[ibis-macro] The three issues that need to be addressed, what are they?

  • From: "Walter Katz" <wkatz@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "IBIS-ATM" <ibis-macro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 19:37:25 -0500


I think that Arpad’s three top level issues are exactly right:

1)  assigning models to the system
2)  how do you simulate them
3)  how to interpret the simulation results

I think the next step is to find out what the models need to do, and “how do
you simulate with them”. One thing that we need to know for a model are what
the ports are. We know that we will always need Vddq, Vssq, pad, and
depending on the model also require enable, stimulus and output nodes, and
there will be optional nodes for additional supplies, and possibly control
logic. Obviously one task is to identify the nodes and how to hook them up.
But the more important question is what is the model expected to do? One
possible answer is to predict, based on the past and current values of
voltages and currents at each of the nodes, the voltages and currents
generated by the model. It can do this in the “.subckt” sense as being able
to be hooked up to a classic spice netlist in a classic spice simulator
(essential the “B” element”), or it can return intelligent information such
as equation based impedance, The model could return frequency domain as well
as time domain kinds of information. I am far from being authoritative on
the requirements of the “model”, but I think these requirements need to be
defined. Once the requirements are defined then we can evaluate
parameter-based solutions, equation-based solutions, language-based
solutions and procedure-based solutions.


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