[lit-ideas] Donal McEvoy's Time and Inclination

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2007 07:33:28 EST

>I would suggest that JLS's habit of altering
>subject-threads  titles in his replies (almost to the point where there are
>more titles  than threads)would be part of the explanation I would not have
>opened  this (I frankly don't have the time or inclination to read everything
>on  the list).

That I found a bit rude:
(i) How would I know what Donal McEvoy's time and inclination is? And  should 
I adapt my posting to his time and inclination?
(ii) I found what I found was a delightful piece of obscure writing,  
"Philosophy 4", which, being the title of a book -- a title of a forgotten 
book,  if 
you must -- by a great author was Wisten was -- I felt, in the middle of the  
night when I felt like re-typing, to re-type and share with the list. 
(iii) Should say sometimes I do post having in mind future references, not  
that I'm expecting immediate replies from list-members. And how would I know  
that there is a someone who may take the time to comment nicely.
(iv) By opening the post the way he did, as if doing what he did by a kind  
of obligation, I must say it took part of my inclination to read his reply. He  
objects on minor points -- as to whether it's Collections and Finals, and 
does  not elaborate on the point of my post, which was to provide a critical 
general  opinion on philosophical questioning (in official or semi-official  
Then I read that C. Bruce is saying that he's a Thumper, Walter that  there's 
this 'wondrous' "D" botton, and E. Yost, that if I chide I should chide  
seriously (the latter point seriously taken, since I do agree with  Yost that 
Obscure" is possibly an epithet we may apply to Palma --  Herakleitus also 
was --, and I did miss Palma's introduction of the enema (If  so, that was a 
rude introduction of a subject matter)
Happy Thanksgiving!



1. Thales, Zeno, Parmenides, Heracleitos, Anaxagoras. State  briefly the  
doctrine of each.

2. Phenomenon, noumenon. Discuss  these terms. Name their modern  descendants.

3. Thought = Being.  Assuming this, state the difference, if any, between  
memory and  anticipation; (2) sleep and waking.

4. Democritus, Pythagoras, Bacon.  State the relation between them. In what  
terms must the objective  world ultimately be syated? Why?

5. Experience is the result of time and  space being included in the nature  
of mind. Discuss this.

6.  Nihil est in intellectu quod non prius fuerit in sensibus. Whose   
doctrine? Discuss it.

7. What is the inherent limitation in all  ancient philosophy? Who first  
removed it?

8. Mind is expressed  through what? Matter thorugh what? Is speech the  
or the cause  of thought?

9. Discuss the nature of the ego.

10. According to  Plato, Locke, Berkeley, where would the sweetness of a  
honeycomb  reside? Where would its shape? its weight? Where do you think 
properties reside?


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