[openbeos] Re: distropia

  • From: Adi Oanca <adioanca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 15:52:36 +0200

Jonas Sundström wrote:

Adi Oanca <adioanca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I would want us to be the *only* ones allowed to make and distribute the whole Haiku-OS build.

We've been through tough times, post- Be, Inc.
Do you really want to tie the OS to *only* Haiku, Inc, and risk another apocalypse?

I really doubt that would happen. All our code is free. You can make/submit changes/fixes to make the whole system better. You can get a free version. You can take a lot of code and use it in commercial interest - even I did that with application_kit. All I want is to protect ourselfs from becoming extinct. I don't what the whole system being taken from us.

This is the reason we use an open license, and the MIT license in particular, since we don't want to limit ourselves or others from using Haiku in any way possible.

SURE. I too hate GPL. That is Open Source, NOT Free Source. Haiku has GREAT pieces of software, good design, and well written code. If anyone wants to use it, I encourage them. BUT if someone wants to take our core modules, it threatens our existence. In fact not our as human beings, but Haiku as an organization.

There's also need for a roadmap. For example, people may be turned off by the fact that BeOS isn't fully multiuser. This is where we point them to the roadmap and show them that it is indeed worth it to bet on Haiku now, because of what it will *become*. (sort of like what Microsoft has been doing all along)

As long as Haiku Inc. does not have any hired personnel on whose work it can count, you are not able to provide a roadmap. Look at DarkWyrm how much code he had written before Candace was born, look at Erik Jakowatz how much work be put in application and support kits before his real life (read: money) stopped his momentum. Same goes for me which I wrote code for BWindow&BView and app_server as much as I could because I was a student working for his graduation project. In these these I barely spend 8-10 hours a week writing for Haiku, while blowing my brains out searching and solving bugs at work 8-9 hours a day.

        I kinda' blame the community asking for more of us. They should be 
happy that we're
working on it! If they want MORE, then, they should pay us! I would gladly quit 
my day job for
as little at 1000euros a month, at least until we can ship R1!

I REALLY *DON'T* want others to just take our 4-5 years effort, sell it, improve and then make lots of money out of it while pushing Haiku-OS.org
in the back scene.

The Haiku project could be clobbered (or at least denied our fair share of limelight) by some other player with or without our source, but at the moment
all the big ones seem focused on wrestling each other over Linux.

Anyway, how small a player is a threat? YellowTAB? Looncraz?

Hehe, you're being too superficial. Anywhere from where you can get easy money, there's always an opportunist waiting.

The Haiku project has come pretty far without a revenue flow, so it's not like we've got knives to our throats. (I'm guessing that what motivates our core developers isn't necessarily cash flow, even though it would certainly help.)

Indeed. And we will go like this, and we will have something, someday. But future plans (like we do now) should take into account some revenue. It will further motivate the developers, it will make community more happy for having better products/tools from Haiku Inc.

Bye, Adi.

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