[hipl-dev] [Branch ~hipl-core/hipl/trunk] Rev 6381: Merge lp:~ptman/hipl/tests.

  • From: noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: HIPL core team <hipl-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2012 17:36:12 -0000

Merge authors:
  Paul Tötterman (ptman)
Related merge proposals:
  proposed by: Paul Tötterman (ptman)
  review: Approve - Miika Komu (miika-iki)
revno: 6381 [merge]
committer: Paul Tötterman <paul.totterman@xxxxxx>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Sat 2012-04-28 20:32:20 +0300
  Merge lp:~ptman/hipl/tests.
  Modularize hipdnsproxy to ease testing.
  Remove dead code with unreliable test.
  Replace getopt with optparse. (and remove unused options)
  Replace homegrown Logger with stdlib module logging.


Your team HIPL core team is subscribed to branch lp:hipl.
To unsubscribe from this branch go to 
=== modified file 'Makefile.am'
--- Makefile.am 2012-04-27 21:01:44 +0000
+++ Makefile.am 2012-04-28 15:51:10 +0000
@@ -272,7 +272,8 @@
 tools_hipdnskeyparse_PYTHON = tools/hipdnskeyparse/myasn.py
-tools_hipdnsproxy_PYTHON = tools/hipdnsproxy/hosts.py                   \
+tools_hipdnsproxy_PYTHON = tools/hipdnsproxy/dnsproxy.py                \
+                           tools/hipdnsproxy/hosts.py                   \
 tools_hipdnskeyparsedir = $(pythondir)/hipdnskeyparse

=== added file 'tools/hipdnsproxy/dnsproxy.py'
--- tools/hipdnsproxy/dnsproxy.py       1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ tools/hipdnsproxy/dnsproxy.py       2012-04-28 15:58:42 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2012 Aalto University and RWTH Aachen University.
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+# files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+# restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+# copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+# conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+"""HIP name look-up daemon for HIPL hosts file and DNS servers."""
+# Usage: Basic usage without any command line options.
+#        See getopt() for the options.
+# Working test cases with hipdnsproxy
+# - Interoperates with libc and dnsmasq
+# - Resolvconf(on/off) + dnsmasq (on/off)
+#    - initial look up (check HIP and non-hip look up)
+#      - check that ctrl+c restores /etc/resolv.conf
+#    - change access network (check HIP and non-hip look up)
+#      - check that ctrl+c restores /etc/resolv.conf
+# - Watch out for cached entries! Restart dnmasq and hipdnsproxy after
+#   each test.
+# - Test name resolution with following methods:
+#   - Non-HIP records
+#   - Hostname to HIT resolution
+#     - HITs and LSIs from /etc/hip/hosts
+#     - On-the-fly generated LSI; HIT either from from DNS or hosts
+#     - HI records from DNS
+#   - PTR records: maps HITs to hostnames from /etc/hip/hosts
+# Actions to resolv.conf files and dnsproxy hooking:
+# - Dnsmasq=on, revolvconf=on: only hooks dnsmasq
+# - Dnsmasq=off, revolvconf=on: rewrites /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf
+# - Dnsmasq=on, revolvconf=off: hooks dnsmasq and rewrites /etc/resolv.conf
+# - Dnsmasq=off, revolvconf=off: rewrites /etc/resolv.conf
+# TBD:
+# - rewrite the code to more object oriented
+# - the use of alternative (multiple) dns servers
+# - implement TTLs for cache
+#   - applicable to HITs, LSIs and IP addresses
+#   - host files: forever (purged when the file is changed)
+#   - dns records: follow DNS TTL
+# - bind to ::1, not (setsockopt blah blah)
+# - remove hardcoded addresses from ifconfig commands
+# - compatibility with "unbound"
+import copy
+import errno
+import fileinput
+import logging
+import logging.handlers
+import os
+import re
+import select
+import signal
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+#local imports
+# prepending (instead of appending) to make sure hosts.py does not
+# collide with the system default
+import hosts
+import util
+from DNS import Serialize, DeSerialize
+DEFAULT_HOSTS = '/etc/hosts'
+LSI_RE = re.compile(r'(?P<lsi>1\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)')
+def usage(unused_utyp, *msg):
+    """Print usage instructions and exit."""
+    sys.stderr.write('Usage: %s\n' % os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1])
+    if msg:
+        sys.stderr.write('Error: %r\n' % msg)
+    sys.exit(1)
+# Done: forking affects this. Fixed in forkme
+MYID = '%d-%d' % (time.time(), os.getpid())
+def add_hit_ip_map(hit, addr):
+    """Add IP for HIT."""
+    logging.info('Associating HIT %s with IP %s', hit, addr)
+    subprocess.check_call(['hipconf', 'daemon', 'add', 'map', hit, addr],
+                          stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'),
+                          stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+def hit_to_lsi(hit):
+    """Return LSI for HIT if found."""
+    output = subprocess.Popen(['hipconf', 'daemon', 'hit-to-lsi', hit],
+                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                              stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).stdout
+    for line in output:
+        match = LSI_RE.search(line)
+        if match:
+            return match.group('lsi')
+def lsi_to_hit(lsi):
+    """Return HIT for LSI if found."""
+    output = subprocess.Popen(['hipconf', 'daemon', 'lsi-to-hit', lsi],
+                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                              stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).stdout
+    for line in output:
+        match = hosts.HIT_RE.search(line)
+        if match:
+            return match.group('hit')
+def is_reverse_hit_query(name):
+    """Check if the query is a reverse query to a HIT.
+    >>> is_reverse_hit_query('::1')
+    False
+    >>> is_reverse_hit_query('8.e.b.8.b.3.c.9.1.a.0.c.e.e.2.c.c.e.d.0.9.c.'
+    ...                      '9.a.e.')
+    True
+    """
+    if (name.endswith('.') and
+        len(name) == 86):
+        return True
+    return False
+class ResolvConf:
+    """Handle resolv.conf."""
+    re_nameserver = re.compile(r'nameserver\s+(\S+)$')
+    def __init__(self, dnsp, filetowatch=None):
+        self.dnsmasq_initd_script = '/etc/init.d/dnsmasq'
+        if os.path.exists('/etc/redhat-release'):
+            self.distro = 'redhat'
+            self.rh_before = '# See how we were called.'
+            self.rh_inject = '. /etc/sysconfig/dnsmasq # Added by hipdnsproxy'
+        elif os.path.exists('/etc/debian_version'):
+            self.distro = 'debian'
+        else:
+            self.distro = 'unknown'
+        if self.distro == 'redhat':
+            self.dnsmasq_defaults = '/etc/sysconfig/dnsmasq'
+            if not os.path.exists(self.dnsmasq_defaults):
+                open(self.dnsmasq_defaults, 'w').close()
+        else:
+            self.dnsmasq_defaults = '/etc/default/dnsmasq'
+        self.dnsmasq_defaults_backup = (self.dnsmasq_defaults +
+                                        '.backup.hipdnsproxy')
+        if (os.path.isdir('/etc/resolvconf/.') and
+            os.path.exists('/sbin/resolvconf') and
+            os.path.exists('/etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf')):
+            self.use_resolvconf = True
+        else:
+            self.use_resolvconf = False
+        self.use_dnsmasq_hook = False
+        self.resolvconfd = None
+        self.dnsmasq_hook = None
+        self.alt_port = None
+        self.dnsmasq_resolv = '/var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf'
+        self.resolvconf_run = '/etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf'
+        if self.use_resolvconf:
+            self.resolvconf_towrite = '/etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf'
+        else:
+            self.resolvconf_towrite = '/etc/resolv.conf'
+        self.dnsmasq_restart = [self.dnsmasq_initd_script, 'restart']
+        if filetowatch is None:
+            self.filetowatch = self.guess_resolvconf()
+        self.resolvconf_orig = self.filetowatch
+        self.old_rc_mtime = os.stat(self.filetowatch).st_mtime
+        self.resolvconf_bkname = '%s-%s' % (self.resolvconf_towrite, MYID)
+        self.overwrite_resolv_conf = dnsp.overwrite_resolv_conf
+    def guess_resolvconf(self):
+        """Guess the location of the correct resolv.conf file."""
+        if self.use_dnsmasq_hook and self.use_resolvconf:
+            return self.dnsmasq_resolv
+        elif self.use_resolvconf:
+            return self.resolvconf_run
+        else:
+            return '/etc/resolv.conf'
+    def reread_old_rc(self):
+        """Re-read the old resolv.conf."""
+        self.resolvconfd = {}
+        ifile = open(self.filetowatch)
+        for line in ifile.xreadlines():
+            line = line.strip()
+            if 'nameserver' not in self.resolvconfd:
+                match = self.re_nameserver.match(line)
+                if match:
+                    self.resolvconfd['nameserver'] = match.group(1)
+        return self.resolvconfd
+    def set_dnsmasq_hook(self, dnsp):
+        """Set the dnsmasq hook."""
+        self.alt_port = dnsp.bind_alt_port
+        self.use_dnsmasq_hook = True
+        logging.info('Dnsmasq-resolvconf installation detected')
+        if self.distro == 'redhat':
+            self.dnsmasq_hook = ('OPTIONS+="--no-hosts --no-resolv '
+                                 '--cache-size=0 --server=%s#%s"\n' % (
+                                     dnsp.bind_ip, self.alt_port))
+        else:
+            self.dnsmasq_hook = ('DNSMASQ_OPTS="--no-hosts --no-resolv '
+                                 '--cache-size=0 --server=%s#%s"\n' % (
+                                     dnsp.bind_ip, self.alt_port))
+        return
+    def old_has_changed(self):
+        """Return true if the old resolv.conf file has changed."""
+        old_rc_mtime = os.stat(self.filetowatch).st_mtime
+        if old_rc_mtime != self.old_rc_mtime:
+            self.reread_old_rc()
+            self.old_rc_mtime = old_rc_mtime
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def save_resolvconf_dnsmasq(self):
+        """Inject the dnsmasq hook and restart dnsmasq if necessary."""
+        if self.use_dnsmasq_hook:
+            if os.path.exists(self.dnsmasq_defaults):
+                ifile = open(self.dnsmasq_defaults, 'r')
+                line = ifile.readline()
+                ifile.close()
+                if (line.find('server=127') != -1 and
+                    line[:line.find('server=')] ==
+                    self.dnsmasq_hook[:self.dnsmasq_hook.find('server=')]):
+                    logging.info('Dnsmasq configuration file seems to be '
+                                 'written by dnsproxy. Zeroing.')
+                    ofile = open(self.dnsmasq_defaults, 'w')
+                    ofile.write('')
+                    ofile.close()
+                os.rename(self.dnsmasq_defaults,
+                          self.dnsmasq_defaults_backup)
+            dmd = open(self.dnsmasq_defaults, 'w')
+            dmd.write(self.dnsmasq_hook)
+            dmd.close()
+            if self.distro == 'redhat':
+                for line in fileinput.input(self.dnsmasq_initd_script,
+                                            inplace=1):
+                    if line.find(self.rh_before) == 0:
+                        print self.rh_inject
+                    print line,
+            subprocess.check_call(self.dnsmasq_restart,
+                                  stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'),
+                                  stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+            logging.info('Hooked with dnsmasq')
+            # Restarting of dnsproxy changes also resolv conf. Reset timer
+            # to make sure that we don't load dnsproxy's IP address. Otherwise
+            # all DNS requests are blocked when running dnsproxy in
+            # combination with dnsmasq.
+            self.old_rc_mtime = os.stat(self.filetowatch).st_mtime
+        if (not (self.use_dnsmasq_hook and self.use_resolvconf) and
+            self.overwrite_resolv_conf):
+            os.link(self.resolvconf_towrite, self.resolvconf_bkname)
+        return
+    def restore_resolvconf_dnsmasq(self):
+        """Restore old dnsmasq config and restart dnsmasq if necessary."""
+        if self.use_dnsmasq_hook:
+            logging.info('Removing dnsmasq hooks')
+            if os.path.exists(self.dnsmasq_defaults_backup):
+                os.rename(self.dnsmasq_defaults_backup,
+                          self.dnsmasq_defaults)
+            if self.distro == 'redhat':
+                for line in fileinput.input(self.dnsmasq_initd_script,
+                                            inplace=1):
+                    if line.find(self.rh_inject) == -1:
+                        print line,
+            subprocess.check_call(self.dnsmasq_restart,
+                                  stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'),
+                                  stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+        if (not (self.use_dnsmasq_hook and self.use_resolvconf) and
+            self.overwrite_resolv_conf):
+            os.rename(self.resolvconf_bkname, self.resolvconf_towrite)
+            logging.info('resolv.conf restored')
+        return
+    def write(self, params):
+        """Write resolv.conf."""
+        tmp = '%s.tmp-%s' % (self.resolvconf_towrite, MYID)
+        ofile = open(tmp, 'w')
+        ofile.write('# This is written by hipdnsproxy\n')
+        for key, value in params.iteritems():
+            if type(value) is str:
+                value = (value,)
+            for val in value:
+                ofile.write('%-10s %s\n' % (key, val))
+        ofile.close()
+        os.rename(tmp, self.resolvconf_towrite)
+        self.old_rc_mtime = os.stat(self.filetowatch).st_mtime
+    def overwrite_resolvconf(self):
+        """Rewrite the contents of resolv.conf.
+        TODO(ptman): would just changing the mtime suffice?
+        """
+        tmp = '%s.tmp-%s' % (self.resolvconf_towrite, MYID)
+        ifile = open(self.resolvconf_towrite, 'r')
+        ofile = open(tmp, 'w')
+        while True:
+            buf = ifile.read(16384)
+            if not buf:
+                break
+            ofile.write(buf)
+        ifile.close()
+        ofile.close()
+        os.rename(tmp, self.resolvconf_towrite)
+        logging.info('Rewrote resolv.conf')
+    def start(self):
+        """Perform startup routines."""
+        self.save_resolvconf_dnsmasq()
+        if (not (self.use_dnsmasq_hook and self.use_resolvconf) and
+            self.overwrite_resolv_conf):
+            self.overwrite_resolvconf()
+    def restart(self):
+        """Perform restart routines."""
+        if (not (self.use_dnsmasq_hook and self.use_resolvconf) and
+            self.overwrite_resolv_conf):
+            self.overwrite_resolvconf()
+        self.old_rc_mtime = os.stat(self.filetowatch).st_mtime
+    def stop(self):
+        """Perform shutdown routines."""
+        self.restore_resolvconf_dnsmasq()
+        subprocess.check_call(['ifconfig', 'lo:53', 'down'])
+        # Sometimes hipconf processes get stuck, particularly when
+        # hipd is busy or unresponsive. This is a workaround.
+        subprocess.call(['killall', '--quiet', 'hipconf'],
+                        stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w'))
+class DNSProxy:
+    """HIP DNS proxy main class."""
+    re_nameserver = re.compile(r'nameserver\s+(\S+)$')
+    def __init__(self, bind_ip=None, bind_port=None, disable_lsi=False,
+                 dns_timeout=2.0, fork=False, hiphosts=None, hostsnames=None,
+                 overwrite_resolv_conf=True, pidfile=None, prefix=None,
+                 resolv_conf=None, server_ip=None, server_port=None):
+        self.bind_ip = bind_ip
+        self.bind_port = bind_port
+        self.disable_lsi = disable_lsi
+        self.dns_timeout = dns_timeout
+        self.fork = fork
+        self.hiphosts = hiphosts
+        self.hostsnames = hostsnames
+        self.overwrite_resolv_conf = overwrite_resolv_conf
+        self.pidfile = pidfile
+        self.prefix = prefix
+        self.resolv_conf = resolv_conf
+        self.server_ip = server_ip
+        self.server_port = server_port
+        if self.hostsnames is None:
+            self.hostsnames = []
+        self.bind_alt_port = None
+        self.use_alt_port = False
+        self.app_timeout = 1
+        self.hosts_ttl = 122
+        self.sent_queue = []
+        self.rc1 = None
+        self.resolvconfd = None
+        self.hosts = None
+        # Keyed by ('server_ip',server_port,query_id) tuple
+        self.sent_queue_d = {}
+        # required for ifconfig and hipconf in Fedora
+        # (rpm and "make install" targets)
+        os.environ['PATH'] += ':/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin'
+    def add_query(self, server_ip, server_port, query_id, query):
+        """Add a pending DNS query"""
+        key = (server_ip, server_port, query_id)
+        value = (key, time.time(), query)
+        self.sent_queue.append(value)
+        self.sent_queue_d[key] = value
+    def find_query(self, server_ip, server_port, query_id):
+        """Find a pending DNS query"""
+        key = (server_ip, server_port, query_id)
+        query = self.sent_queue_d.get(key)
+        if query:
+            idx = self.sent_queue.index(query)
+            self.sent_queue.pop(idx)
+            del self.sent_queue_d[key]
+            return query[2]
+        return None
+    def clean_queries(self):
+        """Clean old unanswered queries"""
+        texp = time.time() - 30
+        while self.sent_queue:
+            if self.sent_queue[0][1] < texp:
+                # TODO(ptman): test that key is used properly in del
+                key = self.sent_queue[0][0]
+                self.sent_queue.pop(0)
+                del self.sent_queue_d[key]
+            else:
+                break
+        return
+    def read_resolv_conf(self, cfile=None):
+        """Read resolv.conf."""
+        if cfile is None:
+            cfile = self.resolv_conf
+        options = {}
+        ifile = open(cfile)
+        for line in ifile.xreadlines():
+            line = line.strip()
+            if 'nameserver' not in options:
+                match = self.re_nameserver.match(line)
+                if match:
+                    options['nameserver'] = match.group(1)
+        if self.server_ip is None:
+            nameserver = options.get('nameserver', None)
+            self.server_ip = nameserver
+        self.resolvconfd = options
+        return options
+    def parameter_defaults(self):
+        """Missing default parameters."""
+        env = os.environ
+        if self.server_ip is None:
+            self.server_ip = env.get('SERVER', None)
+        if self.server_port is None:
+            server_port = env.get('SERVERPORT', None)
+            if server_port is not None:
+                self.server_port = int(server_port)
+        if self.server_port is None:
+            self.server_port = 53
+        if self.bind_ip is None:
+            self.bind_ip = env.get('IP', None)
+        if self.bind_ip is None:
+            self.bind_ip = ''
+        if self.bind_port is None:
+            bind_port = env.get('PORT', None)
+            if bind_port is not None:
+                self.bind_port = int(bind_port)
+        if self.bind_port is None:
+            self.bind_port = 53
+        if self.bind_alt_port is None:
+            self.bind_alt_port = 60600
+    def hosts_recheck(self):
+        """Recheck all hosts files."""
+        for hostsdb in self.hosts:
+            hostsdb.recheck()
+        return
+    def getaddr(self, ahn):
+        """Get a hostname matching address."""
+        for hostsdb in self.hosts:
+            result = hostsdb.getaddr(ahn)
+            if result:
+                return result
+    def getaaaa(self, ahn):
+        """Get an AAAA record from the hosts files."""
+        for hostsdb in self.hosts:
+            result = hostsdb.getaaaa(ahn)
+            if result:
+                return result
+    def getaaaa_hit(self, ahn):
+        """Get and HIT record from the hosts files."""
+        for hostsdb in self.hosts:
+            result = hostsdb.getaaaa_hit(ahn)
+            if result:
+                return result
+    def cache_name(self, name, addr, ttl):
+        """Cache the name-address mapping with ttl in all hosts files."""
+        for hostsdb in self.hosts:
+            hostsdb.cache_name(name, addr, ttl)
+    def geta(self, ahn):
+        """Get an A record from the hosts files."""
+        for hostsdb in self.hosts:
+            result = hostsdb.geta(ahn)
+            if result:
+                return result
+    def forkme(self):
+        """Daemonize current process."""
+        pid = os.fork()
+        if pid:
+            return False
+        else:
+            # we are the child
+            global MYID
+            MYID = '%d-%d' % (time.time(), os.getpid())
+            loghandler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log',
+                facility=logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_DAEMON)
+            loghandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(
+                'hipdnsproxy[%(process)s] %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'))
+            logging.getLogger().addHandler(loghandler)
+            stdin = file(os.devnull, 'r')
+            stdout = file(os.devnull, 'a+')
+            stderr = file(os.devnull, 'a+', 0)
+            os.dup2(stdin.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno())
+            os.dup2(stdout.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())
+            os.dup2(stderr.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
+            return True
+    def killold(self):
+        """Kill process with PID from pidfile."""
+        try:
+            ifile = open(self.pidfile, 'r')
+        except IOError, ioe:
+            if ioe[0] == errno.ENOENT:
+                return
+            else:
+                logging.error('Error opening pid file: %s', ioe)
+                sys.exit(1)
+        try:
+            os.kill(int(ifile.readline().rstrip()), signal.SIGTERM)
+        except OSError, ose:
+            if ose[0] == errno.ESRCH:
+                ifile.close()
+                return
+            else:
+                logging.error('Error terminating old process: %s', ose)
+                sys.exit(1)
+        time.sleep(3)
+        ifile.close()
+    def recovery(self):
+        """Recover from being harshly killed."""
+        try:
+            ifile = open(self.pidfile, 'r')
+        except IOError, ioe:
+            if ioe[0] == errno.ENOENT:
+                return
+            else:
+                logging.error('Error opening pid file: %s', ioe)
+                sys.exit(1)
+        ifile.readline()
+        bk_path = '%s-%s' % (self.rc1.resolvconf_towrite,
+                             ifile.readline().rstrip())
+        if os.path.exists(bk_path):
+            logging.info('resolv.conf backup found. Restoring.')
+            tmp = self.rc1.resolvconf_bkname
+            self.rc1.resolvconf_bkname = bk_path
+            self.rc1.restore_resolvconf_dnsmasq()
+            self.rc1.resolvconf_bkname = tmp
+        ifile.close()
+    def savepid(self):
+        """Write PID and MYID to pidfile."""
+        try:
+            ofile = open(self.pidfile, 'w')
+        except IOError, ioe:
+            logging.error('Error opening pid file for writing: %s', ioe)
+            sys.exit(1)
+        ofile.write('%d\n' % (os.getpid(),))
+        ofile.write('%s\n' % MYID)
+        ofile.close()
+    def write_local_hits_to_hosts(self):
+        """Add local HITs to the hosts files.
+        Otherwise certain services (sendmail, cups, httpd) timeout when they
+        are started and they query the local HITs from the DNS.
+        FIXME: should we really write the local hits to a file rather than just
+        adding them to the cache?
+        """
+        localhit = []
+        proc = subprocess.Popen(['ifconfig', 'dummy0'],
+                                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).stdout
+        result = proc.readline()
+        while result:
+            start = result.find('2001:1')
+            end = result.find('/28')
+            if start != -1 and end != -1:
+                hit = result[start:end]
+                if not self.getaddr(hit):
+                    localhit.append(hit)
+            result = proc.readline()
+        proc.close()
+        ofile = open(self.hiphosts, 'a')
+        for i in range(len(localhit)):
+            ofile.write('%s\tlocalhit%s\n' % (localhit[i], i + 1))
+        ofile.close()
+    def hip_cache_lookup(self, packet):
+        """Make a cache lookup."""
+        result = None
+        qname = packet['questions'][0][0]
+        qtype = packet['questions'][0][1]
+        if self.prefix and qname.startswith(self.prefix):
+            qname = qname[len(self.prefix):]
+        # convert 1.2.... to a HIT and
+        # map host name to address from cache
+        if qtype == 12:
+            lr_ptr = None
+            addr_str = hosts.ptr_to_addr(qname)
+            if (not self.disable_lsi and addr_str is not None and
+                hosts.valid_lsi(addr_str)):
+                addr_str = lsi_to_hit(addr_str)
+            lr_ptr = self.getaddr(addr_str)
+            lr_aaaa_hit = None
+        else:
+            lr_a = self.geta(qname)
+            lr_aaaa = self.getaaaa(qname)
+            lr_aaaa_hit = self.getaaaa_hit(qname)
+        if (lr_aaaa_hit is not None and
+            (not self.prefix or
+             packet['questions'][0][0].startswith(self.prefix))):
+            if lr_a is not None:
+                add_hit_ip_map(lr_aaaa_hit[0], lr_a[0])
+            if lr_aaaa is not None:
+                add_hit_ip_map(lr_aaaa_hit[0], lr_aaaa[0])
+            if qtype == 28:               # 28: AAAA
+                result = lr_aaaa_hit
+            elif qtype == 1 and not self.disable_lsi:  # 1: A
+                lsi = hit_to_lsi(lr_aaaa_hit[0])
+                if lsi is not None:
+                    result = (lsi, lr_aaaa_hit[1])
+        elif self.prefix and packet['questions'][0][0].startswith(self.prefix):
+            result = None
+        elif qtype == 28:
+            result = lr_aaaa
+        elif qtype == 1:
+            result = lr_a
+        elif qtype == 12 and lr_ptr is not None:  # 12: PTR
+            result = (lr_ptr, self.hosts_ttl)
+        if result is not None:
+            packet['answers'].append([packet['questions'][0][0], qtype, 1,
+                                     result[1], result[0]])
+            packet['ancount'] = len(packet['answers'])
+            packet['qr'] = 1
+            return True
+        return False
+    def hip_lookup(self, packet):
+        """Make a lookup."""
+        qname = packet['questions'][0][0]
+        qtype = packet['questions'][0][1]
+        dns_hit_found = False
+        for answer in packet['answers']:
+            if answer[1] == 55:
+                dns_hit_found = True
+                break
+        lsi = None
+        hit_found = dns_hit_found is not None
+        if hit_found:
+            hit_ans = []
+            lsi_ans = []
+            for answer in packet['answers']:
+                if answer[1] != 55:
+                    continue
+                hit = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, answer[7])
+                hit_ans.append([qname, 28, 1, answer[3], hit])
+                if qtype == 1 and not self.disable_lsi:
+                    lsi = hit_to_lsi(hit)
+                    if lsi is not None:
+                        lsi_ans.append([qname, 1, 1, self.hosts_ttl, lsi])
+                self.cache_name(qname, hit, answer[3])
+        if qtype == 28 and hit_found:
+            packet['answers'] = hit_ans
+        elif lsi is not None:
+            packet['answers'] = lsi_ans
+        else:
+            packet['answers'] = []
+        packet['ancount'] = len(packet['answers'])
+    def mainloop(self, unused_args):
+        """HIP DNS proxy main loop."""
+        connected = False
+        logging.info('Dns proxy for HIP started')
+        self.parameter_defaults()
+        # Default virtual interface and address for dnsproxy to
+        # avoid problems with other dns forwarders (e.g. dnsmasq)
+        os.system("ifconfig lo:53 %s" % (self.bind_ip,))
+        servsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+        try:
+            servsock.bind((self.bind_ip, self.bind_port))
+        except socket.error:
+            logging.info('Port %d occupied, falling back to port %d',
+                         self.bind_port, self.bind_alt_port)
+            servsock.bind((self.bind_ip, self.bind_alt_port))
+            self.use_alt_port = True
+        servsock.settimeout(self.app_timeout)
+        rc1 = self.rc1
+        if self.use_alt_port and os.path.exists(rc1.dnsmasq_defaults):
+            rc1.set_dnsmasq_hook(self)
+        if rc1.use_dnsmasq_hook and rc1.use_resolvconf:
+            conf_file = rc1.guess_resolvconf()
+        else:
+            conf_file = None
+        if conf_file is not None:
+            logging.info('Using conf file %s', conf_file)
+        self.read_resolv_conf(conf_file)
+        if self.server_ip is not None:
+            logging.info('DNS server is %s', self.server_ip)
+        self.hosts = []
+        if self.hostsnames:
+            for hostsname in self.hostsnames:
+                self.hosts.append(hosts.Hosts(hostsname))
+        else:
+            if os.path.exists(self.hiphosts):
+                self.hosts.append(hosts.Hosts(self.hiphosts))
+        if os.path.exists(DEFAULT_HOSTS):
+            self.hosts.append(hosts.Hosts(DEFAULT_HOSTS))
+        self.write_local_hits_to_hosts()
+        util.init_wantdown()
+        util.init_wantdown_int()        # Keyboard interrupts
+        rc1.start()
+        if (not (rc1.use_dnsmasq_hook and rc1.use_resolvconf) and
+            self.overwrite_resolv_conf):
+            rc1.write({'nameserver': self.bind_ip})
+        if self.server_ip is not None:
+            if self.server_ip.find(':') == -1:
+                server_family = socket.AF_INET
+            else:
+                server_family = socket.AF_INET6
+            clisock = socket.socket(server_family, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+            clisock.settimeout(self.dns_timeout)
+            try:
+                clisock.connect((self.server_ip, self.server_port))
+                connected = True
+            except socket.error:
+                connected = False
+        query_id = 1
+        while not util.wantdown():
+            try:
+                self.hosts_recheck()
+                if rc1.old_has_changed():
+                    connected = False
+                    self.server_ip = rc1.resolvconfd.get('nameserver')
+                    if self.server_ip is not None:
+                        if self.server_ip.find(':') == -1:
+                            server_family = socket.AF_INET
+                        else:
+                            server_family = socket.AF_INET6
+                        clisock = socket.socket(server_family,
+                                                socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+                        clisock.settimeout(self.dns_timeout)
+                        try:
+                            clisock.connect((self.server_ip, self.server_port))
+                            connected = True
+                            logging.info('DNS server is %s', self.server_ip)
+                        except socket.error:
+                            connected = False
+                    rc1.restart()
+                    if (not (rc1.use_dnsmasq_hook and rc1.use_resolvconf) and
+                        self.overwrite_resolv_conf):
+                        rc1.write({'nameserver': self.bind_ip})
+                if connected:
+                    rlist, _, _ = select.select([servsock, clisock], [], [],
+                                                5.0)
+                else:
+                    rlist, _, _ = select.select([servsock], [], [], 5.0)
+                self.clean_queries()
+                if servsock in rlist:          # Incoming DNS request
+                    inbuf, from_a = servsock.recvfrom(2048)
+                    packet = DeSerialize(inbuf).get_dict()
+                    qtype = packet['questions'][0][1]
+                    sent_answer = False
+                    if qtype in (1, 28, 12):
+                        if self.hip_cache_lookup(packet):
+                            try:
+                                outbuf = Serialize(packet).get_packet()
+                                servsock.sendto(outbuf, from_a)
+                                sent_answer = True
+                            except socket.error:
+                                logging.exception('Exception:')
+                    elif (self.prefix and
+                          packet['questions'][0][0].startswith(self.prefix)):
+                        # Query with HIP prefix for unsupported RR type.
+                        # Send empty response.
+                        packet['qr'] = 1
+                        try:
+                            outbuf = Serialize(packet).get_packet()
+                            servsock.sendto(outbuf, from_a)
+                            sent_answer = True
+                        except socket.error:
+                            logging.exception('Exception:')
+                    if connected and not sent_answer:
+                        logging.info('Query type %d for %s from %s',
+                            qtype, packet['questions'][0][0],
+                            (self.server_ip, self.server_port))
+                        query = (packet, from_a[0], from_a[1], qtype)
+                        # FIXME: Should randomize for security
+                        query_id = (query_id % 65535) + 1
+                        pckt = copy.copy(packet)
+                        pckt['id'] = query_id
+                        if ((qtype == 28 or
+                             (qtype == 1 and not self.disable_lsi)) and not
+                            is_reverse_hit_query(packet['questions'][0][0])):
+                            if not self.prefix:
+                                pckt['questions'][0][1] = 55
+                            if (self.prefix and
+                                pckt['questions'][0][0].startswith(
+                                    self.prefix)):
+                                pckt['questions'][0][0] = pckt[
+                                    'questions'][0][0][len(self.prefix):]
+                                pckt['questions'][0][1] = 55
+                        if qtype == 12 and not self.disable_lsi:
+                            qname = packet['questions'][0][0]
+                            addr_str = hosts.ptr_to_addr(qname)
+                            if (addr_str is not None and
+                                hosts.valid_lsi(addr_str)):
+                                query = (packet, from_a[0], from_a[1], qname)
+                                hit_str = lsi_to_hit(addr_str)
+                                if hit_str is not None:
+                                    pckt['questions'][0][0] = \
+                                            hosts.addr_to_ptr(hit_str)
+                        outbuf = Serialize(pckt).get_packet()
+                        clisock.sendto(outbuf, (self.server_ip,
+                                                self.server_port))
+                        self.add_query(self.server_ip, self.server_port,
+                                       query_id, query)
+                if connected and clisock in rlist:   # Incoming DNS reply
+                    inbuf, from_a = clisock.recvfrom(2048)
+                    logging.info('Packet from DNS server %d bytes from %s',
+                        len(inbuf), from_a)
+                    packet = DeSerialize(inbuf).get_dict()
+                    # Find original query
+                    query_id_o = packet['id']
+                    query_o = self.find_query(from_a[0], from_a[1], query_id_o)
+                    if query_o:
+                        qname = packet['questions'][0][0]
+                        qtype = packet['questions'][0][1]
+                        send_reply = True
+                        query_again = False
+                        hit_found = False
+                        packet_o = query_o[0]
+                        # Replace with the original query id
+                        packet['id'] = packet_o['id']
+                        if qtype == 55 and query_o[3] in (1, 28):
+                            # Restore qtype
+                            packet['questions'][0][1] = query_o[3]
+                            self.hip_lookup(packet)
+                            if packet['ancount'] > 0:
+                                hit_found = True
+                            if (not self.prefix or
+                                (hit_found and not (self.getaaaa(qname) or
+                                                    self.geta(qname)))):
+                                query_again = True
+                                send_reply = False
+                            elif self.prefix:
+                                hit_found = True
+                                packet['questions'][0][0] = (
+                                    self.prefix + packet['questions'][0][0])
+                                for answer in packet['answers']:
+                                    answer[0] = self.prefix + answer[0]
+                        elif qtype in (1, 28):
+                            hit = self.getaaaa_hit(qname)
+                            ip6 = self.getaaaa(qname)
+                            ip4 = self.geta(qname)
+                            for answer in packet['answers']:
+                                if answer[1] in (1, 28):
+                                    self.cache_name(qname, answer[4],
+                                                    answer[3])
+                            if hit is not None:
+                                for answer in packet['answers']:
+                                    if (answer[1] == 1 or
+                                        (answer[1] == 28 and not
+                                         hosts.valid_hit(answer[4]))):
+                                        add_hit_ip_map(hit[0], answer[4])
+                                # Reply with HIT/LSI once it's been mapped to
+                                # an IP
+                                if ip6 is None and ip4 is None:
+                                    if (packet_o['ancount'] == 0 and
+                                        not self.prefix):
+                                        # No LSI available. Return IPv4
+                                        tmp = packet['answers']
+                                        packet = packet_o
+                                        packet['answers'] = tmp
+                                        packet['ancount'] = len(
+                                            packet['answers'])
+                                    else:
+                                        packet = packet_o
+                                        if self.prefix:
+                                            packet['questions'][0][0] = \
+                                                    (self.prefix +
+                                                     packet['questions'][0][0])
+                                            for answer in packet['answers']:
+                                                answer[0] = (self.prefix +
+                                                             answer[0])
+                                else:
+                                    send_reply = False
+                            elif query_o[3] == 0:
+                                # Prefix is in use
+                                # IP was queried for cache only
+                                send_reply = False
+                        elif qtype == 12 and isinstance(query_o[3], str):
+                            packet['questions'][0][0] = query_o[3]
+                            for answer in packet['answers']:
+                                answer[0] = query_o[3]
+                        if query_again:
+                            if hit_found:
+                                qtypes = [28, 1]
+                                pckt = copy.deepcopy(packet)
+                            else:
+                                qtypes = [query_o[3]]
+                                pckt = copy.copy(packet)
+                            pckt['qr'] = 0
+                            pckt['answers'] = []
+                            pckt['ancount'] = 0
+                            pckt['nslist'] = []
+                            pckt['nscount'] = 0
+                            pckt['additional'] = []
+                            pckt['arcount'] = 0
+                            for qtype in qtypes:
+                                if self.prefix:
+                                    query = (packet, query_o[1], query_o[2], 0)
+                                else:
+                                    query = (packet, query_o[1], query_o[2],
+                                             qtype)
+                                query_id = (query_id % 65535) + 1
+                                pckt['id'] = query_id
+                                pckt['questions'][0][1] = qtype
+                                outbuf = Serialize(pckt).get_packet()
+                                clisock.sendto(outbuf, (self.server_ip,
+                                                        self.server_port))
+                                self.add_query(self.server_ip,
+                                               self.server_port,
+                                               query_id, query)
+                            packet['questions'][0][1] = query_o[3]
+                        if send_reply:
+                            outbuf = Serialize(packet).get_packet()
+                            servsock.sendto(outbuf, (query_o[1], query_o[2]))
+            except (select.error, OSError), exc:
+                if exc[0] == errno.EINTR:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    logging.exception('Exception:')
+        logging.info('Wants down')
+        rc1.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import doctest
+    doctest.testmod(raise_on_error=True)

=== modified file 'tools/hipdnsproxy/hipdnsproxy.in'
--- tools/hipdnsproxy/hipdnsproxy.in    2012-04-28 09:15:20 +0000
+++ tools/hipdnsproxy/hipdnsproxy.in    2012-04-28 15:58:42 +0000
@@ -1,1112 +1,103 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2012 Aalto University and RWTH Aachen University.
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
-# files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
-# restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
-# copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-# conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-"""HIP name look-up daemon for HIPL hosts file and DNS servers."""
-# Usage: Basic usage without any command line options.
-#        See getopt() for the options.
-# Working test cases with hipdnsproxy
-# - Interoperates with libc and dnsmasq
-# - Resolvconf(on/off) + dnsmasq (on/off)
-#    - initial look up (check HIP and non-hip look up)
-#      - check that ctrl+c restores /etc/resolv.conf
-#    - change access network (check HIP and non-hip look up)
-#      - check that ctrl+c restores /etc/resolv.conf
-# - Watch out for cached entries! Restart dnmasq and hipdnsproxy after
-#   each test.
-# - Test name resolution with following methods:
-#   - Non-HIP records
-#   - Hostname to HIT resolution
-#     - HITs and LSIs from @sysconfdir@/hosts
-#     - On-the-fly generated LSI; HIT either from from DNS or hosts
-#     - HI records from DNS
-#   - PTR records: maps HITs to hostnames from @sysconfdir@/hosts
-# Actions to resolv.conf files and dnsproxy hooking:
-# - Dnsmasq=on, revolvconf=on: only hooks dnsmasq
-# - Dnsmasq=off, revolvconf=on: rewrites /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf
-# - Dnsmasq=on, revolvconf=off: hooks dnsmasq and rewrites /etc/resolv.conf
-# - Dnsmasq=off, revolvconf=off: rewrites /etc/resolv.conf
-# TBD:
-# - rewrite the code to more object oriented
-# - the use of alternative (multiple) dns servers
-# - implement TTLs for cache
-#   - applicable to HITs, LSIs and IP addresses
-#   - host files: forever (purged when the file is changed)
-#   - dns records: follow DNS TTL
-# - bind to ::1, not (setsockopt blah blah)
-# - remove hardcoded addresses from ifconfig commands
-# - compatibility with "unbound"
-import copy
-import errno
-import fileinput
-import getopt
-import os
-import re
-import select
-import signal
-import socket
-import subprocess
+"""HIP DNS Proxy launcher."""
+import logging
+import optparse
 import sys
-import syslog
-import time
-import traceback
-#local imports
-# prepending (instead of appending) to make sure hosts.py does not
-# collide with the system default
 sys.path.insert(0, '@pythondir@/hipdnsproxy')
-import hosts
-import util
-from DNS import Serialize, DeSerialize
-LSI_RE = re.compile(r'(?P<lsi>1\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)')
-def usage(unused_utyp, *msg):
-    """Print usage instructions and exit."""
-    sys.stderr.write('Usage: %s\n' % os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1])
-    if msg:
-        sys.stderr.write('Error: %r\n' % msg)
-    sys.exit(1)
-# Done: forking affects this. Fixed in forkme
-MYID = '%d-%d' % (time.time(), os.getpid())
-def hit_to_lsi(hit):
-    """Return LSI for HIT if found."""
-    output = subprocess.Popen(['hipconf', 'daemon', 'hit-to-lsi', hit],
-                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                              stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).stdout
-    for line in output:
-        match = LSI_RE.search(line)
-        if match:
-            return match.group('lsi')
-def lsi_to_hit(lsi):
-    """Return HIT for LSI if found."""
-    output = subprocess.Popen(['hipconf', 'daemon', 'lsi-to-hit', lsi],
-                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                              stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).stdout
-    for line in output:
-        match = hosts.HIT_RE.search(line)
-        if match:
-            return match.group('hit')
-def is_reverse_hit_query(name):
-    """Check if the query is a reverse query to a HIT.
-    >>> is_reverse_hit_query('::1')
-    False
-    >>> is_reverse_hit_query('8.e.b.8.b.3.c.9.1.a.0.c.e.e.2.c.c.e.d.0.9.c.'
-    ...                      '9.a.e.')
-    True
-    """
-    if (name.endswith('.') and
-        len(name) == 86):
-        return True
-    return False
-class Logger:
-    """Logging to stdout or syslog.
-    TODO(ptman): replace with stdlib module logging.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._write = sys.stdout.write
-        self.flush = sys.stdout.flush
-    def setsyslog(self):
-        """Direct writes to syslog instead of stdout."""
-        syslog.openlog('dnsproxy', syslog.LOG_PID)
-        self._write = syslog.syslog
-        self.flush = lambda *x: None
-    def write(self, msg):
-        """Log message using selected logging backend."""
-        self._write(msg)
-        self.flush()
-class ResolvConf:
-    """Handle resolv.conf."""
-    re_nameserver = re.compile(r'nameserver\s+(\S+)$')
-    def __init__(self, dnsp, filetowatch=None):
-        self.fout = dnsp.fout
-        self.dnsmasq_initd_script = '/etc/init.d/dnsmasq'
-        if os.path.exists('/etc/redhat-release'):
-            self.distro = 'redhat'
-            self.rh_before = '# See how we were called.'
-            self.rh_inject = '. /etc/sysconfig/dnsmasq # Added by hipdnsproxy'
-        elif os.path.exists('/etc/debian_version'):
-            self.distro = 'debian'
-        else:
-            self.distro = 'unknown'
-        if self.distro == 'redhat':
-            self.dnsmasq_defaults = '/etc/sysconfig/dnsmasq'
-            if not os.path.exists(self.dnsmasq_defaults):
-                open(self.dnsmasq_defaults, 'w').close()
-        else:
-            self.dnsmasq_defaults = '/etc/default/dnsmasq'
-        self.dnsmasq_defaults_backup = (self.dnsmasq_defaults +
-                                        '.backup.hipdnsproxy')
-        if (os.path.isdir('/etc/resolvconf/.') and
-            os.path.exists('/sbin/resolvconf') and
-            os.path.exists('/etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf')):
-            self.use_resolvconf = True
-        else:
-            self.use_resolvconf = False
-        self.use_dnsmasq_hook = False
-        self.resolvconfd = None
-        self.dnsmasq_hook = None
-        self.alt_port = None
-        self.dnsmasq_resolv = '/var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf'
-        self.resolvconf_run = '/etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf'
-        if self.use_resolvconf:
-            self.resolvconf_towrite = '/etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf'
-        else:
-            self.resolvconf_towrite = '/etc/resolv.conf'
-        self.dnsmasq_restart = [self.dnsmasq_initd_script, 'restart']
-        if filetowatch is None:
-            self.filetowatch = self.guess_resolvconf()
-        self.resolvconf_orig = self.filetowatch
-        self.old_rc_mtime = os.stat(self.filetowatch).st_mtime
-        self.resolvconf_bkname = '%s-%s' % (self.resolvconf_towrite, MYID)
-        self.overwrite_resolv_conf = dnsp.overwrite_resolv_conf
-    def guess_resolvconf(self):
-        """Guess the location of the correct resolv.conf file."""
-        if self.use_dnsmasq_hook and self.use_resolvconf:
-            return self.dnsmasq_resolv
-        elif self.use_resolvconf:
-            return self.resolvconf_run
-        else:
-            return '/etc/resolv.conf'
-    def reread_old_rc(self):
-        """Re-read the old resolv.conf."""
-        self.resolvconfd = {}
-        ifile = open(self.filetowatch)
-        for line in ifile.xreadlines():
-            line = line.strip()
-            if 'nameserver' not in self.resolvconfd:
-                match = self.re_nameserver.match(line)
-                if match:
-                    self.resolvconfd['nameserver'] = match.group(1)
-        return self.resolvconfd
-    def set_dnsmasq_hook(self, dnsp):
-        """Set the dnsmasq hook."""
-        self.alt_port = dnsp.bind_alt_port
-        self.use_dnsmasq_hook = True
-        self.fout.write('Dnsmasq-resolvconf installation detected\n')
-        if self.distro == 'redhat':
-            self.dnsmasq_hook = ('OPTIONS+="--no-hosts --no-resolv '
-                                 '--cache-size=0 --server=%s#%s"\n' % (
-                                     dnsp.bind_ip, self.alt_port))
-        else:
-            self.dnsmasq_hook = ('DNSMASQ_OPTS="--no-hosts --no-resolv '
-                                 '--cache-size=0 --server=%s#%s"\n' % (
-                                     dnsp.bind_ip, self.alt_port))
-        return
-    def old_has_changed(self):
-        """Return true if the old resolv.conf file has changed."""
-        old_rc_mtime = os.stat(self.filetowatch).st_mtime
-        if old_rc_mtime != self.old_rc_mtime:
-            self.reread_old_rc()
-            self.old_rc_mtime = old_rc_mtime
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def save_resolvconf_dnsmasq(self):
-        """Inject the dnsmasq hook and restart dnsmasq if necessary."""
-        if self.use_dnsmasq_hook:
-            if os.path.exists(self.dnsmasq_defaults):
-                ifile = open(self.dnsmasq_defaults, 'r')
-                line = ifile.readline()
-                ifile.close()
-                if (line.find('server=127') != -1 and
-                    line[:line.find('server=')] ==
-                    self.dnsmasq_hook[:self.dnsmasq_hook.find('server=')]):
-                    self.fout.write('Dnsmasq configuration file seems to be '
-                                    'written by dnsproxy. Zeroing.\n')
-                    ofile = open(self.dnsmasq_defaults, 'w')
-                    ofile.write('')
-                    ofile.close()
-                os.rename(self.dnsmasq_defaults,
-                          self.dnsmasq_defaults_backup)
-            dmd = open(self.dnsmasq_defaults, 'w')
-            dmd.write(self.dnsmasq_hook)
-            dmd.close()
-            if self.distro == 'redhat':
-                for line in fileinput.input(self.dnsmasq_initd_script,
-                                            inplace=1):
-                    if line.find(self.rh_before) == 0:
-                        print self.rh_inject
-                    print line,
-            subprocess.check_call(self.dnsmasq_restart,
-                                  stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'),
-                                  stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-            self.fout.write('Hooked with dnsmasq\n')
-            # Restarting of dnsproxy changes also resolv conf. Reset timer
-            # to make sure that we don't load dnsproxy's IP address. Otherwise
-            # all DNS requests are blocked when running dnsproxy in
-            # combination with dnsmasq.
-            self.old_rc_mtime = os.stat(self.filetowatch).st_mtime
-        if (not (self.use_dnsmasq_hook and self.use_resolvconf) and
-            self.overwrite_resolv_conf):
-            os.link(self.resolvconf_towrite, self.resolvconf_bkname)
-        return
-    def restore_resolvconf_dnsmasq(self):
-        """Restore old dnsmasq config and restart dnsmasq if necessary."""
-        if self.use_dnsmasq_hook:
-            self.fout.write('Removing dnsmasq hooks\n')
-            if os.path.exists(self.dnsmasq_defaults_backup):
-                os.rename(self.dnsmasq_defaults_backup,
-                          self.dnsmasq_defaults)
-            if self.distro == 'redhat':
-                for line in fileinput.input(self.dnsmasq_initd_script,
-                                            inplace=1):
-                    if line.find(self.rh_inject) == -1:
-                        print line,
-            subprocess.check_call(self.dnsmasq_restart,
-                                  stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'),
-                                  stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-        if (not (self.use_dnsmasq_hook and self.use_resolvconf) and
-            self.overwrite_resolv_conf):
-            os.rename(self.resolvconf_bkname, self.resolvconf_towrite)
-            self.fout.write('resolv.conf restored\n')
-        return
-    def write(self, params):
-        """Write resolv.conf."""
-        tmp = '%s.tmp-%s' % (self.resolvconf_towrite, MYID)
-        ofile = open(tmp, 'w')
-        ofile.write('# This is written by hipdnsproxy\n')
-        for key, value in params.iteritems():
-            if type(value) is str:
-                value = (value,)
-            for val in value:
-                ofile.write('%-10s %s\n' % (key, val))
-        ofile.close()
-        os.rename(tmp, self.resolvconf_towrite)
-        self.old_rc_mtime = os.stat(self.filetowatch).st_mtime
-    def overwrite_resolvconf(self):
-        """Rewrite the contents of resolv.conf.
-        TODO(ptman): would just changing the mtime suffice?
-        """
-        tmp = '%s.tmp-%s' % (self.resolvconf_towrite, MYID)
-        ifile = open(self.resolvconf_towrite, 'r')
-        ofile = open(tmp, 'w')
-        while True:
-            buf = ifile.read(16384)
-            if not buf:
-                break
-            ofile.write(buf)
-        ifile.close()
-        ofile.close()
-        os.rename(tmp, self.resolvconf_towrite)
-        self.fout.write('Rewrote resolv.conf\n')
-    def start(self):
-        """Perform startup routines."""
-        self.save_resolvconf_dnsmasq()
-        if (not (self.use_dnsmasq_hook and self.use_resolvconf) and
-            self.overwrite_resolv_conf):
-            self.overwrite_resolvconf()
-    def restart(self):
-        """Perform restart routines."""
-        if (not (self.use_dnsmasq_hook and self.use_resolvconf) and
-            self.overwrite_resolv_conf):
-            self.overwrite_resolvconf()
-        self.old_rc_mtime = os.stat(self.filetowatch).st_mtime
-    def stop(self):
-        """Perform shutdown routines."""
-        self.restore_resolvconf_dnsmasq()
-        subprocess.check_call(['ifconfig', 'lo:53', 'down'])
-        # Sometimes hipconf processes get stuck, particularly when
-        # hipd is busy or unresponsive. This is a workaround.
-        subprocess.call(['killall', '--quiet', 'hipconf'],
-                        stderr=open(os.devnull, 'wb'))
-class DNSProxy:
-    """HIP DNS proxy main class."""
-    default_hiphosts = "@sysconfdir@/hosts"
-    default_hosts = "/etc/hosts"
-    re_nameserver = re.compile(r'nameserver\s+(\S+)$')
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.resolv_conf = '/etc/resolv.conf'
-        self.hostsnames = []
-        self.server_ip = None
-        self.server_port = None
-        self.bind_ip = None
-        self.bind_port = None
-        self.bind_alt_port = None
-        self.use_alt_port = False
-        self.disable_lsi = False
-        self.fork = False
-        self.pidfile = '/var/run/hipdnsproxy.pid'
-        self.kill = False
-        self.overwrite_resolv_conf = True
-        self.logger = Logger()
-        self.fout = self.logger
-        self.app_timeout = 1
-        self.dns_timeout = 2
-        self.hosts_ttl = 122
-        self.sent_queue = []
-        self.prefix = None
-        self.tarfilename = None
-        self.fetchcount = None
-        self.rc1 = None
-        self.resolvconfd = None
-        self.hosts = None
-        # Keyed by ('server_ip',server_port,query_id) tuple
-        self.sent_queue_d = {}
-        # required for ifconfig and hipconf in Fedora
-        # (rpm and "make install" targets)
-        os.environ['PATH'] += ':/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin'
-    def add_query(self, server_ip, server_port, query_id, query):
-        """Add a pending DNS query"""
-        key = (server_ip, server_port, query_id)
-        value = (key, time.time(), query)
-        self.sent_queue.append(value)
-        self.sent_queue_d[key] = value
-    def find_query(self, server_ip, server_port, query_id):
-        """Find a pending DNS query"""
-        key = (server_ip, server_port, query_id)
-        query = self.sent_queue_d.get(key)
-        if query:
-            idx = self.sent_queue.index(query)
-            self.sent_queue.pop(idx)
-            del self.sent_queue_d[key]
-            return query[2]
-        return None
-    def clean_queries(self):
-        """Clean old unanswered queries"""
-        texp = time.time() - 30
-        while self.sent_queue:
-            if self.sent_queue[0][1] < texp:
-                # TODO(ptman): test that key is used properly in del
-                key = self.sent_queue[0][0]
-                self.sent_queue.pop(0)
-                del self.sent_queue_d[key]
-            else:
-                break
-        return
-    def read_resolv_conf(self, cfile=None):
-        """Read resolv.conf."""
-        if cfile is None:
-            cfile = self.resolv_conf
-        options = {}
-        ifile = open(cfile)
-        for line in ifile.xreadlines():
-            line = line.strip()
-            if 'nameserver' not in options:
-                match = self.re_nameserver.match(line)
-                if match:
-                    options['nameserver'] = match.group(1)
-        if self.server_ip is None:
-            nameserver = options.get('nameserver', None)
-            self.server_ip = nameserver
-        self.resolvconfd = options
-        return options
-    def parameter_defaults(self):
-        """Missing default parameters."""
-        env = os.environ
-        if self.server_ip is None:
-            self.server_ip = env.get('SERVER', None)
-        if self.server_port is None:
-            server_port = env.get('SERVERPORT', None)
-            if server_port is not None:
-                self.server_port = int(server_port)
-        if self.server_port is None:
-            self.server_port = 53
-        if self.bind_ip is None:
-            self.bind_ip = env.get('IP', None)
-        if self.bind_ip is None:
-            self.bind_ip = ''
-        if self.bind_port is None:
-            bind_port = env.get('PORT', None)
-            if bind_port is not None:
-                self.bind_port = int(bind_port)
-        if self.bind_port is None:
-            self.bind_port = 53
-        if self.bind_alt_port is None:
-            self.bind_alt_port = 60600
-    def hosts_recheck(self):
-        """Recheck all hosts files."""
-        for hostsdb in self.hosts:
-            hostsdb.recheck()
-        return
-    def getaddr(self, ahn):
-        """Get a hostname matching address."""
-        for hostsdb in self.hosts:
-            result = hostsdb.getaddr(ahn)
-            if result:
-                return result
-    def getaaaa(self, ahn):
-        """Get an AAAA record from the hosts files."""
-        for hostsdb in self.hosts:
-            result = hostsdb.getaaaa(ahn)
-            if result:
-                return result
-    def getaaaa_hit(self, ahn):
-        """Get and HIT record from the hosts files."""
-        for hostsdb in self.hosts:
-            result = hostsdb.getaaaa_hit(ahn)
-            if result:
-                return result
-    def cache_name(self, name, addr, ttl):
-        """Cache the name-address mapping with ttl in all hosts files."""
-        for hostsdb in self.hosts:
-            hostsdb.cache_name(name, addr, ttl)
-    def geta(self, ahn):
-        """Get an A record from the hosts files."""
-        for hostsdb in self.hosts:
-            result = hostsdb.geta(ahn)
-            if result:
-                return result
-    def forkme(self):
-        """Daemonize current process."""
-        pid = os.fork()
-        if pid:
-            return False
-        else:
-            # we are the child
-            global MYID
-            MYID = '%d-%d' % (time.time(), os.getpid())
-            self.logger.setsyslog()
-            return True
-    def killold(self):
-        """Kill process with PID from pidfile."""
-        try:
-            ifile = open(self.pidfile, 'r')
-        except IOError, ioe:
-            if ioe[0] == errno.ENOENT:
-                return
-            else:
-                self.fout.write('Error opening pid file: %s\n' % ioe)
-                sys.exit(1)
-        try:
-            os.kill(int(ifile.readline().rstrip()), signal.SIGTERM)
-        except OSError, ose:
-            if ose[0] == errno.ESRCH:
-                ifile.close()
-                return
-            else:
-                self.fout.write('Error terminating old process: %s\n' % ose)
-                sys.exit(1)
-        time.sleep(3)
-        ifile.close()
-    def recovery(self):
-        """Recover from being harshly killed."""
-        try:
-            ifile = open(self.pidfile, 'r')
-        except IOError, ioe:
-            if ioe[0] == errno.ENOENT:
-                return
-            else:
-                self.fout.write('Error opening pid file: %s\n' % ioe)
-                sys.exit(1)
-        ifile.readline()
-        bk_path = '%s-%s' % (self.rc1.resolvconf_towrite,
-                             ifile.readline().rstrip())
-        if os.path.exists(bk_path):
-            self.fout.write('resolv.conf backup found. Restoring.\n')
-            tmp = self.rc1.resolvconf_bkname
-            self.rc1.resolvconf_bkname = bk_path
-            self.rc1.restore_resolvconf_dnsmasq()
-            self.rc1.resolvconf_bkname = tmp
-        ifile.close()
-    def savepid(self):
-        """Write PID and MYID to pidfile."""
-        try:
-            ofile = open(self.pidfile, 'w')
-        except IOError, ioe:
-            self.fout.write('Error opening pid file for writing: %s' % ioe)
-            sys.exit(1)
-        ofile.write('%d\n' % (os.getpid(),))
-        ofile.write('%s\n' % MYID)
-        ofile.close()
-    def write_local_hits_to_hosts(self):
-        """Add local HITs to the hosts files.
-        Otherwise certain services (sendmail, cups, httpd) timeout when they
-        are started and they query the local HITs from the DNS.
-        FIXME: should we really write the local hits to a file rather than just
-        adding them to the cache?
-        """
-        localhit = []
-        proc = subprocess.Popen(['ifconfig', 'dummy0'],
-                                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).stdout
-        result = proc.readline()
-        while result:
-            start = result.find('2001:1')
-            end = result.find('/28')
-            if start != -1 and end != -1:
-                hit = result[start:end]
-                if not self.getaddr(hit):
-                    localhit.append(hit)
-            result = proc.readline()
-        proc.close()
-        ofile = open(self.default_hiphosts, 'a')
-        for i in range(len(localhit)):
-            ofile.write('%s\tlocalhit%s\n' % (localhit[i], i + 1))
-        ofile.close()
-    def add_hit_ip_map(self, hit, addr):
-        """Add IP for HIT."""
-        self.fout.write('Associating HIT %s with IP %s\n' % (hit, addr))
-        subprocess.check_call(['hipconf', 'daemon', 'add', 'map', hit, addr],
-                              stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'),
-                              stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-    def hip_cache_lookup(self, packet):
-        """Make a cache lookup."""
-        result = None
-        qname = packet['questions'][0][0]
-        qtype = packet['questions'][0][1]
-        if self.prefix and qname.startswith(self.prefix):
-            qname = qname[len(self.prefix):]
-        # convert 1.2.... to a HIT and
-        # map host name to address from cache
-        if qtype == 12:
-            lr_ptr = None
-            addr_str = hosts.ptr_to_addr(qname)
-            if (not self.disable_lsi and addr_str is not None and
-                hosts.valid_lsi(addr_str)):
-                addr_str = lsi_to_hit(addr_str)
-            lr_ptr = self.getaddr(addr_str)
-            lr_aaaa_hit = None
-        else:
-            lr_a = self.geta(qname)
-            lr_aaaa = self.getaaaa(qname)
-            lr_aaaa_hit = self.getaaaa_hit(qname)
-        if (lr_aaaa_hit is not None and
-            (not self.prefix or
-             packet['questions'][0][0].startswith(self.prefix))):
-            if lr_a is not None:
-                self.add_hit_ip_map(lr_aaaa_hit[0], lr_a[0])
-            if lr_aaaa is not None:
-                self.add_hit_ip_map(lr_aaaa_hit[0], lr_aaaa[0])
-            if qtype == 28:               # 28: AAAA
-                result = lr_aaaa_hit
-            elif qtype == 1 and not self.disable_lsi:  # 1: A
-                lsi = hit_to_lsi(lr_aaaa_hit[0])
-                if lsi is not None:
-                    result = (lsi, lr_aaaa_hit[1])
-        elif self.prefix and packet['questions'][0][0].startswith(self.prefix):
-            result = None
-        elif qtype == 28:
-            result = lr_aaaa
-        elif qtype == 1:
-            result = lr_a
-        elif qtype == 12 and lr_ptr is not None:  # 12: PTR
-            result = (lr_ptr, self.hosts_ttl)
-        if result is not None:
-            packet['answers'].append([packet['questions'][0][0], qtype, 1,
-                                     result[1], result[0]])
-            packet['ancount'] = len(packet['answers'])
-            packet['qr'] = 1
-            return True
-        return False
-    def hip_lookup(self, packet):
-        """Make a lookup."""
-        qname = packet['questions'][0][0]
-        qtype = packet['questions'][0][1]
-        dns_hit_found = False
-        for answer in packet['answers']:
-            if answer[1] == 55:
-                dns_hit_found = True
-                break
-        lsi = None
-        hit_found = dns_hit_found is not None
-        if hit_found:
-            hit_ans = []
-            lsi_ans = []
-            for answer in packet['answers']:
-                if answer[1] != 55:
-                    continue
-                hit = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, answer[7])
-                hit_ans.append([qname, 28, 1, answer[3], hit])
-                if qtype == 1 and not self.disable_lsi:
-                    lsi = hit_to_lsi(hit)
-                    if lsi is not None:
-                        lsi_ans.append([qname, 1, 1, self.hosts_ttl, lsi])
-                self.cache_name(qname, hit, answer[3])
-        if qtype == 28 and hit_found:
-            packet['answers'] = hit_ans
-        elif lsi is not None:
-            packet['answers'] = lsi_ans
-        else:
-            packet['answers'] = []
-        packet['ancount'] = len(packet['answers'])
-    def mainloop(self, unused_args):
-        """HIP DNS proxy main loop."""
-        connected = False
-        fout = self.fout
-        fout.write('Dns proxy for HIP started\n')
-        self.parameter_defaults()
-        # Default virtual interface and address for dnsproxy to
-        # avoid problems with other dns forwarders (e.g. dnsmasq)
-        os.system("ifconfig lo:53 %s" % (self.bind_ip,))
-        servsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
-        try:
-            servsock.bind((self.bind_ip, self.bind_port))
-        except socket.error:
-            fout.write('Port %d occupied, falling back to port %d\n' %
-                       (self.bind_port, self.bind_alt_port))
-            servsock.bind((self.bind_ip, self.bind_alt_port))
-            self.use_alt_port = True
-        servsock.settimeout(self.app_timeout)
-        rc1 = self.rc1
-        if self.use_alt_port and os.path.exists(rc1.dnsmasq_defaults):
-            rc1.set_dnsmasq_hook(self)
-        if rc1.use_dnsmasq_hook and rc1.use_resolvconf:
-            conf_file = rc1.guess_resolvconf()
-        else:
-            conf_file = None
-        if conf_file is not None:
-            fout.write("Using conf file %s\n" % conf_file)
-        self.read_resolv_conf(conf_file)
-        if self.server_ip is not None:
-            fout.write("DNS server is %s\n" % self.server_ip)
-        self.hosts = []
-        if self.hostsnames:
-            for hostsname in self.hostsnames:
-                self.hosts.append(hosts.Hosts(hostsname))
-        else:
-            if os.path.exists(self.default_hiphosts):
-                self.hosts.append(hosts.Hosts(self.default_hiphosts))
-        if os.path.exists(self.default_hosts):
-            self.hosts.append(hosts.Hosts(self.default_hosts))
-        self.write_local_hits_to_hosts()
-        util.init_wantdown()
-        util.init_wantdown_int()        # Keyboard interrupts
-        rc1.start()
-        if (not (rc1.use_dnsmasq_hook and rc1.use_resolvconf) and
-            self.overwrite_resolv_conf):
-            rc1.write({'nameserver': self.bind_ip})
-        if self.server_ip is not None:
-            if self.server_ip.find(':') == -1:
-                server_family = socket.AF_INET
-            else:
-                server_family = socket.AF_INET6
-            clisock = socket.socket(server_family, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
-            clisock.settimeout(self.dns_timeout)
-            try:
-                clisock.connect((self.server_ip, self.server_port))
-                connected = True
-            except socket.error:
-                connected = False
-        query_id = 1
-        while not util.wantdown():
-            try:
-                self.hosts_recheck()
-                if rc1.old_has_changed():
-                    connected = False
-                    self.server_ip = rc1.resolvconfd.get('nameserver')
-                    if self.server_ip is not None:
-                        if self.server_ip.find(':') == -1:
-                            server_family = socket.AF_INET
-                        else:
-                            server_family = socket.AF_INET6
-                        clisock = socket.socket(server_family,
-                                                socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
-                        clisock.settimeout(self.dns_timeout)
-                        try:
-                            clisock.connect((self.server_ip, self.server_port))
-                            connected = True
-                            fout.write("DNS server is %s\n" % self.server_ip)
-                        except socket.error:
-                            connected = False
-                    rc1.restart()
-                    if (not (rc1.use_dnsmasq_hook and rc1.use_resolvconf) and
-                        self.overwrite_resolv_conf):
-                        rc1.write({'nameserver': self.bind_ip})
-                if connected:
-                    rlist, _, _ = select.select([servsock, clisock], [], [],
-                                                5.0)
-                else:
-                    rlist, _, _ = select.select([servsock], [], [], 5.0)
-                self.clean_queries()
-                if servsock in rlist:          # Incoming DNS request
-                    inbuf, from_a = servsock.recvfrom(2048)
-                    packet = DeSerialize(inbuf).get_dict()
-                    qtype = packet['questions'][0][1]
-                    sent_answer = False
-                    if qtype in (1, 28, 12):
-                        if self.hip_cache_lookup(packet):
-                            try:
-                                outbuf = Serialize(packet).get_packet()
-                                servsock.sendto(outbuf, from_a)
-                                sent_answer = True
-                            except socket.error, socke:
-                                tbstr = traceback.format_exc()
-                                fout.write('Exception: %s %s\n' % (socke,
-                                                                   tbstr))
-                    elif (self.prefix and
-                          packet['questions'][0][0].startswith(self.prefix)):
-                        # Query with HIP prefix for unsupported RR type.
-                        # Send empty response.
-                        packet['qr'] = 1
-                        try:
-                            outbuf = Serialize(packet).get_packet()
-                            servsock.sendto(outbuf, from_a)
-                            sent_answer = True
-                        except socket.error, socke:
-                            tbstr = traceback.format_exc()
-                            fout.write('Exception: %s %s\n' % (socke, tbstr))
-                    if connected and not sent_answer:
-                        self.fout.write('Query type %d for %s from %s\n' % (
-                            qtype, packet['questions'][0][0],
-                            (self.server_ip, self.server_port)))
-                        query = (packet, from_a[0], from_a[1], qtype)
-                        # FIXME: Should randomize for security
-                        query_id = (query_id % 65535) + 1
-                        pckt = copy.copy(packet)
-                        pckt['id'] = query_id
-                        if ((qtype == 28 or
-                             (qtype == 1 and not self.disable_lsi)) and not
-                            is_reverse_hit_query(packet['questions'][0][0])):
-                            if not self.prefix:
-                                pckt['questions'][0][1] = 55
-                            if (self.prefix and
-                                pckt['questions'][0][0].startswith(
-                                    self.prefix)):
-                                pckt['questions'][0][0] = pckt[
-                                    'questions'][0][0][len(self.prefix):]
-                                pckt['questions'][0][1] = 55
-                        if qtype == 12 and not self.disable_lsi:
-                            qname = packet['questions'][0][0]
-                            addr_str = hosts.ptr_to_addr(qname)
-                            if (addr_str is not None and
-                                hosts.valid_lsi(addr_str)):
-                                query = (packet, from_a[0], from_a[1], qname)
-                                hit_str = lsi_to_hit(addr_str)
-                                if hit_str is not None:
-                                    pckt['questions'][0][0] = \
-                                            hosts.addr_to_ptr(hit_str)
-                        outbuf = Serialize(pckt).get_packet()
-                        clisock.sendto(outbuf, (self.server_ip,
-                                                self.server_port))
-                        self.add_query(self.server_ip, self.server_port,
-                                       query_id, query)
-                if connected and clisock in rlist:   # Incoming DNS reply
-                    inbuf, from_a = clisock.recvfrom(2048)
-                    fout.write('Packet from DNS server %d bytes from %s\n' % (
-                        len(inbuf), from_a))
-                    packet = DeSerialize(inbuf).get_dict()
-                    # Find original query
-                    query_id_o = packet['id']
-                    query_o = self.find_query(from_a[0], from_a[1], query_id_o)
-                    if query_o:
-                        qname = packet['questions'][0][0]
-                        qtype = packet['questions'][0][1]
-                        send_reply = True
-                        query_again = False
-                        hit_found = False
-                        packet_o = query_o[0]
-                        # Replace with the original query id
-                        packet['id'] = packet_o['id']
-                        if qtype == 55 and query_o[3] in (1, 28):
-                            # Restore qtype
-                            packet['questions'][0][1] = query_o[3]
-                            self.hip_lookup(packet)
-                            if packet['ancount'] > 0:
-                                hit_found = True
-                            if (not self.prefix or
-                                (hit_found and not (self.getaaaa(qname) or
-                                                    self.geta(qname)))):
-                                query_again = True
-                                send_reply = False
-                            elif self.prefix:
-                                hit_found = True
-                                packet['questions'][0][0] = (
-                                    self.prefix + packet['questions'][0][0])
-                                for answer in packet['answers']:
-                                    answer[0] = self.prefix + answer[0]
-                        elif qtype in (1, 28):
-                            hit = self.getaaaa_hit(qname)
-                            ip6 = self.getaaaa(qname)
-                            ip4 = self.geta(qname)
-                            for answer in packet['answers']:
-                                if answer[1] in (1, 28):
-                                    self.cache_name(qname, answer[4],
-                                                    answer[3])
-                            if hit is not None:
-                                for answer in packet['answers']:
-                                    if (answer[1] == 1 or
-                                        (answer[1] == 28 and not
-                                         hosts.valid_hit(answer[4]))):
-                                        self.add_hit_ip_map(hit[0], answer[4])
-                                # Reply with HIT/LSI once it's been mapped to
-                                # an IP
-                                if ip6 is None and ip4 is None:
-                                    if (packet_o['ancount'] == 0 and
-                                        not self.prefix):
-                                        # No LSI available. Return IPv4
-                                        tmp = packet['answers']
-                                        packet = packet_o
-                                        packet['answers'] = tmp
-                                        packet['ancount'] = len(
-                                            packet['answers'])
-                                    else:
-                                        packet = packet_o
-                                        if self.prefix:
-                                            packet['questions'][0][0] = \
-                                                    (self.prefix +
-                                                     packet['questions'][0][0])
-                                            for answer in packet['answers']:
-                                                answer[0] = (self.prefix +
-                                                             answer[0])
-                                else:
-                                    send_reply = False
-                            elif query_o[3] == 0:
-                                # Prefix is in use
-                                # IP was queried for cache only
-                                send_reply = False
-                        elif qtype == 12 and isinstance(query_o[3], str):
-                            packet['questions'][0][0] = query_o[3]
-                            for answer in packet['answers']:
-                                answer[0] = query_o[3]
-                        if query_again:
-                            if hit_found:
-                                qtypes = [28, 1]
-                                pckt = copy.deepcopy(packet)
-                            else:
-                                qtypes = [query_o[3]]
-                                pckt = copy.copy(packet)
-                            pckt['qr'] = 0
-                            pckt['answers'] = []
-                            pckt['ancount'] = 0
-                            pckt['nslist'] = []
-                            pckt['nscount'] = 0
-                            pckt['additional'] = []
-                            pckt['arcount'] = 0
-                            for qtype in qtypes:
-                                if self.prefix:
-                                    query = (packet, query_o[1], query_o[2], 0)
-                                else:
-                                    query = (packet, query_o[1], query_o[2],
-                                             qtype)
-                                query_id = (query_id % 65535) + 1
-                                pckt['id'] = query_id
-                                pckt['questions'][0][1] = qtype
-                                outbuf = Serialize(pckt).get_packet()
-                                clisock.sendto(outbuf, (self.server_ip,
-                                                        self.server_port))
-                                self.add_query(self.server_ip,
-                                               self.server_port,
-                                               query_id, query)
-                            packet['questions'][0][1] = query_o[3]
-                        if send_reply:
-                            outbuf = Serialize(packet).get_packet()
-                            servsock.sendto(outbuf, (query_o[1], query_o[2]))
-            except (select.error, OSError), exc:
-                if exc[0] == errno.EINTR:
-                    pass
-                else:
-                    tbstr = traceback.format_exc()
-                    fout.write('Exception: %s\n%s\n' % (os.errno, tbstr))
-        fout.write('Wants down\n')
-        rc1.stop()
-def main(argv):
+import dnsproxy
+HIPHOSTS = '@sysconfdir@/hosts'
+RESOLV_CONF = '/etc/resolv.conf'
+PIDFILE = '/var/run/hipdnsproxy.pid'
+def main():
     """The main function."""
-    dnsp = DNSProxy()
-    try:
-        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:],
-                                   'bkhLf:c:H:s:p:l:i:P:',
-                                   ['background',
-                                    'kill',
-                                    'help',
-                                    'disable-lsi',
-                                    'file=',
-                                    'count=',
-                                    'hosts=',
-                                    'server=',
-                                    'serverport=',
-                                    'ip=',
-                                    'port=',
-                                    'pidfile='
-                                    'resolv-conf=',
-                                    'dns-timeout=',
-                                    'leave-resolv-conf',
-                                    'hip-domain-prefix=',
-                                    ])
-    except getopt.error, msg:
-        usage(1, msg)
-    for opt, arg in opts:
-        if opt in ('-k', '--kill'):
-            dnsp.kill = True
-        elif opt in ('-b', '--background'):
-            dnsp.fork = True
-        elif opt in ('-L', '--disable-lsi'):
-            dnsp.disable_lsi = True
-        elif opt in ('-f', '--file'):
-            dnsp.tarfilename = arg
-        elif opt in ('-c', '--count'):
-            dnsp.fetchcount = int(arg)
-        elif opt in ('-H', '--hosts'):
-            dnsp.hostsnames.append(arg)
-        elif opt in ('--resolv-conf',):
-            dnsp.resolv_conf = arg
-        elif opt in ('-s', '--server'):
-            dnsp.server_ip = arg
-        elif opt in ('-p', '--serverport'):
-            dnsp.server_port = int(arg)
-        elif opt in ('-i', '--ip'):
-            dnsp.bind_ip = arg
-        elif opt in ('-l', '--port'):
-            dnsp.bind_port = int(arg)
-        elif opt in ('--dns-timeout',):
-            dnsp.dns_timeout = float(arg)
-        elif opt in ('-P', '--pidfile'):
-            dnsp.pidfile = arg
-        elif opt in ('--leave-resolv-conf'):
-            dnsp.overwrite_resolv_conf = False
-        elif opt == '--hip-domain-prefix':
-            dnsp.prefix = arg + '.'
+    optparser = optparse.OptionParser()
+    optparser.add_option('-b', '--background', dest='background',
+                         action='store_true', default=False,
+                         help='Fork into background')
+    optparser.add_option('-H', '--hosts', dest='hosts', action='append',
+                         help='hosts file')
+    optparser.add_option('-i', '--ip', dest='bind_ip', action='store',
+                         default=None, help='Bind IP address')
+    optparser.add_option('-k', '--kill', dest='kill', action='store_true',
+                         default=False, help='Kill old instance')
+    optparser.add_option('-l', '--port', dest='bind_port', action='store',
+                         type='int', default=None, help='Bind port')
+    optparser.add_option('-L', '--disable-lsi', dest='disable_lsi',
+                         default=False, action='store_true',
+                         help='Disable LSI')
+    optparser.add_option('-P', '--pidfile', dest='pidfile', action='store',
+                         default=PIDFILE, help='PID file location')
+    optparser.add_option('-s', '--server', dest='server_ip', action='store',
+                         default=None, help='DNS server IP address')
+    optparser.add_option('-p', '--serverport', dest='server_port',
+                         action='store', type='int', default=None,
+                         help='DNS server port')
+    optparser.add_option('-r', '--resolv-conf', dest='resolv_conf',
+                         action='store', default=RESOLV_CONF,
+                         help='resolv.conf location')
+    optparser.add_option('-t', '--dns-timeout', dest='dns_timeout',
+                         action='store', type='float', default=2.0,
+                         help='DNS timeout')
+    optparser.add_option('-d', '--debug', dest='loglevel',
+                         action='store_const', const=logging.DEBUG,
+                         help='Debug logging')
+    optparser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='loglevel',
+                         action='store_const', const=logging.INFO,
+                         help='Verbose logging')
+    optparser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='loglevel',
+                         action='store_const', const=logging.ERROR,
+                         help='Less logging', default=logging.WARNING)
+    optparser.add_option('--leave-resolv-conf', dest='overwrite_rc',
+                         action='store_false', default=True,
+                         help='Leave resolv.conf')
+    optparser.add_option('--hip-hosts', dest='hiphosts', action='store',
+                         default=HIPHOSTS, help='HIP hosts file')
+    optparser.add_option('--hip-domain-prefix', dest='prefix', default=None,
+                         action='store', help='HIP domain prefix')
+    (options, args) = optparser.parse_args()
+    logging.getLogger().setLevel(options.loglevel)
+    loghandler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
+    loghandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(
+        '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'))
+    logging.getLogger().addHandler(loghandler)
+    dnsp = dnsproxy.DNSProxy(bind_ip=options.bind_ip,
+                             bind_port=options.bind_port,
+                             disable_lsi=options.disable_lsi,
+                             dns_timeout=options.dns_timeout,
+                             fork=options.background,
+                             hiphosts=options.hiphosts,
+                             hostsnames=options.hosts,
+                             overwrite_resolv_conf=options.overwrite_rc,
+                             pidfile=options.pidfile,
+                             prefix=options.prefix,
+                             resolv_conf=options.resolv_conf,
+                             server_ip=options.server_ip,
+                             server_port=options.server_port)
     child = False
-    if (dnsp.fork):
+    if (options.background):
+        logging.getLogger().removeHandler(loghandler)
         child = dnsp.forkme()
-    if child or not dnsp.fork:
-        dnsp.rc1 = ResolvConf(dnsp)
-        if dnsp.kill:
+    if child or not options.background:
+        dnsp.rc1 = dnsproxy.ResolvConf(dnsp)
+        if options.kill:
-            if dnsp.overwrite_resolv_conf:
+            if options.overwrite_rc:
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main(sys.argv)
+    main()

=== modified file 'tools/hipdnsproxy/util.py'
--- tools/hipdnsproxy/util.py   2012-04-23 20:14:51 +0000
+++ tools/hipdnsproxy/util.py   2012-04-28 15:51:10 +0000
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 import re
 import signal
 import struct
-import time
 __FLAGS = {'down': False,
            'alarm': False}
@@ -63,20 +62,6 @@
     return random.random()
-def tstamp(when=None):
-    """Return a timestamp formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD-hh.mm.ss.musmus'.
-    >>> tstamp(1000000000)
-    '2001-09-09-'
-    """
-    if when is None:
-        when = time.time()
-    date_time, sec_fract = [int(x) for x in ('%.6f' % when).split('.')]
-    time_st = time.localtime(date_time)
-    return '%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d.%02d.%02d.%06d' % (
-        time_st[:6] + (sec_fract,))
 def sighandler(signum, unused_frame):
     """A signal handler that toggles flags about received signals."""
     if signum == signal.SIGTERM:

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