[openbeos] input_server filter issue

  • From: Michael Phipps <mphipps1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 23:05:32 -0500

I have been working on an input server filter for ScreenSaver. The general 
gist of it is that we add a BMessageRunner to the input_server. It's job is 
to post a message to the Input Server every N seconds (where N is what you 
set in the screen saver preferences app). A BMessageFilter catches that 
message and calls a function checking to see if keys were hit and, if not, to 
invoke screensaver. 

Now, I am sure that I have done something dumb... But my problem is that when 
I create a BMessageFilter and call be_app->AddFilter(filter); 
At that point, the Input Server crashes. So, obviously, I can't do a whole 
lot of debugging. 

I can verify that be_app seems to be valid (and it should be). I can't think 
of any reason that this should fail. 

Here is the relevant code:

SSISFilter::SSISFilter() : enabled(false) {
    timeMsg=new BMessage(timeUp);
    runner=new BMessageRunner(be_app_messenger, timeMsg, pref.BlankTime() 
    filter=new BMessageFilter(timeUp,timeUpFunc);

I am open to thoughts and ideas...

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