Diploma Mill Police Blow Whistle on Fake Online Colleges - free online resource

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Article Release ~ October 14, 2004
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Diploma Mill Police Blow Whistle on Fake Online Colleges

"If you're got email you've received a pitch from a fraudulent online
college or a diploma mill in the last 30 days," assures online degree
expert Vicky Phillips.

Diploma mills are bogus online universities that sell college diplomas ~
the piece of paper itself rather than the educational experience ~ to any
applicant who presents a valid credit card.

Phillips, CEO of America's leading online degree clearinghouse,
GetEducated.com, LLC, personally receives hundreds of solicitations from
fake online colleges each week.  In response, her company has launched a
new free online service, The Diploma Mill Police (SM).

She warns consumers to be extremely careful when shopping for an online
degree. "More than 100 fake online colleges offer consumers a chance to
"earn" bogus college credentials ranging from associate degrees in computer
science to doctorates in medicine.  We have chartered the Diploma Mill
Police in an effort to help consumers get educated about how to spot and
avoid these fake universities."

"A college degree is the second most expensive purchase consumers will make
in their lifetime," warns the distance learning expert, "second only to
their home mortgage. And in today's economic climate it is entirely
possibly to spend more for a college degree than many will for a home. The
sale of bogus online degrees, at an average cost of less than five hundred
dollars per diploma, has become a multi-million dollar business."

"The Internet is an especially dangerous place to shop for a college,"
reveals Phillips. "Search engines are feeding prospective students to
online degree mills at an alarming rate.  Search engines and online college
portals accept listings from colleges without screening for accreditation.
People trust their favorite search engine, and they trust higher education
portals. Few ever think to question the legitimacy of a college."

Consumers wishing to verify the accreditation of any online in the USA can
consult with the Diploma Mill Police free online at

The Diploma Mill Police have responded to more than 75 queries in their
first 30 days of charter service.  According to a company spokesperson more
than half the queries have involved fake colleges that are, perhaps
predictably enough, accredited by fake agencies.


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  • » Diploma Mill Police Blow Whistle on Fake Online Colleges - free online resource