[openbeos] Re: windows & workspaces

  • From: Linus Almstrom <linalm-7@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2002 21:58:01 +0200

On 2002-08-02 at 09:04:34 [+0200], openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> >However, having all-workspaces windows have separate coordinates on 
> >different workspaces, is just weird, IMO.
>      I COMPLETELY agree!  If it's "one" window, then it should be the 
>      same on 
> every workspace.  But I thought that's already how it worked in BeOS 
> R5...like with BeAIM.  Anyway...

You can get that behaviour for your windows, but the app have to 
manually do the work. The app get a notification that the
workspace is being changed, and then move the window on the
"next" workspace if it is not at the correct location.

It's a pity it's not just a flag, or "state", you could set for 
the window.



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