = arity;
  ps->parameters = new list<WorldValueSentence*>;
  for (list<WorldValueSentence*>::const_iterator it = parameters->begin();
       it != parameters->end(); it++) {
  return ps;

EqualitySentence::EqualitySentence(WorldValueSentence* f, WorldValueSentence* 
  first(f), second(s) {}
EqualitySentence::~EqualitySentence() {
  delete first;
  delete second;

string EqualitySentence::toString() const {
  string s;
  s += "(";
  s += first->toString();
  s += ")";
  s += "=";
  s += "(";
  s += second->toString();
  s += ")";
  return s;

const WorldValueSentence* EqualitySentence::getFirst() const {
  return first;
const WorldValueSentence* EqualitySentence::getSecond() const {
  return second;

bool EqualitySentence::equals(const Sentence* s) const {
  const EqualitySentence* es;
  if ((es = dynamic_cast<const EqualitySentence*>(s))) {
    if ((*first == *es->first) && (*second == *es->second))
      return true;
  return false;

EqualitySentence* EqualitySentence::clone() const {
  return new EqualitySentence(first->clone(), second->clone());

OperatorSentence::OperatorSentence(int o, TruthValueSentence* f, 
TruthValueSentence* s = 0): op(o), firstOperand(f), secondOperand(s) {}
OperatorSentence::~OperatorSentence() {
  delete firstOperand;
  delete secondOperand;
string OperatorSentence::toString() const {
  string s;
  if (op == NOT) {
    s += "NOT(";
    s += firstOperand->toString();
    s += ")";
  else {
    s += "(";
    s += firstOperand->toString();
    s += ")";
    switch (op) {
      case AND: s += " AND "; break;
      case OR: s += " OR "; break;
      case IMPLIES: s+= " ==> "; break;
      case IMPLIED: s+= " <== "; break;
      case IFF: s += " <==> "; break;
    s += "(";
    s += secondOperand->toString();
    s += ")";
  return s;

int OperatorSentence::getOp() const {
  return op;
const TruthValueSentence* OperatorSentence::getFirstOperand() const {
  return firstOperand;
const TruthValueSentence* OperatorSentence::getSecondOperand() const {
  return secondOperand;

bool OperatorSentence::equals(const Sentence* s) const {
  const OperatorSentence* os;
  if ((os = dynamic_cast<const OperatorSentence*>(s))) {
    if ((*firstOperand == *os->firstOperand)) {
      if (((!secondOperand) && (!os->secondOperand)) ||
          (secondOperand && os->secondOperand && *secondOperand == 
        return true;
  return false;

OperatorSentence* OperatorSentence::clone() const {
  return new OperatorSentence(op, firstOperand->clone(), 

QuantifierSentence::QuantifierSentence(int q, VariableSentence* v, 
TruthValueSentence* s):
  quantifier(q), variable(v), sentence(s) {} 

string QuantifierSentence::toString() const {
  string s;
  switch (quantifier) {
    case FORALL: 
      s += "For all ";
      s += variable->toString();
      s += ", (";
      s += sentence->toString();
      s += ")";
    case EXISTS:
      s += "Exists ";
      s += variable->toString();
      s += ", (";
      s += sentence->toString();
      s += ")";
  return s;

int QuantifierSentence::getQuantifier() const {
  return quantifier;
const WorldValueSentence* QuantifierSentence::getVariable() const {
  return variable;
const TruthValueSentence* QuantifierSentence::getSentence() const {
  return sentence;

bool QuantifierSentence::equals(const Sentence* s) const {
  const QuantifierSentence* qs;
  if ((qs = dynamic_cast<const QuantifierSentence*>(s))) {
    if ((*variable == *qs->variable) &&
        (*sentence == *qs->sentence))
      return true;
  return false;

QuantifierSentence* QuantifierSentence::clone() const {
  return new QuantifierSentence(quantifier, variable->clone(), 
#ifndef __SENTENCE_H__
#define __SENTENCE_H__

// notes:
// must have names of predicates and private_names
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <list>

class Sentence {

  virtual bool equals(const Sentence* s) const = 0;

  virtual std::string toString() const = 0;
  virtual Sentence* clone() const = 0;
  virtual ~Sentence();

  friend inline bool operator==(const Sentence& s1, const Sentence& s2) {
    return s1.equals(&s2);
  friend inline bool operator!=(const Sentence& s1, const Sentence& s2) {
    return !s1.equals(&s2);

class WorldValueSentence: public Sentence {
  std::string name;
  WorldValueSentence(std::string s);
  const string getName() const;
  virtual WorldValueSentence* clone() const = 0;

class TruthValueSentence: public Sentence {
  virtual TruthValueSentence* clone() const = 0;

class ConstantSentence : public WorldValueSentence {
  bool equals(const Sentence* s) const;
  ConstantSentence(std::string s);
  std::string toString() const;
  ConstantSentence* clone() const;

class VariableSentence: public WorldValueSentence {
  bool equals(const Sentence* s) const;
  VariableSentence(std::string s);
  std::string toString() const;
  VariableSentence* clone() const;

class FunctionSentence: public WorldValueSentence {
  bool equals(const Sentence* s) const;
  int arity;
  std::list<WorldValueSentence*>* parameters;
  FunctionSentence(std::string s, WorldValueSentence* par);
  FunctionSentence(std::string s, WorldValueSentence* par1, WorldValueSentence*\
  FunctionSentence(std::string s, std::list<WorldValueSentence*>* l);
  std::string toString() const;
  int getArity() const;
  const std::list<WorldValueSentence*>* getParameters() const;
  FunctionSentence* clone() const;

class PredicateSentence: public TruthValueSentence {
  bool equals(const Sentence* s) const;
  std::string name;
  int arity;
  std::list<WorldValueSentence*>* parameters;
  PredicateSentence(std::string s, WorldValueSentence* par);
  PredicateSentence(std::string s, WorldValueSentence* par1, 
WorldValueSentence* par2);  
  PredicateSentence(std::string s, std::list<WorldValueSentence*>* l);

  std::string toString() const;
  const string getName() const;
  int getArity() const;
  const std::list<WorldValueSentence*>* getParameters() const;
  PredicateSentence* clone() const;

class EqualitySentence: public TruthValueSentence {
  bool equals(const Sentence* s) const;
  WorldValueSentence* first;
  WorldValueSentence* second;
  EqualitySentence(WorldValueSentence* f, WorldValueSentence* s);

  std::string toString() const;
  const WorldValueSentence* getFirst() const;
  const WorldValueSentence* getSecond() const;
  EqualitySentence* clone() const;

class OperatorSentence: public TruthValueSentence {
  bool equals(const Sentence* s) const;
  int op;
  TruthValueSentence* firstOperand;
  TruthValueSentence* secondOperand; // not always used
  static const int AND = 1;
  static const int OR = 2;
  static const int NOT = 3;
  static const int IMPLIES = 4;
  static const int IMPLIED = 5;
  static const int IFF = 6;
  OperatorSentence(int o, TruthValueSentence* f, TruthValueSentence* s = 0);

  std::string toString() const;
  int getOp() const;
  const TruthValueSentence* getFirstOperand() const;
  const TruthValueSentence* getSecondOperand() const;
  OperatorSentence* clone() const;

class QuantifierSentence: public TruthValueSentence {
  bool equals(const Sentence* s) const;
  int quantifier;
  VariableSentence* variable;
  TruthValueSentence* sentence;
  static const int FORALL = 1;
  static const int EXISTS = 2;
  QuantifierSentence(int q, VariableSentence* v, TruthValueSentence* s);

  std::string toString() const;
  int getQuantifier() const;
  const WorldValueSentence* getVariable() const;
  const TruthValueSentence* getSentence() const;
  QuantifierSentence* clone() const;

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