[liblouis-liblouisxml] Re: Minor fixes in french tables

  • From: Michel Such <michel.such@xxxxxxx>
  • To: liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, reply+0006d2297413945137f1ef4eb91edf4f34a0ce0405325a9a92cf0000000110f4c00f92a169ce036d7c37@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2015 16:32:35 +0100

In fact, it happened because the include statement:
include digits6DotsPlusDot6.uti
was placed after the lines intending to overhide the 0 defined in the included file!
# override zero
digit 0 3456
litdigit 0 3456

Michel SUCH
Skype : michel.such
Twitter : @MichelSuch
Le 25/02/2015 16:28, Mesar Hameed a écrit :
Hi Michel,

thanks for the quick responce.
Do you happen to remember the case when you ended up with the wrong dots, I
want to add the example as a test to make sure the error does not get
reintroduced in the future.

The change you made should not have fixed the problem, but possibly made
it worse, but you already tested it manually, so I am a little confused.
Hopefully by adding the example as a test we should be able to eliminate
the problem once and for all.


On Wed 25/02/15,16:09, Michel Such wrote:
Well, I do it again because I did not reply to all!

In french 0 is always 3456.
Here are the latest versions of the tables.

Michel SUCH
Skype : michel.such
Twitter : @MichelSuch
Le 25/02/2015 15:46, Mesar Hameed a écrit :
Hi Michel,

I hope you are well.
Just wanted to quickly double check, should the dots for number 0 be
always 346 and never 3456?

Please reply to all, so that the reply gets recorded on the ticket.

On Mon 01/12/14,16:58, Michel Such wrote:
Hi all,

Back again after a long silence.
Well, just made very small changes in french braille tables because I
noticed that, depending on its position, character 0 was not always
correctly displayed.
Se files attached, hope this list always supports attachments.

                     Michel SUCH michel.such@xxxxxxx Skype: michel.such
# liblouis: Unified French 6 dots Braille table
# BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the Linux console (when in
#          text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
# Copyright (C) 1995-2004 by The BRLTTY Team. All rights reserved.
# This is free software, placed under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software
# Foundation.  Please see the file COPYING for details.
# Web Page: http://mielke.cc/brltty/
# This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <dave@xxxxxxxxx>.

# Définitions pour code braille français international unifié
# Par Nicolas Pitre <nico@xxxxxxx>
# et Michel Such <michel.such@xxxxxxx>
# Référence: http://www.inlb.qc.ca/apropos/c2003unificationdubraille.aspx

# mise à jour importante 2012 :
# - ajout des signes de la table française encore non pris en compte pour p456 
p5 p56
# - effacement de la ligne z avec caron car c'étaient les codes des p456 et p5
# Uncontracted Unified French Table
# ----------------------------------

space \s 0                         # blank 32
space \t 9 tab          # 9
space \x001B 1b         # escape
space \x000A 0          # lf
space \x000c 0
space \x000D 0          # cr
space \x00A0 a          # no-break space

include digits6DotsPlusDot6.uti
# override zero
digit 0 3456
include latinLetterDef6Dots.uti

uplow Çç 12346                c cédille
uplow Éé 123456               e accent aigu
uplow Àà 12356                a accent grave
uplow Èè 2346                 e accent grave
uplow Ùù 23456                u accent grave

uplow Ââ 16                           a accent circonflexe
uplow Êê 126                  e accent circonflexe
uplow Îî 146                  i accent circonflexe
uplow Ôô 1456                 o accent circonflexe
uplow Ûû 156                  u accent circonflexe

uplow Ëë 1246                 e tréma
uplow �ï 12456                i tréma
uplow Üü 1256                 u tréma

uplow \X008C\X009C 246    oe liés
uplow \X0152\X0153 246    oe liés
uplow \x00C1\x00E1 12356     a accent aigu
uplow \x00CD\x00ED 34     i accent aigu
uplow \X00D3\x00F3 346     o accent aigu
uplow \x00DA\x00FA 23456     u accent aigu
uplow \x00DD\x00FD 13456     y accent aigu
uplow \x00CC\x00EC 24     i accent grave
uplow \x00D2\x00F2 135     o accent grave
uplow \x00C4\x00E4 345   a tréma
uplow \x00D6\x00F6 246,35     o tréma
uplow \x009F\x00FF 13456,256     y tréma
uplow \x00C3\x00E3 1     a tilde
uplow \X00D1\x00F1 1345,12456     n tilde
uplow \x00D5\x00F5 13,46     o tilde

punctuation , 2                 virgule
punctuation ; 23                point-virgule
punctuation : 25                deux-points
punctuation . 256               point
punctuation ? 26                point d'interrogation
punctuation ! 235               point d'exclamation
punctuation " 2356         guillemet
punctuation ( 236               parenthèse ouvrante
punctuation ) 356               parenthèse fermante
punctuation ' 3                 apostrophe
punctuation \X0091 6   # [left signle quotation mark] (private use one)
punctuation \X0092 3   # [right single quotation mark] (private use two)
punctuation \X0093 3   # [left double quotation mark] (set transmit state)
punctuation \X0094 6   # [right double quotation mark] (cancel character)
punctuation - 36  # (hyphen)
sign \X200e 0  # (left to right mark)
sign \X200f 0  # (right to left mark)
sign \X2013 4  # (en dash)
sign \X2014 45  # (en dash)
punctuation \X2018 6
punctuation \X2019 3
sign \X201c 3
sign \X201d 6
sign \X2022 1245  # (bullet)
sign \X2026 256 8230    MS Word smart ellipsis
sign \X25cf 35
sign \Xf0b7 1245
punctuation \X00AB 2356
punctuation \X00BB 2356

sign \\ 34                                              barre oblique invers‚e
sign @ 345                                      arobase
sign # 3456                                     dièse
sign ^ 4                                        accent circonflexe
sign % 346                                      pourcent
sign * 35                                               astérisque
sign _ 5                                                                
sign \X201E 56   guillemet bas fermant
sign ¸ 456   #
sign ´ 5   #
sign \X007C 456   # barre verticale
sign \X0082 6   # [single low-9 quotation mark (break permitted here)
sign \X0083 124   # [latin small letter f with hook (no break here)
sign \X0084 56   # [double low-9 quotation mark (<control>)
sign \X0085 36   # [horizontal ellipsis (next line)
sign \X0086 356   # [dagger (start of selected area)
sign \X0087 3567   # [double dagger (end of selected area)
sign \X0088 4   # [modifier letter circumflex accent (character tabulation set)
sign \X0089 346   # [per mille sign (character tabulation with justification)
sign \X008B 5   # [single left-pointing angle quotation mark] (partial line 
sign \X0095 1245   # [bullet] (message waiting)
sign \X0096 4   # [en dash] (start of guarded area)
sign \X0097 45   # [em dash] (end of guarded area)
sign \X0098 46  # [small tilde] (start of string)
sign \X0099 2345        # [trade mark sign] (<control>)
sign \x2122 2345        #       TRADE MARK SIGN
sign \X009B 5   # [single right-pointing angle quotation mark] (control 
sequence introducer)
sign \X00A1 235   # inverted exclamation mark
sign \X00A2 14   # cent sign
sign \X00A3 23   # pound sign
sign \X00A4 45   # euro sign
sign \x20ac 45          EURO SIGN
sign \X00A5 256   # yen sign
sign \X00A6 45   # broken bar
sign \X00A7 1234   # section sign
sign \X00A8 46   # diaeresis
sign \X00A9 14   # copyright sign
sign \X00AA 16   # feminine ordinal indicator
sign \X00AC 256   # not sign
sign \X00AD 0   # soft hyphen
sign \X00AE 1235   # registered sign
sign \X00AF 134   # macron
sign \X00B0 26   # degree sign
sign \X00B1 36   # plus-minus sign
sign \X00B2 45   # superscript two
sign \X00B3 456   # superscript three
sign \X00B5 25   # micro sign
sign \X00B6 456   # pilcrow sign
sign \X00B7 0   # middle dot
sign \X00B9 4   # superscript one
sign \X00BA 26   # masculine ordinal indicator
sign \X00BC 136   # 1 quart
sign \X00BD 46   # 1 demi
sign \X00BE 1346   # latin capital letter y with diaeresis
sign \X00BF 26   #*inverted question mark
sign \X00C5 2   #*latin capital letter a with ring above
sign \X00C6 345   #*latin capital letter ae
sign \X00D0 12   # latin capital letter eth
sign \X00D7 35   # multiplication sign
sign \X00D8 3456   # latin capital letter o with stroke
sign \X00DE 245   # latin capital letter thorn
sign \X00DF 234   # latin small letter sharp s
sign \X00E5 2   #*latin small letter a with ring above
sign \X00E6 345   #*latin small letter ae
sign \X00F0 12   # latin small letter eth
sign \X00F8 56   # latin small letter o with stroke
sign \X00FE 245   # latin small letter thorn

math + 235                              plus
math = 2356                             égal
math × 35                                      multiplié par
math / 34                                               barre oblique
math \x0060 6
math \x00F7 34          divisé par
math < 23                            inférieur Ã
math > 56                            supérieur Ã

sign © 14                                                      copyright
sign ° 26                                              degré
sign & 123456                                       perluète (et commercial)
sign ¢ 14                                              cent
sign ¤ 45                                              euro
sign £ 23                                              livre
sign § 1234                                    paragraphe
sign $ 35                                               dollar
sign ¥ 236                                     yen
punctuation « 2356             guillemet français ouvrant
punctuation » 2356             guillemet français fermant
punctuation [ 236               crochet droit ouvrant
punctuation ] 356               crochet droit fermant
punctuation { 23                        accolade de gauche
punctuation } 56                        accolade de droite

sign ¹ 4                                               exposant 1
sign ² 45                                      exposant 2
sign ³ 456                                     exposant 3
sign ¼ 136                     un quart
sign ½ 46                      cent
sign ¾ 1346            trois quarts
sign \X007E   45     #126 ~    tilde

midnum \s 0                                                             espace 
entre les chiffres
midnum , 2
midnum . 256
midnum - 36
hyphen - 36
midnum + 235                                                    plus
midnum = 2356                           égal
midnum / 34
midnum * 35                                             astérisque
midnum : 25
midnum < 23                          inférieur Ã
midnum > 56                          supérieur Ã
endnum # 3456

# Braille indicators
numsign 6  number sign, just a dots operand
capsign 46
begcaps 46-46
firstwordital 456-456
lastworditalbefore 456
firstletterital 456
singleletterital 456
firstwordbold 456-456
lastwordboldbefore 456

litdigit 0 3456                         zéro
litdigit 1 16                                   un
litdigit 2 126                                  deux
litdigit 3 146                                  trois
litdigit 4 1456                         quatre
litdigit 5 156                                  cinq
litdigit 6 1246                         six
litdigit 7 12456                                sept
litdigit 8 1256                         huit
litdigit 9 246                                  neuf

repeated ... 256-256-256                                points de suspension
repeated --- 36-36-36
repeated ___ 456-456-456

always \s--\s 36-36     tiret

include braille-patterns.cti

# liblouis: Unified French 8 dots Braille table
# BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the Linux console (when in
#          text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
# Copyright (C) 1995-2004 by The BRLTTY Team. All rights reserved.
# This is free software, placed under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software
# Foundation.  Please see the file COPYING for details.
# Web Page: http://mielke.cc/brltty/
# This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <dave@xxxxxxxxx>.

# Définitions pour code braille français international unifié
# Par Nicolas Pitre <nico@xxxxxxx>
# Référence: http://www.inlb.qc.ca/apropos/c2003unificationdubraille.aspx
# et Michel Such <michel.such@xxxxxxx>
# mise à jour importante 2012 par Frédéric SCHWEBEL et André-Abush CLAUSE 
# Frédéric SCHWEBEL : ajout du support des signes UTF8 braille (6 et 8 
# André-Abush :
#  -    ajouts du support de multiples signes tels que ´„¤¸ˆ˜œ et bien 
d'autres encore
#  -    Correction pour la retranscription de certains symbole. Par exemple, 
l'espace insécable est maintenant 100% fonctionnelle.
#  -    Désactivation de certaines dirrectives pouvant causer problème.
# Uncontracted Unified French Table
# ----------------------------------
space \s 0                              # blank 32
space \X00A0 7          # no-break space
space \t 8-4568-7              # tab 9
space \x001B 1b         # escape
space \x000A 0          # lf
space \x000D 0          # cr

include digits6DotsPlusDot6.uti
# override zero
digit 0 3456
litdigit 0 3456

include latinLetterDef8Dots.uti

uplow Çç 123467,12346         c cédille
uplow Éé 1234567,123456               e accent aigu

uplow Àà 123567,12356         a accent grave
uplow Èè 23467,2346                   e accent grave
uplow Ùù 234567,23456         u accent grave

uplow Ââ 167,168                              a accent circonflexe
uplow Êê 1267,1268                    e accent circonflexe
uplow Îî 1467,1468                    i accent circonflexe
uplow Ôô 14567,14568                  o accent circonflexe
uplow Ûû 1567,1568                    u accent circonflexe

uplow Ää 34567,34578       a tréma
uplow Ëë 12467,12468                  e tréma
uplow �ï 124567,124568                i tréma
uplow Öö 24678,358         o tréma
uplow Üü 12567,12568                  u tréma
uplow \x009F\x00FF 145678,2568     y tréma

uplow \x008C\x009C 2467,2468     oe liés
uplow \x00C1\x00E1 1235678,123568     a accent aigu
uplow \x00CD\x00ED 347,3478     i accent aigu
uplow \x00D3\x00F3 3467,346     o accent aigu
uplow \x00DA\x00FA 2345678,234568     u accent aigu
uplow \x00DD\x00FD 1345678,134568     y accent aigu

uplow \x00CC\x00EC 2478,248     i accent grave
uplow \x00D2\x00F2 13578,1358     o accent grave
uplow \x00C3\x00E3 178,18     a tilde
uplow \x00D1\x00F1 134578,1245678     n tilde
uplow \x00D5\x00F5 1378,4678     o tilde

punctuation , 2                 virgule
punctuation ; 23                point-virgule
punctuation : 25                deux-points
punctuation - 36                trait d'union
punctuation . 256               point
punctuation ? 26                point d'interrogation
punctuation ! 235               point d'exclamation
punctuation " 2356         guillemt
punctuation ( 236               parenthèse ouvrante
punctuation ) 356               parenthèse fermante
punctuation ' 3                 apostrophe
punctuation \X0091 68   # [left signle quotation mark] (private use one)
punctuation \X0092 37   # [right single quotation mark] (private use two)
punctuation \X0093 378   # [left double quotation mark] (set transmit state)
punctuation \X0094 678   # [right double quotation mark] (cancel character)
punctuation \X2018 68
punctuation \X2019 37
sign \X2022 124578      bullet
sign \X2026 368 8230 MS Word smart ellipsis
punctuation \X00AB 23568   # left-pointing double angle quotation mark
punctuation \X00BB 23567   # right-pointing double angle quotation mark

sign * 35                                               astérisque
sign \\ 348                                             barre oblique invers‚e
sign @ 345                                      arobas
sign % 3468                                     pourcent
sign _ 578                                                              
sign # 34568                                    dièse
sign ^ 4                                        accent circonflexe
sign \X007E   38     #126 ~    tilde
sign \X007C 4568   # vertical bar
sign \X007F 1238   # delete
sign \X0082 67   # [single low-9 quotation mark (break permitted here)
sign \X0083 1248   # [latin small letter f with hook (no break here)
sign \X0084 56   # [double low-9 quotation mark (<control>)
sign \X0085 368   # [horizontal ellipsis (next line)
sign \X0086 3568   # [dagger (start of selected area)
sign \X0087 3567   # [double dagger (end of selected area)
sign \X0088 48   # [modifier letter circumflex accent (character tabulation set)
sign \X0089 34678   # [per mille sign (character tabulation with justification)
sign \X008B 57   # [single left-pointing angle quotation mark] (partial line 
sign \X0095 124578   # [bullet] (message waiting)
sign \X0096 478   # [en dash] (start of guarded area)
sign \X0097 4578   # [em dash] (end of guarded area)
sign \X0098 467   # [small tilde] (start of string)
sign \X0099 23458   # [trade mark sign] (<control>)
sign \x2122 23458               TRADE MARK SIGN
sign \X009B 58   # [single right-pointing angle quotation mark] (control 
sequence introducer)
sign \X00A1 2358   # inverted exclamation mark
sign \X00A2 1478   # cent sign
sign \X00A3 237   # pound sign
sign \X201e 56   #
sign ¤ 45   #
sign ¸ 456   #
sign \x25aa 124578-0   #
sign ´ 5   #
sign \x20ac 1578                EURO SIGN
sign \X00A5 25678   # yen sign
sign \X00A6 458   # broken bar
sign \X00A7 12348   # section sign
sign \X00A8 46   # diaeresis
sign \X00A9 148   # copyright sign
sign \X00AA 1678   # feminine ordinal indicator
sign \X00AC 2567   # not sign
sign \X00AD 78   # soft hyphen
sign \X00AE 12358   # registered sign
sign \X00AF 1348   # macron
sign \X00B0 267   # degree sign
sign \X00B1 3678   # plus-minus sign
sign \X00B2 457   # superscript two
sign \X00B3 4567   # superscript three
sign \X00B5 257   # micro sign
sign \X00B6 45678   # pilcrow sign
sign \X00B7 8   # middle dot
sign \X00B9 47   # superscript one
sign \X00BA 2678   # masculine ordinal indicator
sign \X00BC 1368   # 1 quart
sign \X00BD 468   # 1 demi
sign \X00BE 1478   # 3 quarters
sign \X00BF 268   #*inverted question mark
sign \X00C5 27   #*latin capital letter a with ring above
sign \X00C6 3457   #*latin capital letter ae
sign \X00D0 1278   # latin capital letter eth
sign \X00D7 3578   # multiplication sign
sign \X00D8 345678   # latin capital letter o with stroke
sign \X00DE 24578   # latin capital letter thorn
sign \X00DF 2348   # latin small letter sharp s
sign \X00E5 28   #*latin small letter a with ring above
sign \X00E6 3458   #*latin small letter ae
sign \X00F0 128   # latin small letter eth
sign \X00F7 2578   # division sign
sign \X00F8 568   # latin small letter o with stroke
sign \X00FE 2458   # latin small letter thorn
math + 23578                            plus
math = 235678                           égal
math × 3578                                    multiplié par
math < 238                           inférieur Ã
math > 567                           supérieur Ã
math \x2264 238-235678
math \x2265 567-235678
math / 34                                               barre oblique
math \x0060 6
sign © 148                                                     copyright
sign ° 267                                             degré
sign & 1234568                                      perluète (et commercial)
sign ¢ 1478                                            cent
sign £ 237                                             livre
sign $ 357                                              dollar
sign ¥ 25678                                   yen
punctuation \x2013 478  tiret cadratin
punctuation \x2014 4578 tiret demi-cadratin
punctuation « 23568            guillemet français ouvrant
punctuation » 23567            guillemet français fermant
punctuation \x201c 378
punctuation \x201d 678          guillemet anglais fermant

punctuation [ 23678             crochet droit ouvrant
punctuation ] 35678             crochet droit fermant
punctuation { 2378                      accolade de gauche
punctuation } 5678                      accolade de droite
sign \x0153 2468                                                oe lié
sign \x0152 24678                                               oe lié
sign ¹ 47                                              exposant 1
sign ² 457                                     exposant 2
sign ³ 4567                                    exposant 3
sign \x0007 4568                                        barre verticale
sign ¼ 1368                    un quart
sign ½ 137                     un demi
sign ¾ 134678          trois quarts
sign \x02dc 467
sign \x02c6 48
sign \x2030  34678              pour-mille
sign \x25e6  124578-126-0
sign \xf0e0 36-36-567
sign \xf0f3 238-235678-567
sign \xf0e8 235678-235678-567
sign \xf0e7 238-235678-235678
sign \xf04a 25-356
sign \xf04c 25-36-236
sign \xf0b7 124578
sign \xf0a7 12458
sign \xf0df 238-36-36
sign \x03a0 12348
sign \x0391 18
sign \x0392 128
sign \x2260 235-325678
sign \x221e 2478
sign \x2126 24568
sign \x25cf 35
midnum \s 0                                                             espace 
entre les chiffres
midnum , 2
midnum . 256
midnum - 36
midnum + 23578                                                  plus
midnum / 34
midnum : 25
midnum   7          # no-break space
always   7
#repeated \s 0                                                  espaces
#repeated \t 0                                                  tabulations
#repeated \x00a0 0                                      no-break space
#repeated ... 256-256-256                               points de suspension
#repeated --- 36-36-36
#repeated ___ 578-578-578
#always \s--\s 36-36    tiret

#unicode braille
include braille-patterns.cti

# liblouis: Unified French 6 dots Braille table
# BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the Linux console (when in
#          text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
# Copyright (C) 1995-2004 by The BRLTTY Team. All rights reserved.
# This is free software, placed under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software
# Foundation.  Please see the file COPYING for details.
# Web Page: http://mielke.cc/brltty/
# This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <dave@xxxxxxxxx>.

# Définitions pour code braille français international unifié
# Par Nicolas Pitre <nico@xxxxxxx>
# Référence: http://www.inlb.qc.ca/apropos/c2003unificationdubraille.aspx
# maintenu par Michel Such <michel.such@xxxxxxx>

# mise à jour importante 2012 :
# - ajout des signes de la table française encore non pris en compte pour p456 
p5 p56
# - effacement de la ligne z avec caron car c'étaient les codes des p456 et p5
# Uncontracted Unified French Table
# ----------------------------------

space \s 0                         # blank 32
space \t 9 tab          # 9
space \x001B 1b         # escape
space \x000A 0          # lf
space \x000c 0
space \x000D 0          # cr
space \x00A0 a          # no-break space

include digits6DotsPlusDot6.uti
include latinLetterDef6Dots.uti

# override zero
digit 0 3456
litdigit 0 3456

uplow Çç 12346                c cédille
uplow Éé 123456               e accent aigu
uplow Àà 12356                a accent grave
uplow Èè 2346                 e accent grave
uplow Ùù 23456                u accent grave

uplow Ââ 16                           a accent circonflexe
uplow Êê 126                  e accent circonflexe
uplow Îî 146                  i accent circonflexe
uplow Ôô 1456                 o accent circonflexe
uplow Ûû 156                  u accent circonflexe

uplow Ëë 1246                 e tréma
uplow �ï 12456                i tréma
uplow Üü 1256                 u tréma

uplow \X008C\X009C 246    oe liés
uplow \X0152\X0153 246    oe liés
uplow \x00C1\x00E1 12356     a accent aigu
uplow \x00CD\x00ED 34     i accent aigu
uplow \X00D3\x00F3 346     o accent aigu
uplow \x00DA\x00FA 23456     u accent aigu
uplow \x00DD\x00FD 13456     y accent aigu
uplow \x00CC\x00EC 24     i accent grave
uplow \x00D2\x00F2 135     o accent grave
uplow \x00C4\x00E4 345   a tréma
uplow \x00D6\x00F6 246,35     o tréma
uplow \x009F\x00FF 13456,256     y tréma
uplow \x00C3\x00E3 1     a tilde
uplow \X00D1\x00F1 1345,12456     n tilde
uplow \x00D5\x00F5 13,46     o tilde

punctuation , 2                 virgule
punctuation ; 23                point-virgule
punctuation : 25                deux-points
punctuation . 256               point
punctuation ? 26                point d'interrogation
punctuation ! 235               point d'exclamation
punctuation " 2356         guillemet
punctuation ( 236               parenthèse ouvrante
punctuation ) 356               parenthèse fermante
punctuation ' 3                 apostrophe
punctuation \X0091 6   # [left signle quotation mark] (private use one)
punctuation \X0092 3   # [right single quotation mark] (private use two)
punctuation \X0093 3   # [left double quotation mark] (set transmit state)
punctuation \X0094 6   # [right double quotation mark] (cancel character)
punctuation - 36  # (hyphen)
sign \X200e 0  # (left to right mark)
sign \X200f 0  # (right to left mark)
sign \X2013 4  # (en dash)
sign \X2014 45  # (en dash)
punctuation \X2018 6
punctuation \X2019 3
sign \X201c 3
sign \X201d 6
sign \X2022 1245  # (bullet)
sign \X2026 256 8230    MS Word smart ellipsis
sign \X25cf 35
sign \Xf0b7 1245
punctuation \X00AB 2356
punctuation \X00BB 2356

sign \\ 34                                              barre oblique invers‚e
sign @ 345                                      arobase
sign # 3456                                     dièse
sign ^ 4                                        accent circonflexe
sign % 346                                      pourcent
sign * 35                                               astérisque
sign _ 5                                                                
sign \X201E 56   guillemet bas fermant
sign ¸ 456   #
sign ´ 5   #
sign \X007C 456   # barre verticale
sign \X0082 6   # [single low-9 quotation mark (break permitted here)
sign \X0083 124   # [latin small letter f with hook (no break here)
sign \X0084 56   # [double low-9 quotation mark (<control>)
sign \X0085 36   # [horizontal ellipsis (next line)
sign \X0086 356   # [dagger (start of selected area)
sign \X0087 3567   # [double dagger (end of selected area)
sign \X0088 4   # [modifier letter circumflex accent (character tabulation set)
sign \X0089 346   # [per mille sign (character tabulation with justification)
sign \X008B 5   # [single left-pointing angle quotation mark] (partial line 
sign \X0095 1245   # [bullet] (message waiting)
sign \X0096 4   # [en dash] (start of guarded area)
sign \X0097 45   # [em dash] (end of guarded area)
sign \X0098 46  # [small tilde] (start of string)
sign \X0099 2345        # [trade mark sign] (<control>)
sign \x2122 2345        #       TRADE MARK SIGN
sign \X009B 5   # [single right-pointing angle quotation mark] (control 
sequence introducer)
sign \X00A1 235   # inverted exclamation mark
sign \X00A2 14   # cent sign
sign \X00A3 23   # pound sign
sign \X00A4 45   # euro sign
sign \x20ac 45          EURO SIGN
sign \X00A5 256   # yen sign
sign \X00A6 45   # broken bar
sign \X00A7 1234   # section sign
sign \X00A8 46   # diaeresis
sign \X00A9 14   # copyright sign
sign \X00AA 16   # feminine ordinal indicator
sign \X00AC 256   # not sign
sign \X00AD 0   # soft hyphen
sign \X00AE 1235   # registered sign
sign \X00AF 134   # macron
sign \X00B0 26   # degree sign
sign \X00B1 36   # plus-minus sign
sign \X00B2 45   # superscript two
sign \X00B3 456   # superscript three
sign \X00B5 25   # micro sign
sign \X00B6 456   # pilcrow sign
sign \X00B7 0   # middle dot
sign \X00B9 4   # superscript one
sign \X00BA 26   # masculine ordinal indicator
sign \X00BC 136   # 1 quart
sign \X00BD 46   # 1 demi
sign \X00BE 1346   # latin capital letter y with diaeresis
sign \X00BF 26   #*inverted question mark
sign \X00C5 2   #*latin capital letter a with ring above
sign \X00C6 345   #*latin capital letter ae
sign \X00D0 12   # latin capital letter eth
sign \X00D7 35   # multiplication sign
sign \X00D8 3456   # latin capital letter o with stroke
sign \X00DE 245   # latin capital letter thorn
sign \X00DF 234   # latin small letter sharp s
sign \X00E5 2   #*latin small letter a with ring above
sign \X00E6 345   #*latin small letter ae
sign \X00F0 12   # latin small letter eth
sign \X00F8 56   # latin small letter o with stroke
sign \X00FE 245   # latin small letter thorn

math + 235                              plus
math = 2356                             égal
math × 35                                      multiplié par
math / 34                                               barre oblique
math \x0060 6
math \x00F7 34          divisé par
math < 23                            inférieur Ã
math > 56                            supérieur Ã

sign © 14                                                      copyright
sign ° 26                                              degré
sign & 123456                                       perluète (et commercial)
sign ¢ 14                                              cent
sign ¤ 45                                              euro
sign £ 23                                              livre
sign § 1234                                    paragraphe
sign $ 35                                               dollar
sign ¥ 236                                     yen
punctuation « 2356             guillemet français ouvrant
punctuation » 2356             guillemet français fermant
punctuation [ 236               crochet droit ouvrant
punctuation ] 356               crochet droit fermant
punctuation { 23                        accolade de gauche
punctuation } 56                        accolade de droite

sign ¹ 4                                               exposant 1
sign ² 45                                      exposant 2
sign ³ 456                                     exposant 3
sign ¼ 136                     un quart
sign ½ 46                      cent
sign ¾ 1346            trois quarts
sign \X007E   45     #126 ~    tilde

midnum \s 0                                                             espace 
entre les chiffres
midnum , 2
midnum . 256
midnum - 36
hyphen - 36
midnum + 235                                                    plus
midnum = 2356                           égal
midnum / 34
midnum * 35                                             astérisque
midnum : 25
midnum < 23                          inférieur Ã
midnum > 56                          supérieur Ã
endnum # 3456

# Braille indicators
numsign 6  number sign, just a dots operand
capsign 46
begcaps 46-46
firstwordital 456-456
lastworditalbefore 456
firstletterital 456
singleletterital 456
firstwordbold 456-456
lastwordboldbefore 456

litdigit 0 3456                         zéro
litdigit 1 16                                   un
litdigit 2 126                                  deux
litdigit 3 146                                  trois
litdigit 4 1456                         quatre
litdigit 5 156                                  cinq
litdigit 6 1246                         six
litdigit 7 12456                                sept
litdigit 8 1256                         huit
litdigit 9 246                                  neuf

repeated ... 256-256-256                                points de suspension
repeated --- 36-36-36
repeated ___ 456-456-456

always \s--\s 36-36     tiret

include braille-patterns.cti

# liblouis: Unified French 8 dots Braille table
# BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the Linux console (when in
#          text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
# Copyright (C) 1995-2004 by The BRLTTY Team. All rights reserved.
# This is free software, placed under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software
# Foundation.  Please see the file COPYING for details.
# Web Page: http://mielke.cc/brltty/
# This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <dave@xxxxxxxxx>.

# Définitions pour code braille français international unifié
# Par Nicolas Pitre <nico@xxxxxxx>
# Référence: http://www.inlb.qc.ca/apropos/c2003unificationdubraille.aspx
# maintenu par Michel Such <michel.such@xxxxxxx>

# mise à jour importante 2012 par Frédéric SCHWEBEL et André-Abush CLAUSE 
# Frédéric SCHWEBEL : ajout du support des signes UTF8 braille (6 et 8 
# André-Abush :
#  -    ajouts du support de multiples signes tels que ´„¤¸ˆ˜œ et bien 
d'autres encore
#  -    Correction pour la retranscription de certains symbole. Par exemple, 
l'espace insécable est maintenant 100% fonctionnelle.
#  -    Désactivation de certaines dirrectives pouvant causer problème.
# Uncontracted Unified French Table
# ----------------------------------
undefined 0
space \s 0                              # blank 32
space \X00A0 7          # no-break space
space \t 138              # tab 9
space \x001B 1b         # escape
space \x000A 0          # lf
space \x000D 0          # cr

include digits6DotsPlusDot6.uti

include latinLetterDef8Dots.uti
# override zero
digit 0 3456
litdigit 0 3456

uplow Çç 123467,12346         c cédille
uplow \x00C1\x00E1 1235678,123568               a accent aigu
uplow Éé 1234567,123456               e accent aigu
uplow \x00CD\x00ED 347,3478             i accent aigu
uplow \x00D3\x00F3 3467,346             o accent aigu
uplow \x00DA\x00FA 2345678,234568               u accent aigu
uplow \x00DD\x00FD 1345678,134568               y accent aigu

uplow Àà 123567,12356         a accent grave
uplow Èè 23467,2346           e accent grave
uplow \x00CC\x00EC 2478,248             i accent grave
uplow \x00D2\x00F2 13578,1358           o accent grave
uplow Ùù 234567,23456         u accent grave

uplow Ââ 167,168              a accent circonflexe
uplow Êê 1267,1268            e accent circonflexe
uplow Îî 1467,1468            i accent circonflexe
uplow Ôô 14567,14568          o accent circonflexe
uplow Ûû 1567,1568            u accent circonflexe

uplow Ää 34567,34578          a tréma
uplow Ëë 12467,12468          e tréma
uplow �ï 124567,124568                i tréma
uplow Öö 24678,358            o tréma
uplow Üü 12567,12568          u tréma
uplow \x0178\x00FF 145678,2568          y tréma

uplow \x008C\x009C 2467,2468            oe liés
uplow \x0152\x0153 2467,2468            oe liés

uplow \X0160\x0161 234678,23468         s caron
uplow \X017d\x017e 135678,13568         z caron

uplow \x00C3\x00E3 178,18               a tilde
uplow \x00D1\x00F1 134578,1245678               n tilde
uplow \x00D5\x00F5 1378,4678            o tilde

punctuation , 2         virgule
punctuation ; 23                point-virgule
punctuation : 25                deux-points
punctuation - 36                trait d'union
punctuation . 256               point
punctuation \X2026 368  8230 MS Word smart ellipsis
punctuation ? 26                point d'interrogation
punctuation ! 235               point d'exclamation
punctuation " 2356         guillemet
punctuation ( 236               parenthèse ouvrante
punctuation ) 356               parenthèse fermante
punctuation ' 3         apostrophe
punctuation \X0091 68   # [left signle quotation mark] (private use one)
punctuation \X0092 37   # [right single quotation mark] (private use two)
punctuation \X0093 378   # [left double quotation mark] (set transmit state)
punctuation \X0094 678   # [right double quotation mark] (cancel character)
punctuation \X2018 68
punctuation \X2019 37
punctuation \X00AB 23568   # left-pointing double angle quotation mark
punctuation \X00BB 23567   # right-pointing double angle quotation mark
punctuation \x2013 478  tiret cadratin
punctuation \x2014 4578 tiret demi-cadratin
punctuation « 23568            guillemet français ouvrant
punctuation » 23567            guillemet français fermant
punctuation \x201c 378
punctuation \x201d 678          guillemet anglais fermant
punctuation [ 23678             crochet droit ouvrant
punctuation ] 35678             crochet droit fermant
punctuation { 2378                      accolade de gauche
punctuation } 5678                      accolade de droite

sign * 35                                               astérisque
sign \\ 348                                             barre oblique inversée
sign @ 345                                      arobas
sign % 3468                                     pourcent
sign _ 578                                                              
sign # 34568                                    dièse
sign ^ 4                                        accent circonflexe
sign ¤ 45   #
sign ¸ 456   #
sign ´ 5   #
sign © 148                                                     copyright
sign ° 267                                             degré
sign & 1234568                                      perluète (et commercial)
sign ¢ 1478                                            cent
sign £ 237                                             livre
sign $ 357                                              dollar
sign ¥ 25678                                   yen
sign ¹ 47                                              exposant 1
sign ² 457                                     exposant 2
sign ³ 4567                                    exposant 3
sign ¼ 1368                    un quart
sign ½ 137                     un demi
sign ¾ 134678          trois quarts

sign \X007E   38     #126 ~    tilde
sign \X007C 4568   # vertical bar
sign \X007F 1238   # delete
sign \X0082 67   # [single low-9 quotation mark (break permitted here)
sign \X0083 1248   # [latin small letter f with hook (no break here)
sign \X0084 56   # [double low-9 quotation mark (<control>)
sign \X0085 368   # [horizontal ellipsis (next line)
sign \X0086 3568   # [dagger (start of selected area)
sign \X0087 3567   # [double dagger (end of selected area)
sign \X0088 48   # [modifier letter circumflex accent (character tabulation set)
sign \X0089 34678   # [per mille sign (character tabulation with justification)
sign \X008B 57   # [single left-pointing angle quotation mark] (partial line 
sign \X0095 124578   # [bullet] (message waiting)
sign \X0096 478   # [en dash] (start of guarded area)
sign \X0097 4578   # [em dash] (end of guarded area)
sign \X0098 467   # [small tilde] (start of string)
sign \X0099 23458   # [trade mark sign] (<control>)
sign \X009B 58   # [single right-pointing angle quotation mark] (control 
sequence introducer)
sign \X00A1 2358   # inverted exclamation mark
sign \X00A2 1478   # cent sign
sign \X00A3 237   # pound sign
sign \X00A5 25678   # yen sign
sign \X00A6 458   # broken bar
sign \X00A7 12348   # section sign
sign \X00A8 46   # diaeresis
sign \X00A9 148   # copyright sign
sign \X00AA 1678   # feminine ordinal indicator
sign \X00AC 2567   # not sign
sign \X00AD 78   # soft hyphen
sign \X00AE 12358   # registered sign
sign \X00AF 1348   # macron
sign \X00B0 267   # degree sign
sign \X00B1 3678   # plus-minus sign
sign \X00B2 457   # superscript two
sign \X00B3 4567   # superscript three
sign \X00B5 257   # micro sign
sign \X00B6 45678   # pilcrow sign
sign \X00B7 8   # middle dot
sign \X00B9 47   # superscript one
sign \X00BA 2678   # masculine ordinal indicator
sign \X00BC 1368   # 1 quart
sign \X00BD 468   # 1 demi
sign \X00BE 1478   # 3 quarters
sign \X00BF 268   #*inverted question mark
sign \X00C5 27   #*latin capital letter a with ring above
sign \X00C6 3457   #*latin capital letter ae
sign \X00D0 1278   # latin capital letter eth
sign \X00D7 3578   # multiplication sign
sign \X00D8 345678   # latin capital letter o with stroke
sign \X00DE 24578   # latin capital letter thorn
sign \X00DF 2348   # latin small letter sharp s
sign \X00E5 28   #*latin small letter a with ring above
sign \X00E6 3458   #*latin small letter ae
sign \X00F0 128   # latin small letter eth
sign \X00F8 568   # latin small letter o with stroke
sign \X00FE 2458   # latin small letter thorn
sign \X0192 1248                f hameçon min.
sign \X2020 3568   #
sign \X201a 67   #
sign \X201e 56   #
sign \X2021 3567   #
sign \X2022 124578              puce
sign \X2039 57   #
sign \X203a 58   #
sign \x20ac 1578                EURO SIGN
sign \x2122 23458               TRADE MARK SIGN
sign \x25a0 12345678-0   #
sign \x25aa 124578-0   #

math + 23578                            plus
math = 235678                           égal
math × 3578                                    multiplié par
math \X00F7 2578   # division sign
math < 238                           inférieur Ã
math > 567                           supérieur Ã
math \x2264 238-235678
math \x2265 567-235678
math / 34                                               barre oblique
math \x0060 6

sign \x0007 4568                                        barre verticale
sign \x02dc 467
sign \x02c6 48
sign \x2030  34678              pour-mille
sign \x25e6  124578-126-0
sign \xf0e0 36-36-567
sign \xf0f3 238-235678-567
sign \xf0e8 235678-235678-567
sign \xf0e7 238-235678-235678
sign \xf04a 25-356
sign \xf04c 25-36-236
sign \xf0b7 124578
sign \xf0a7 12458
sign \xf0df 238-36-36
sign \x03a0 12348
sign \x0391 18
sign \x0392 128
sign \x2260 235-325678
sign \x221e 2478
sign \x2126 24568
sign \x25cf 35

midnum \s 0                                                             espace 
entre les chiffres
midnum , 2
midnum . 256
midnum - 36
midnum + 23578                                                  plus
midnum / 34
midnum : 25
midnum   7          # no-break space
always   7
#repeated \s 0                                                  espaces
#repeated \t 0                                                  tabulations
#repeated \x00a0 0                                      no-break space
#repeated ... 256-256-256                               points de suspension
#repeated --- 36-36-36
#repeated ___ 578-578-578
#always \s--\s 36-36    tiret

#unicode braille
include braille-patterns.cti

For a description of the software, to download it and links to
project pages go to http://www.abilitiessoft.com

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