[openbeos] Re: app localization

  • From: "François Revol" <revol@xxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 19:37:51 +0200 CEST

> Stefano D'Angelo<zanga.mail@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I'm going to use GNU gettext, but following this discussion I 
> > wonder
> > whether it is supported by Haiku and why you're thinking about a 
> > new
> > thing (I find gettext simple, integrated and good, I can't find
> > anything wrong with it).
> > Please enlighten me!
> There is nothing wrong with gettext(), and it will work under Haiku 
> as well.

Indeed, it will likely work like it did in Zeta, the LC_LANG vars will 
get exported depending on the system setting, so ported apps will get 
as well, so using gettext() should be transparent to the user.

> It's just a limited approach to localization; it only handles string
> translations. It doesn't know about other localization issues like 
> ordering,
> writing numbers, dates, times, etc.

I'm not so sure of that, I recall reading about all those in the man 
page for the lc* funcs for glibc. It does care about the default time 
format string at least, and others.
Or at least it has provision for the settings, doesn't mean it actually 
handles using them.

> The OpenTracker Locale Kit aims to solve those issues as well - 
> covered
> in a nice and Be-like API.

But it's not finished yet :P

Axel, please turn wrapping on in Be^H^HMail (hey, you're using a 
webmail ??).


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