Static lib Linker error under win32

  • From: rob <rob.mail@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: luajit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2012 21:11:06 +0200

I've recently discovered Lua Jit and I'm quite impressed.

I'm currently trying to embed a static LuaJit library under win32 into one of my applications, however I get unresolved linker errors. Tested it using Visual Studio 2010 and 2012, plus MinGW. For visual studio the unresolved symbols are: '___security_cookie', '@__security_check_cookie', '__imp____iob_func', '__imp___fseeki64', '__imp___ftelli64', '__imp___time64', '__imp___gmtime64', '__imp___localtime64', '__imp___mktime64', '__imp___difftime64', and '___report_rangecheckfailure'. For MinGW they are: '__Unwind_GetCFA', '__Unwind_DeleteException', '___umoddi3', '___udivdi3', '_fseeko64', '___divdi3', and '___moddi3'.
Any ideas as to what I'm missing/doing wrong when building?

I'm also wondering, the Lua Jit install page says: "You may link LuaJIT statically on Windows only if you don't intend to load Lua/C modules at runtime." Does this mean that 'require' does not work the same way as the standard Lua version?

Much thanks,

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