Linuxtrent: Re: disastro

  • From: Vivaldi Mirco <vivaldi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <linuxtrent@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 01:42:22 +0100 (MET)

Altre info ancora:
mi ero dimenticato che oltre a /,/home/ ho anche /root/
inoltre ho usato un altro programmino sotto windows che si chiama findpart
che mi ha dato i seguenti risultati:

Findpart, version 4.14.
Copyright Svend Olaf Mikkelsen, 2001.

Searches for partitions type 01, 04, 06, 07, 0B, 0C, 0E, 82, 83,
plus Fdisk F6 and Lilo sectors. Information based on bootsectors
is marked B. If the disk is larger than supported by BIOS, the
supported part of the disk is examined. Disks are numbered from 1.

OS:  DOS 7.10   WINDOWS 4.10    Reiser

Disk: 1   Cylinders: 7499   Heads: 255   Sectors: 63   MB: 58824

-PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB -Start CHS- --End CHS-- BS  CHS
    0 - 0B       63 13317822  6502    0   1  1  828 254 63 B    OK
  829 1 0B       63 30732282 15005  829   1  1 2741 254 63 R0   OK
    0 - 0B 13317948 30732282 15005  829   1  1 2741 254 63 B    OK
 2742 1 0B       63 20482812 10001 2742*  1  1 4016*254 63 R0   OK
 2742 2 05 51215220 14346045  7004 4017*  0  1 4909*254 63 829  OK
    0 - 0B 44050293 20482812 10001 2742   1  1 4016 254 63 B    OK
 4017 1 0B       63 14345982  7004 4017*  1  1 4909*254 63 R0   OK
 4017 2 05 65561265 10233405  4996 4910*  0  1 5546*254 63 829  OK
    0 - 0B 64533168 14345982  7004 4017   1  1 4909 254 63 B    OK
 4910 1 83       63 10233342  4996 4910*  1  1 5546*254 63 OK R OK
 4910 2 05 75794670  2040255   996 5547*  0  1 5673*254 63 829  OK
 5547 1 83       63  2040192   996 5547*  1  1 5673*254 63 OK R OK
 5547 2 05 77834925 29318625 14315 5674*  0  1 7498*254 63 829  OK
 5674 1 83       63 29318562 14315 5674*  1  1 7498*254 63 OK R OK
 1276 - 07       63 99972432 48814 1276   1  1 7498 254 63 BU   OK

-----FAT CHS -Size Cl --Root -Good -Rep. Maybe --Bad YYMMDD DataMB
    0   1 33 12993  4*     2 12993     0     0     0 010316   1852
  829   1 33 14999  8      2 14999     0     0     0 010316  14730
 2742   1 33  9997  8      2  9997     0     0     0 010316   8868
 3243   1 33   Second FAT not found.
 4017   1 33 13997  4*     2 13997     0     0     0 010316   5672

Partitions according to partition tables on first harddisk:

-PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB -Start CHS- --End CHS-- BS  CHS
    0 1*0B       63 13317822  6502    0   1  1  828 254 63 OK   OK
    0 2 0F 13317885 30732345 15006  829   0  1 2741*254 63      OK

  829 1 0B       63 30732282 15005  829   1  1 2741 254 63 R0   OK

scusate se continuo a chiedere il vostro aiuto e magari ho la soluzione
sotto il naso (con tutte queste informazioni!) ma non vorrei mai
peggiorare la cosa....

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