[liblouis-liblouisxml] Updated version of tables, still a few questions

  • From: Birkir Gunnarsson <birkir@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 00:53:27 +0000


Thank you for your help and information so far.
I am getting very close I think.
I am attaching two tables I worked from scratch, 6 and 8 dot Icelandic.
These are close to final, I might have to do a ´few tweaks, but if you have any 
feedback itd be very much appreciated.

My main questions are:

1.       Can I map the same dot pattern to two distinct unicodes (there may be 
overlap between the control characters and others in the 8-dot table, and I 
don't really have a problem with it, not unless the mapping has to be unique).

2.       Is the uplow usage in the 6-dot table for the Icelandic characters 
correct (top of document), I specify the capsign to be dot 6 so I think I only 
have to specify the lower case version of the letters, but I include the 
unicode for both upper and lower case (respectively)

3.       The codes #128 to #160 still puzzle me in the 8-dot table. I left in 
the original, commented out, parts. I follow the Windows 1252 standard and I am 
wondering if the author followed a different one, but up to symbol 127 and 
after symbol 160 my version and his match on all codes, so this is a bit weird.

4.       (and I simply may have to do my reading), what files / file types do I 
need to create to ensure compatibility with LibLouis and Liblousxml (Open 
Office, NVDA and Orca are my main concerns for initial compatibility).

I will compile and test the test tools on Windows when I get back from a little 
trip I have to make over the weekend for a conference, and then I can finalize 
the files. But any comments/corrections are very much appreciated.

Thank you



Birkir Gunnarsson
Þjónustu- og þekkingarmiðstöð fyrir blinda, sjónskerta og daufblinda / 
Icelandic National Institute for the Blind, Deafblind and Partially Sighted

Hamrahlíð 17, 105 Reykjavík
GSM/Mobile: +354 860-9496
Email: birkir@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:hlynur@xxxxxxxxxx>
Veffang/home page: www.midstod.is


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fjarskipti). Vinsamlega eyðið síðan póstinum.

PNG image

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